Sentences with phrase «factual history»

The story combines factual history together with past mythical beliefs about our wonderful island.
April 1st, 2006 Feature A Completely Factual History of Dragon Quest Join us as we celebrate over 1,000 years of Japan's most popular RPG series.
Lampe details why he does not take the story of the empty tomb as factual history.
Peter Simek wrote < > With all due respect, I don't believe Mr. Simek did in depth research on this subject or he would quickly have learned that this is not factual history but rather a new popular «cultural myth» that appeared on the scene in 1999 with the publication of the book «Hidden in Plain View» by art history professor Raymond Dobin and oral historian Jacqueline Tobin.
The series intertwines factual history with a fictional storyline.
Sorry but Christians can not divulge anything about double standards while having factual history behind them.
7) This god is the Judeo - Christian god 8) It made the entire Universe less than 10,000 years ago, complete with Adam and Eve and later there was a Worldwide flood and Noah and his ark is actual factual history 9) about 2,000 years ago, it impregnated a Greco - Roman Jewish virgin with itself gave birth to a human being and then had it sacrificed to itself to forgive the original sin of Adam and Eve.
unless u live in TX where they are modified to remove factual history
well then you know the reason for «the date of your celebration» yet still choose myth over factual history.
It is less accurate factual history than is found in the three earlier Gospels.
However, to indict Constantine and the early historical Christianity in this way is at best simplistic, and in majority of cases betrays much ignorance of church factual history.
The result is a two - hour thrill ride disguised as a loosely - factual history lesson, laying out the case for how morality and the American Dream both intersect and diverge.
In addition, this contract should include factual history of the dog, its parents and all health clearances.
Opening reception: Saturday, October 20th, 6 — 8 pm James Cohan Gallery is pleased to announce the first New York solo gallery exhibition by Dutch artist, Folkert de Jong, who reinvents monuments and classical figurative sculpture by combining fictional and factual histories into life - sized sculptural tableaux.
Even the universities, notably East Anglia, showed a complete lack of understanding of the basic need to respond promptly with a coherent statement of the full factual history of their problems.
It doesn't matter how much scientific evidence is presented proving that Genesis is not literal, actual, factual history.
The book is not remotely plausible as a factual history, but after Lewis read it he was permanently incapable of believing in Whig history.
Factual history as in the Saturnalia?
«I do not accept the divine conception of either Jesus or Augustus as factual history, but I believe that God is incarnate in the Jewish peasant poverty of Jesus and not in the Roman imperial power of Augustus.»
And don't forget that there are a lot of people who believe The Bible to be literal, inerrant, actual, factual history — not an apocryphal oral history.
This third way is one which refuses the alternatives of factual history or universal and timeless myth and proclaims the history which gives rise to myth, the myth which remembers history:
Don't just have blind faith in the theology of the past, rigorously investigate with an open mind and embrace the factual history that is discovered.
The bible only contains about 5 % factual history.
According to Alianza, the book «is laced with Bible stories, often presented as factual history.
Factual History.
Statements of dispute, which allow both creditors and consumers to report the factual history of an account.
You demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of the factual history.
Although a resume is a critical «selling document» which emphasizes the accomplishments throughout your career, it is a factual history and not a personal document.
A professional resume writer's job is to craft a compelling marketing document, rather than just writing a factual history of your career.
A résumé is a factual history of your work experience.
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