Sentences with phrase «fifth century»

The phrase "fifth century" refers to a period of time that encompasses the years between 401 and 500 AD. Full definition
By the early fifth century, resurrection is understood in increasingly literal ways.
They have identified two clusters of pottery dating from the first century BC and fifth century AD.
«However, in Buddhism, like so many other religions, fanciful stories arose concerning events in the life of the founder, Siddhartha Gautama (fifth century B.C.):»
restaurant's The Wine Cellar, a charming Roman mosaic dating from the fourth to fifth century A.D. depicts two cavorting deer amidst flowers, amphorae, and fish.
He cites fifth century Christian bishop Julian of Eclanum who interpreted Romans 1 as a contrast of those who make «right use» of sexual desire with those who «indulge in the excess of it.»
The origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, but most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India's ascetic and śramaṇa movements.
The phrase «thin place» is a metaphor that I owe to Celtic Christianity, that form of Christianity that flourished in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales beginning in the late fifth century and continuing on for a number of centuries.
In the fourth and fifth centuries monasticism spread quickly and widely.
Between A.D. 1500 and A.D. 1750, as one result of the prominence of monarchical absolutist states, Christianity and the influence of Jesus persisted and spread more under the direction of the state than at any previous time; more so, even, than in the fourth and fifth centuries after the adoption of Christianity by Rome.
In the fourth and fifth centuries there was a Christian sect called Donatism.
Rufinus, one of the very early fifth century commentators on the creed, noted that this phrase was in neither the Roman nor the Eastern creed, and he held that it was simply another way of saying that Jesus was really and truly dead, that he did in every way experience death.
Nonetheless, the prayer's theology unquestionably reflects the reconciliatory ecclesiology which the great Church Father elaborated during his early fifth century polemical exchanges with the schismatic Donatist community of North Africa.
Contemporary scholars, however, have demonstrated that the works more likely belong to an unknown fifth century Christian.
The fourth and fifth century Greek Fathers had forged an entirely new conception of the cosmos as a contingent, dynamic order possessing its own inherent intelligibility and freedom.
The textured narrative is peopled by precisely delineated characters who employ a salty retro - future - speak, in which twenty - fifth century slang is morphed with frontier Western archaisms («take umbrage», «confound these bungers»).
The Greeks of the fourth and fifth centuries B.C. were fascinated by the Maltese's geometric beauty and left behind a rich legacy of breed - specific treasures: The «Melitaie Dog» is depicted on Golden Age ceramics, and Aristotle refers to it as «perfectly proportioned,» notwithstanding a diminutive stature.
[39] Clay feeding vessels were found in graves with infants from the first to fifth centuries AD in Rome.
Writing in the late fifth century, when many Greeks resented Athens» aggressive imperialism and credited Sparta with the lion's share of the victory, Herodotus protested that without the Athenian navy, the Persians would have outflanked and defeated Sparta's forces, despite their heroic resistance.
Tyconius, in the late fourth century, took this approach, as - more notably - did Augustine in the early fifth century.
In March of 2014, the leaders of all the autocephalous (independent) Orthodox Churches met in Istanbul, the sacred see of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which historically (since at least the fifth century) coordinates such....
In March of 2014, the leaders of all the autocephalous (independent) Orthodox Churches met in Istanbul, the sacred see of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which historically (since at least the fifth century) coordinates such assemblies, facilitating unity while serving as a center of appeal among these churches.
In short, because in 2013 the Jerusalem Patriarchate appointed a bishop in Qatar, an area that has been defined as part of the territory of Antioch since at least the fifth century.
Bible translator Jerome, in the fifth century, said that «almost all the Greek codices [are] without this passage.»
In the fifth century, St. Jerome, who was living in Palestine, carried on a running debate with Jews in his biblical commentaries on the interpretation of the prophecies of return and restoration.
It should be noted that some believe a fraudulent version of the Acts of Pilate was circulated later in the fourth and fifth centuries.
But Diogenes - dying in the same year, by some accounts on the same day, as Alexander - was born in the waning years of the fifth century, and his forerunner and possible teacher Antisthenes (who has direct ties to Socrates) is born years before Plato.
It is not difficult to understand why, in such an intellectual atmosphere, most Christian theologians of the third through the fifth centuries were unable to hold onto the body - affirming insight of the original Jewish and Christian visions.
In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the Fifth Sunday of Lent is dedicated to the story of St. Mary of Egypt, who lived in the fifth century.
St. Mark, the fifth century monk says, «He who wants to cross the spiritual sea is long - suffering, humble, vigilant and self - controlled.»
We may read it, in the light of a long - established allegorical tradition, as a parable of deeper truths; but to the Jews of the fifth century BC, who took it at its face value, the Hebrew story, though not grotesque like the Babylonian, was too ingenuous and childlike to command the «reverence and godly fear» which belongs to all high religion.
Theodoret, bishop of Chyrrhus (fifth century), understands this perfection as the resurrection and immortal life — «this is the conclusion of the divine plan of salvation.»
Penguin 2003 - composed in the fifth century).
However the Companions do not call forth the same amount of devotion as do some of the saints, notably the highest saint, Abdu» l Qadir Jilani of Baghdad, who lived in the fifth century (eleventh century A.D.).
Two great Sufis, Salar Masud Ghazi and Shaikh Isma`il, came to India in the fifth century (eleventh century A.D.) and won thousands to Islam in spite of the fact that there was as yet no Muslim ruler in India.
In Western medicine, that principle has been in place since Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C..
«But hasn't Christology been pretty well set since the Council of Chalcedon in the fifth century
Princeton historian Peter Brown takes up this issue of care for the poor as it was practiced in the fourth and fifth centuries of the Christian era.
Copts split from other Christians in the fifth century over the definition of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The fifth century Church document known as the Indiculus states that «At one time man fully exploited his free will when, using his gifts too freely, he fell and sank into the abyss of sin.
One need only consult the fantastic bestiary in the Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae of Eucherius, the fifth century bishop of Lyon, to discover the riches of creation's peculiar idiom: the birds are saints, the pelican is Christ, the turtle is the Holy Spirit, the hen is the Church... (Ciccarese, Animal!
The synagogue - dating to the fourth and fifth centuries in both the Talmudic and late Roman periods - is in Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village in the country's Galilee region, the Israeli Antiquities Authority said.
Even as far back as the fifth century B.C:.
While noting that God remained the dominant presence in Christian art throughout the fifth century, Malraux makes this extremely important theological point: «It seems that in art — and probably in religion too — Christ tended to become the more Jesus, the more God the Father receded into the background.
Mindfulness has a rich history in the Christian tradition through the ancient practice of contemplative prayer, which dates back to the Desert Fathers and Mothers during the fourth and fifth centuries.
Alexandrinus, also in the British Museum, dates from the fifth century, and is missing 40 pages — including Matthew 1:1 - 25:6, John 6:50 - 8:52, and II Corinthians 4:13 - 12:6.
History witnesses (as Newman notes) to the relative unimportance of the bishop of Rome, even in Newman's beloved fourth and fifth centuries, the study of which killed Anglicanism for him.

Phrases with «fifth century»

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