Sentences with phrase «excellence gaps»

The phrase "excellence gaps" refers to differences or gaps in the achievement or performance of individuals or groups in relation to excellence or outstanding performance. It highlights the disparities between those who are doing extremely well and those who are not achieving at the same high level. Full definition
We'll be discussing that topic and how to close excellence gaps with Jonathan Plucker, the Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University, where he works at the Center for Talented Youth.
The result is an «excellence gap» rivaling the «achievement gaps» that have been our policy preoccupation.
However, the «excellence gap,» the difference in performance at the «advanced level,» is large and growing.
When high - achieving or high - potential poor and minority students have less access to gifted education than their peers, the existence of such programs may actually worsen inequalities, thus widening what Jonathan Plucker at Johns Hopkins University and the term «excellence gaps» — the differences between subgroups of students performing at the highest levels of achievement.
And we are always skeptical when anyone claims they can close the achievement gap, another overused phrase, along with the newly created «excellence gap
Moreover, even the top performing low - income students lag behind their higher - income peers in what is now referred to as the «excellence gap
2) If your readers pick up one thing from this article, I hope it is the term «excellence gap».
\ \ \ \ \ Expanded AP enrollment is one way of targeting the «excellence gap
NCLB, while successful in narrowing testing gaps for struggling students, has brought new attention to an «excellence gap», where we see our struggling students improving but our gifted students languishing (Plucker, Burroughs, & Song, 2010).
In Excellence Gaps in Education, Jonathan A. Plucker and Scott J. Peters shine a spotlight on «excellence gaps» — the achievement gaps among subgroups of students performing at the highest levels of achievement.
Yet issues related to excellence gaps have been largely absent from discussions about how to improve our schools and communities.
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