Sentences with phrase «few exhibitions»

With fewer exhibition opportunities or prospects of gallery representation, local artists have diversified their approach to the market.
They had fewer exhibition opportunities, less media coverage, and a more marginalized role in the cultural discourse of the time.
We all know how big London is, so the trick is to always line - up few exhibitions in the same area.
Despite the visionary nature of her work and association with artists of great reputation, including Barnett Newman and Leon Polk Smith, Herrera's paintings were the subject of few exhibitions — until a large - scale survey at Ikon Gallery, Birmingham in 2009 — a story familiar to many women artists of her generation, emerging during the post-war years.
In the late 1890s he appears to have painted little, and his contributions to the first few exhibitions of The Ten were disappointing.
Over the last decade there have been a very few exhibitions that have attempted to explore this history from a New York perspective («High Times Hard Times: New York Painting 1967 - 1975» in 2007, «Conceptual Abstraction» in 2012, my own «Reinventing Abstraction» in 2013), and if there have been any books on the subject, I haven't yet seen them.
Few exhibitions define a movement the way the Jewish Museum's 1966 show «Primary Structures» outlined the parameters for Minimalist sculpture.
That Yayoi Kusama has been named the world's most popular artist — though women still get far fewer exhibitions
The first few exhibitions at Lever House were temporary loan shows, borrowed directly from artists and galleries, including Alexander Calder, Felix Gonzalez - Torres, Stephan Balkenhol, and Isamu Noguchi (who designed an unrealized sculpture garden for the original plan, and also designed the marble seating now in place on the plaza).
It is easy to suggest that Anton Kannemeyer has been treading water for the last few years, with little discernible distinction among his last few exhibitions.
Except for a few exhibition tours after Mao introduced Ping - Pong diplomacy in 1972, the Chinese have competed exclusively among themselves for the past 20 years.
It is only centuries later, and a few exhibition rooms away, that we come across videos of surprising modern pundits — Tessa Jowell and Tory commentator Iain Dale speak alongside Campbell about today's political propaganda methods.
Boys high school basketball Southern Tier Athletic Conference (STAC) held eight games, Friday, as teams competed to finish the season strong, with just a few exhibitions remaining in the regular season.
There were also a few exhibitions housed in the building, some of which gave an insight to Gaudi's architectural influences.
A few exhibitions here and there, a couple of bars, some coffee, and visiting friends.
Before getting stuck into the World Tour mode you might want to warm up with a few exhibition matches.
I'd seen his paintings in a few exhibitions, and had researched to learn more about them.
I'd seen his paintings in a few exhibitions,... Read More
Jens Hoffmann [former director of the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco] included me in a few exhibitions and he basically gave me homework — giving the topic and asking for work related to it.
A lovely thing about summer, even for those who miss art, is fewer exhibitions and more time to read.
In the basement galleries, Obayashi mounts a few exhibitions each year of works, which in the past have included solo shows of Naoya Hatakeyama, Hiraki Sawa, and Hans - Peter Feldmann.
Craig - Martin said his first response to being asked to curate the enormous show was that he «didn't want to do it at all», adding: «There are few exhibitions of this scale so it is very demanding to look at and it is very demanding to hang and can be very demanding to make sense of without collapsing into a sense of confusion.»
Still largely hidden — with the exception of a few exhibitions including «Steven Assael: New Paintings and Drawings» at the Forum Gallery — are the painters who choose to struggle with the many variations possible within older motifs, the so - called representational painters.
We have picked out a few exhibitions for you plus an alternative to help you make a perfect selection this Easter.
A few exhibitions focusing on sculptures have addressed only one aspect, the found - object assemblages.
While the Hamptons is a far cry from the LES, expect to find a few exhibitions that would fit right in gallery shows presented there.
This year's edition also includes a gratifyingly high percentage of female artists — who don't just have fewer exhibitions, but whose average prices still lag well behind their male counterparts.
Here are a few exhibitions to add to your calendar.
However, even with all this attention, few exhibitions have asked the question of how, against the background of thirty - five years of Socialist Realism, this internationally - oriented artwork suddenly appeared and why it captured the attention of the international art market.
Marter also charts the few exhibition opportunities that were open to women abstractionists in the 1950s including the Ninth Street Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture in 1951 and the annual exhibitions at the Stable Gallery from 1953 to 1957.
Vineta has received awards from the European Union, Manhattan Art's International Gallery and in 2008 was entitled «Best Emerging Artist» from the Best of 2007 Art Source in New York - and she has had more than a few exhibitions since that time.
As a rule, few exhibitions of this kind have been so unabashedly topical, with the exception of the 1993 Whitney Biennial, which, held in the wake of the L.A. riots, had admission buttons by Daniel J. Martinez that read «I CA N'T IMAGINE EVER WANTING TO BE WHITE.»
As one of the few exhibitions that included the counterpart of its sin, Love and Lust began with an exploration of love as the first virtue before overlapping into Lust as its antithesis.
Some artists have been featured regularly, some visit more rarely, and some have only been part of a few exhibitions.
A few exhibitions will also be ending this weekend, so don't miss your last chance to see them before they close.
I have a few exhibitions coming up — one at INDEX Contemporary Art in Stockholm, a solo show in Gallery Rüdiger Schoettle Munich, a Lenbachhaus Museum group show in July, and another one later in September in Kunstverein Salzburg.
There are a few exhibitions this season that everyone will have been to — or at least claimed to have been to.
Woodman had only a few exhibitions during her life, some of which have been described as «exhibitions in alternative spaces in New York and Rome.»
As one of the few exhibitions ever to focus exclusively on Paul McCarthy's drawings, White Snow provides rare access to the initial stages of exploration that fuel the work of one of America's most challenging and influential artists.
They were included in a few exhibitions, two at Harvard and one traveling exhibition, but basically they hadn't been seen or studied for decades.
This is one of her few exhibitions in France, however her work has been seen in European and American museums over the last twenty years, and notably in a major retrospective at the Tate in 2011.
Few exhibitions were more room - splitting in 2016 than DIS's 9th Berlin Biennale, «The Present in Drag.»
«I think it's going to be quite different in the respect that it will be done on a larger scale, have fewer exhibitions and a combination of selling and non-selling exhibitions,» said Schimmel, who served as MOCA's chief curator from 1990 until his controversial resignation last summer and has never before worked in a commercial gallery setting.
Hamptons Art Hub has selected a few exhibitions to know being presented in New York City.
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