Sentences with phrase «evening approaches»

My kid's desire for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich does not even approach the importance of keeping other children safe and healthy.
As evening approaches, baby's experiencing nighttime separation anxiety have a real fear of being separated from you.
Before even approaching the pricing of the Honor 8, this is a really great phone.
That is if we still hold on to the notion that there should be anything even approaching equality of development, equality of standard of living, as the ideal.
There was nothing even approaching fireworks on the field.
My partner and I were even approached by someone who thought we should do an ICO.
That's because most American families, even those approaching retirement age, have little or no retirement savings.
Alternatively you can learn how to give off signals that you are interested in someone, without even approaching them.
Can the next one be even better — maybe even approach being good?
If he lived today, he might even approach architecture.
I'm no tactical expert, or even approaching competent when it comes to tactics, but even I can see players aren't being used to their best ability.
Even that approach seemed to have worked for many people.
What's the cheat code that lets us make these movies even approach the fun of actually, you know, playing a game?
I was even approached by a few real estate agents to look at the condos.
The majority of workers have five or fewer years of experience, and only a fraction of workers even approaches the 20 - year mark.
Now, I know enough about IT and coding to have been seriously worried about how to even approach e-book formatting properly.
But whether you're young, middle - aged or even approaching senior status, saving for retirement is always better than avoiding it.
A success rate even approaching 50 % would be off the charts, and this doesn't at all reflect the skills of people providing this care or their resources.
Even under optimistic assumptions about timing and baseline scenarios, it's clear that little if any large - scale production of biofuels or biomass anywhere in the world even approaches carbon - neutrality.
Even an approach like flexible working arrangements does not have anything approaching universal support.
You can even approach reputed insurance experts and get their opinion deciding the best child insurance plan for you.
Even approach organizations with the idea of writing your own job description.
Since they are unsecured and based on the information provided, I'm going to assume you are either already in collections and even approaching charge off status.
We won't even approach how much in divorce attorneys each spouse will save because they are not spending countless billable hours fighting over who is responsible for each debt.
Finally, as evening approaches, the two friends share «a quiet, end - of - the - day kind of song» and look forward to more adventures to come.
It really starts to get at the deep cultural value shifts that need to take place if we are going to create anything even approaching an environmentally sustainable civilization.
I know writers, newer writers, that are all for going straight to digital, without even approaching an agent.
«My white boyfriend grew up in the suburbs and never had to experience dread when being talked to by the police if he was ever even approached at all.
Well, it's very unlikely that they're going to pay someone currently in an entry - level role anything even approaching $ 70K more.
A revised active lane keeping system now alerts drivers if the adjacent lane is occupied by vehicles — even those approaching at a perpendicular angle.
It is also based on a Miller comic series about the Greco - Persian Wars, but the movie does not even approach half the level of barbaric intensity or pictorial grandeur of its predecessor.
At kindergarten entry, for example, children from middle - income families lag behind those from higher - income families in both academic abilities and social skills, and only children from the very top income percentiles even approach the optimal levels of school - readiness development.
A 2012 report on particulates from gasoline vehicles by the European Joint Research Commission found that gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles consistently emit a very high number of particles, with the actual emission levels even approaching those of conventional diesels in some cases.
This doesn't make much difference, because no SNES game even approached HD resolutions anyway.
This doesn't make much difference, because no SNES game even approached HD resolutions anyway.
All of those expensive, complex, and absurdly named parts have to work together properly for a sailboat to even approach maximum performance... [more]
The system's motion detection also sends alerts if someone even approaches the door, but doesn't ring the bell.
The 650S Spider's power retractable top would mean a sacrifice of about 3 mph off the top speed, but it still hits over 200 mph (322 kph), not a speed I would even approach on public roads.
Nothing I'm feeling now even approaches the raw, intense depression in the first few months after Oberon died.
Every major company we talked to is deadlocked on what exactly they should do to negotiate terms or even approach Apple or Amazon.
Moreover, the evangelical should be open to the revision of even these approaches, realizing with Barth that the theological task must be carried out» «in full earnestness again and again, indeed beginning from the beginning.»
Casabella even approached the two with a licensing agreement, allowing Guac - Lock to leverage the bigger company's contacts and distribution, while still leaving the two founders in charge of product development.
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