Sentences with word «filopodia»

In particular, this study demonstrates the capability to track structural dynamics and remodeling of the cell surface, such as morphogenesis of filopodia, membrane ruffles, pit formation or endocytosis, in response to environmental stimulants.
In this study, the mechanisms of actin - bundling in filopodia were examined.
In response, the cancer cell tries to migrate away from the immobilized site, extending projections called filopodia in the new direction of migration.
«Our findings show for the first time that (the enzyme) regulates endothelial filopodia formation and, most importantly, endothelial cell migration by rearranging the cells» phospholipid composition,» the authors report.
In particular, HD mutations impacting the RhoGTPase signaling pathway interfered with filopodia, the slender projections that cells use to direct movement and communicate with other cells.
Using 2D and 3D chemotactic chambers we are investigating if filopodia are guiding organelles responsible for directed cell migration.
Then, according to Mothes, «viruses «surf» along filopodia to efficiently infect cells by using the underlying retrograde flow of actin.»
Dephosphorylation of serine 39 likely determined cellular filopodia frequency.
This step requires remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and the expression of exploratory, sensory organelles known as filopodia.
The spindly filopodia are about a hundredth the width of a human hair and about a thousandth wide.
Kress, now a postdoctoral researcher at Yale, thinks the cell uses filopodia to increase the size of the area it can explore in a given time.
«It was well known for decades that activated microglia retract these very branched filopodia, and they become round,» explains Cleo Kozlowski, a scientist at Genentech in South San Francisco, California.
Contraction in the microcosm of a clot entails successive steps by platelet extensions called filopodia attaching to fibrin fibers and pulling on them.
«All these lamellipodia and filopodia give the cancer cells legs,» said Yue Wu, a graduate student in bioanalytical chemistry.
In this newly discovered viral infection mechanism, uninfected cells cast filopodia about in serum until they encounter cells expressing viral envelope protein.
«That the dynamic and short - lived filopodia can be transformed into long and stable bridges is amazing.»
Describing how local calcium transients regulate the spontaneous motility of dendritic filopodia.
Michael's image shows COS - 7 cells ectopically expressing the Fcγ - receptor performing phagocytosis on beads opsonised with Immunoglobulin G. His false - colour scanning electron micrograph shows filopodia and pseudopodia projecting around the beads, which will subsequently be fully engulfed.
Like filopodia, star bundles are enriched in fascin and lack Arp2 / 3 complex and capping protein.
The cytoskeletons also form bristly protrusions called filopodia, which extend out from a weave of fibers called lamellipodia that are on the cell's fringes.
During migration, cells overcome this problem either by creating a dense array of short - branched filaments as found in lamellipodia, or by bundling filaments as found in filopodia.
Multiple studies have shown that fascin, through its role in formation of cellular protrusions such as filopodia and invadopodia, enhances cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro.
By use of purified proteins, a small number of components are sufficient for the assembly of filopodia - like bundles: WASP - coated beads, actin, Arp2 / 3 complex, and fascin.
However, when development goes awry, the filopodia persist.
Visible are the cell's outline and tentacles (filopodia) that form connections between brain cells.
In a young, developing brain, once the filopodia form connections with other neurons, they disintegrate.
Initially, Kress wasn't looking at the filopodia at all.
If a filopodium bumps into an invader, the «line» retracts quickly, helping the cell swallow up the object.
Then one of his beads bumped into a filopodium and — wham!
At the cell surface, they form thin protrusions, called filopodia, that wave around like fishing lines.
It is known that the egg gets its food from little arm - like feeding tubes (called filopodia) that jut out from tiny cells surrounding the egg and must poke through a thick wall coating the egg in order to feed it.
Lipid rafts cluster on the filopodia tips, becoming the new sites of molecule self - assembly, that results in the pinning of the cancer cell at a second site.
«We found that activated platelets bend and shorten individual fibrin fibers with their filopodia, which undergo sequential extension and retraction, as if pulling hand - over-hand on a rope,» Weisel said.
Lamellipodia and filopodia are wildly overproduced.
«The targeted nanorods tied up the integrin and blocked its functions, so it could not keep guiding the cytoskeleton to overproduce lamellipodia and filopodia,» said Yan Tang, a postdoctoral assistant in computational biology who worked on the study.
«The light was not absorbed by the cells, but the gold nanorods absorbed it, and as a result, they heated up and partially melted cancer cells they are connected with, mangling lamellipodia and filopodia,» Ali said.
- Myosin - 10 expressing cancers have a large number of structures called filopodia.
«If we find a kinase that regulates filopodial bridge formation or a kinase that facilitates virus surfing along a filopodium,» he says, these enzymes can be targeted to thwart infection.
Infected cells draw the filopodia in and actually suck in the tips of the filaments.
It requires cell migration, which is driven by the polymerisation of actin within two distinct structures, lamellipodia and filopodia, and attachment to the extracellular matrix through actin - rich adhesive structures.
The constitutively active fascin mutant S39A increased the number and length of filopodia, whereas the inactive fascin mutant S39E reduced filopodia frequency.
Cells initiate migration by extending membrane protrusions, lamellipodia and filopodia, that are driven by actin polymerization.
We show that formation of invadopodia requires only the actin cytoskeleton and filopodia - and lamellipodia - associated proteins.
Analysis of cellular localization of known actin cross-linking proteins in mouse melanoma B16F1 cells revealed that fascin was specifically localized along the entire length of all filopodia, whereas other actin cross-linkers were not.
We identified fascin1, a key component of filopodia, as a target of beta - catenin - TCF signaling in colorectal cancer cells.
RNA interference of fascin reduced the number of filopodia, and remaining filopodia had abnormal morphology with wavy and loosely bundled actin organization.
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