Sentences with phrase «eccentric part»

Although you can't use as much weight as you normally do with barbells, you can trigger a stronger growth response by stretching your pectoral muscles on eccentric part of the lift.
Make sure to always perform the negative, eccentric part of the lift in a very slow and controlled manner, and allow for an equally slow and smooth transition to the positive, or concentric portion, but then lift the weight up explosively to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible.
Lowered pull - ups are a great pull - up variation that emphasizes the eccentric part of the movement for maximum back hypertrophy.
You may not know this, but a lifter is much stronger while doing the eccentric part of a lift.
And since the hamstrings react very well to the stimulus provided by eccentric work, you need to really emphasize the eccentric part of hamstring exercises.
Even one of the most widely used techniques, negative reps, which is basically slow execution of the exercise in its eccentric part which causes a great deal of damage to muscle fibers, can become quite ineffective after only a few workout sessions.
Always make sure you execute the exercises with a proper form with a tempo consisting of 3 seconds for the concentric part of the exercise and 4 seconds for the eccentric part, putting a bigger emphasis on the latter.
When performing this exercise, you should focus on performing the eccentric part of the movement as long as possible.
As you might already know, both types of muscle action are equally important for the muscle building process, and muscles actually produce the biggest amount of force during the eccentric part of the movement.
For optimal gains, you need to perform each exercise according to the prescribed tempo code — the first digit refers to how long (in seconds) it should take you to perform the eccentric part of the rep (lower the weight), the second digit indicates how long you should pause at the bottom of the movement, the third how long it should take you to perform the concentric part of the rep (lift the weight) and the fourth tells you how long you should pause at the top portion of the movement.
Once these sets are over, he continues with a fourth set of 12 lifts, with eight seconds in the eccentric part of the movement.
When you're doing the eccentric part of the repetition, make your lats resist gravity as hard as possible so that your muscles will lengthen again with as much control as possible.
Focus on perfecting your form — take it slow on the eccentric part of the movement but perform the concentric portion in an explosive manner.
When doing negative reps, you should find yourself a spotter that will help you during the the concentric part of the movement while you'll do most of the work on the eccentric part by lowering the weight more slowly.
The lowering part is the eccentric part of the movement and the lifting part is the concentric.
There is an interesting fact that when you do the eccentric part of the exercise, the muscle is actually much stronger than in the concentric part.
Before exploring what eccentric exercising really is, we must first determine the three separate phases of a lift, and those are: the concentric part, isometric part, and the eccentric part.
The best way to increase functional strength is by incorporating training with heavy weights on the eccentric part of the exercise.
The concentric part shouldn't be longer than a second and the eccentric part should last around 3 seconds.
One rep should take about 8 seconds to complete — 3 of those should go to the concentric and 4 to the eccentric part, while the top position should be held for one second.
The logical conclusion is to focus on the eccentric part of the movement if you are to elicit a maximal muscular response and growth from your body.
The results showed a similar hypertrophy of type I fibers between the groups after nine weeks of training, but the group who performed slower on the concentric part had greater increases in type II fiber than the group who performed slower on the eccentric part.
The eccentric part is the last part of the exercise where you are lowering the weight in a controlled manner and elongating the targeted muscle slowly.
The eccentric part of the exercise is when the worked muscle lengthens, and concentric is when it shortens (or contracts).
Negative reps basically consist of slow execution of the eccentric part of the exercise movement.
Top tip: Slow down the eccentric part of the movement (on the way down)-- this creates more «time under tension», building you a stronger booty!
Use your non-working arm to spot the working arm and get that one last rep. Contract your bicep hard at the top position and then go slow on the eccentric part of the movement to maintain as much tension as possible throughout the entire range of motion.
Even though the concentric part of the movement is essential to triggering hypertrophy, the eccentric part puts a more significant strain on your muscle.
Don't neglect the eccentric part.
Focus on the eccentric part of the movement.
It has been shown that when you put tension on the muscle in the eccentric part of the movement it tears muscle tissue more effectively.
Then, gradually modify the majority of your training so that the eccentric part of the lift slows down even further.
Dropping the weight will take away all the benefits of the eccentric part (half) of the exercise and could cause injury.
Pulling against the band will not only balance you as you descend into the pistol squat, but will also assist the eccentric part of the lift (the way back up).
Because the more you stretch it the harder it gets, BUT it also requires great stability on the eccentric part of the rep (when you're bending your arm).
That basically means that you take 3 - 4 seconds to lower the weight, this is called the eccentric part of the movement.
The tempo for the lifts should be 2 -1-1, meaning two counts down (eccentric part of the lift), a one count pause, and one count up (concentric part of lift).
You want to make sure that during both the concentric and eccentric part of the movement is nice and slow and controlled.
Instead of scrapping the deadlift, try dropping the bar in - between reps.. Most injuries happen during the eccentric part of the lift so avoiding it is a good way to improve your ability to recover from the deadlift.
The greater the range, the greater the eccentric part, the more micro tears, the higher the stimulus.
Hi Bud, most of the DOMS you feel is from the eccentric part of the movement.
Instead, it quickly conveys the goofy character, and even though this is yet another oddball / eccentric part for Depp, at least it comes off as quite entertaining.
Anderson's idiosyncratic style of oddball, dialogue - driven humor is present, but like those previously mentioned films, it's the way that humor and those strange characteristics tie to the central thematic focus that make Anderson's work more than the sum of its eccentric parts.

Phrases with «eccentric part»

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