Sentences with phrase «fast feedback»

May I ask, what is the evidence for this, that variations in aerosols are predominantly a consequence of fast feedback processes?
Can you facilitate fast feedback from food industry decision makers?
However, this climate sensitivity includes only the effects of fast feedbacks of the climate system, such as water vapor, clouds, aerosols, and sea ice.
Use any of our select response polling type questions for fast feedback or polling.
Having all the connections in a single place allows you to provide fast feedback whenever your assistance is required.
There are lots of reasons to use educational technologies for student assessments, such as saving time, making the learning process more comprehensive and friendly, offering fast feedback, etc..
Other fast feedbacks include changes of clouds, snow cover, and sea ice.
I got fast feedback about my resume and AI created a cover letter for me.
The major fast feedbacks are included in climate models.
However, this climate sensitivity includes only the effects of fast feedbacks of the climate system, such as water vapor, clouds, aerosols, and sea ice.
It's also another piece of evidence that is consistent with fast feedback climate sensitivity of around 0.75 °C / W / m ².
It's also another piece of evidence that is consistent with fast feedback climate sensitivity of around 0.75 °C / W / m ².
The conclusion that limiting CO2 below 450 ppm will prevent warming beyond two degrees C is based on a conservative definition of climate sensitivity that considers only the so - called fast feedbacks in the climate system, such as changes in clouds, water vapor and melting sea ice.
The conclusion that limiting CO2 below 450 ppm will prevent warming beyond two degrees C is based on a conservative definition of climate sensitivity that considers only the so - called fast feedbacks in the climate system, such as changes in clouds, water vapor and melting sea ice.
Based on evidence from Earth's history, we suggest here that the relevant form of climate sensitivity in the Anthropocene (e.g. from which to base future greenhouse gas (GHG) stabilization targets) is the Earth system sensitivity including fast feedbacks from changes in water vapour, natural aerosols, clouds and sea ice, slower surface albedo feedbacks from changes in continental ice sheets and vegetation, and climate — GHG feedbacks from changes in natural (land and ocean) carbon sinks.
«We have a very fast feedback loop with that small set of customers,» says Levie.
«We have a very fast feedback loop with that small set of customers,» says co-founder and CEO Aaron Levie.
This new strategy gives faster feedback on what growth schemes are best, thus shortening the timeframe to manufacture a new, stable material for energy transport and conversion applications.
There are fast feedback changes in some things (e.g. sea ice), and longer - continuing changes in other things (e.g. the Antarctic cap ice; ocean circulation; plankton species frequency and distribution; ocean pH; terrestrial rainfall and erosion).
The Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) The Economist refers to is how much Earth temperatures are expected to rise when one includes fast feedbacks such as atmospheric water vapor increase and the initial greenhouse gas forcing provided by CO2.
Note also that the Earth System Sensitivity is deduced from various past climate change events like the Paleocene — Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), but the qualitative estimates of longer - term climate sensitivity are less precise than the HS12 fast feedback sensitivity estimates.
Hansen and Sato also differentiate between fast feedback and longer - term climate sensitivity, as illustrated in Figure 1 above.
This link is reflected in the persistence of the Arctic amplification, where fast feedbacks are largely controlled by sea - ice conditions.
If peak Phanerozoic ca is of the order of 1000 ppm then either slow - feedback climate sensitivity is greater than the canonical fast feedback value of 3 °C for 2 × CO2 [Solomon et al., 2007], or global temperatures have been no warmer than ~ 6 °C above preindustrial conditions.
A recent study by the International Energy Agency says relying on gas would lead to a CO2e level of 650 ppm, meaning 4 °C global warming from fast feedbacks alone (and 4 °C is surely enough to set off slow feedbacks causing far more warming after this century).
Kno's upcoming project will be to ready for launch the third component of Kno Advance, whose work in Assessment will allow for teachers to have more streamlined access to publishers» evaluation tools and provide faster feedback for learners.
We offer fast feedback, low costs, scalability, flexibility, a growing platform and extremely user friendly apps.
This new strategy gives faster feedback on what growth strategies are best, thus shortening the timeframe to actual manufacture of a new, stable material.
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