Sentences with phrase «doctrinal change»

And in an open letter to Mark Shea at the National Catholic Register, one sincere but «jittery» Catholic expressed fear that Francis is «preparing us for doctrinal change
«Those who believed that Pope Francis's pastoral revolution presaged a doctrinal change in terms of marriage and family heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his latest words.»
Lay Catholics were encouraged to take leadership roles in the church, and the church's relationships with the Jewish community and with Protestants improved dramatically after liturgical and doctrinal changes.
Those who believed that Pope Francis» pastoral revolution presaged a doctrinal change in terms of marriage and family heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his latest words.
No doctrinal changes have been proposed, however.
No one expected any doctrinal change: the fight was over what kind of pastoral accommodations would be made.
So there was no doctrinal change of mind needed for his reception into the Catholic Church.
The Court does not expressly address the issue as to whether the doctrinal change is motivated by the CJEU's interpretation of Article 53 of the Charter.
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