Sentences with phrase «escape tunnel»

Make sure he does not escape the tunnel maze and run to hide somewhere else!
Apart from the Cold war conflict between secret services by building tunnels into enemy territorities, most tunnels were attempted escape tunnels from the GDR into the FRG in Berlin.
Mazurek and Haimi want to continue digging several feet below ground to see how far Sobibór's escape tunnel extends, since they are not sure of its complete length.
The researchers pinpointed three gene regions underlying tunnel length, located on chromosomes 1, 2, and 20, and one, located on chromosome 5, that determined whether escape tunnels were made.
An AT - ST (chicken walker for you non-nerds) can pin down forces trying to escape a tunnel for example.
If you're in email jail, start digging your escape tunnels.
The scientists put the mice onto a circular platform with 20 holes around the edge, gently guiding them to the one hole that led to an escape tunnel and then letting them try it themselves to test their memory.
The team also uncovered an escape tunnel that prisoners began digging but never used.
The L - shaped «arm» of the cast is the entrance tunnel; the central bulge is the nest; and the other «arm» is the escape tunnel.
Try adding one or more of the following to his cage: running wheels, escape tunnels (PVC pipe - wide enough so that Piggy can't get stuck in it, of course - makes a good tunnel), ladders or plywood boxes (to climb on).
Whatever you do it will have to be substantial as rabbits are more then capable of excavating an escape tunnel a few feet deep.
Tours are by appointment at this historic Texas landmark, once a tea rooms and casino — complete with an escape tunnel and room for hiding gambling gear — in the 1920s.
However, Luigi (who was actually searching for Coins at the time) is able to dig an escape tunnel, and they are able to escape from the Hammer Bro without being caught.
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