Sentences with phrase «fiber density»

These counting methods independently demonstrated significantly lower sub-basal corneal nerve fiber density among SIV - infected animals that rapidly progressed to AIDS as compared to slow progressors.
Muscle fiber density predetermines the size capacity of a muscle; neuromuscular performance describes the relationship between the central nervous system and your muscles.
In order to maintain minimum contact with the hydrophobic fibers the larger the droplets become the more they move away from the higher fiber density i.e. away from the body.
Substance P levels were «moderately» correlated with the corneal nerve fiber density measurements.
Specifically, they can break the crosslinks that hold the fibers together, allowing cells to change fiber density near their edges.
In addition, researchers found that mice exposed to BPA before birth had reduced fiber density and brain activity in the hypothalamus circuits involved in regulating energy expenditure.
Planum temporale asymmetries correlate with corpus callosum axon fiber density in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
Thus, the fact that there is no simple method to determine muscle fiber density or neuromuscular efficacy is a bit of a blessing in disguise.
Corneal nerve fiber density was also directly correlated with epidermal nerve fiber length.
They sought to determine whether SIV infection leads to decreases in corneal nerve fiber density, and whether corneal nerve fiber density correlates with epidermal nerve fiber length counts, thereby setting the stage for follow - up investigation using corneal confocal microscopy.
Studies have shown that corneal nerve fiber density, measured by confocal microscopy, can predict diabetes - related damage to the peripheral nerves, called peripheral neuropathy.
On confocal microscopy, the diabetic patients also had a significantly lower corneal nerve fiber density, indicating loss of corneal nerve fibers.
Besides decreased corneal nerve fiber density, rapid SIV progressors had increased levels of SIV RNA, CD68 - positive macrophages, and GFAP expression by glial satellite cells in the trigeminal ganglia, the location of the neuronal cell bodies of corneal sensory nerve fibers.
That composition combined with a fiber density of over 1.6 million fibers per square inch enable the cloth to clean everything off of a hard service when activated with water.
This «fiber density» of cabbage actually ranks it above some our WHFoods legumes, including our beans, lentils, and dried peas.
They increase the functional muscle tissue (the fiber density) without changing the non-functional muscle tissue (the volume of sarcoplasmic fluid).
Two additional genetics characteristics play a role in determining your muscle building capacity: muscle fiber density and neuromuscular performance.
Second is a fiber density gradient with the highest fiber density closer to the body (again mimicking animal fur)- as you sweat moisture droplets are collected in the face of the fabric, the more you sweat the larger the droplets become.
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