Sentences with phrase «flame war»

"Flame war" is a phrase used to describe heated arguments or disputes that occur online, particularly in comment sections or forums. It refers to an exchange of hostile or aggressive messages where people hurl insults or attack each other's opinions, often leading to a prolonged and intense argument. Full definition
This is the last I will post on this, because I don't believe in flame wars, and the topic of the blog post is much more important.
I hope this article doesn't start an internet flame war between the two camps.
But, far from just another data point in the ongoing flame war between the two camps, it's a development with some interesting implications.
But as long as trolls can provoke visceral reactions with over-the-top statements, internet religious discussions turn into flame wars while the trolls laugh.
By their nature, flame wars attract a lot of attention, making it even more likely a client will find them.
This one is square in the world of politically charged blog comment flame wars.
Where should we draw the line of defamation in the context of highly - charged political blog flame wars?
What's wrong kid, in your mind there can not be more than one or two folks on our side that can engage in non flame war post with Atheist?
But, please continue trying to find something that might cause a grand flame war.
Certainly, in the gadget flame wars, there's something for everyone these days.
It was a nasty flame war that seems so common on the internet these days, it can be easy to ignore.
Like most online communities, there are the occasional flame wars.
I am unwilling to enter an environment that allows the mindless flame wars that took away the fun and honor that ES deserves.
Don't turn this into some stupid flame war.
Just be upfront about it, and you could prevent so many flame wars.
You cant burn Atheists at the stake anymore so internet flame wars are all the religious have left.
By their nature, flame wars attract a lot of attention and are referenced on many different websites, making it even more likely a client will find them.
He is responsible for huge flame wars on several games, and Star Citizen isn't the first target of his rage, remember when he said Eve Online was going to be a major failure?
It doesn't have the set good - guy / bad - guy roles that generate public controversy and Internet flame wars with bumper - sticker slogans, and it definitely wouldn't make much of a reality TV show.
At first glance, the tweet, from investor and entrepreneur Nick Tomaino, might not be distinguishable in the all - out flame war that crypto Twitter — and all crypto social media — has become.
You are in the middle of a running flame war with HeavenSent... and it is me who needs help.
Let us set aside the self - pub vs. trad - pub flame wars, the debates about the merits of the DOJ lawsuit, and whether Amazon will or will not become a... Read More
I actually think the people who have come out and said this obviously have been saying cod and just got into a little flame war online and the end result to them is anger equals brain damage lol
huge flame wars going on right now as is the case every post-e3.
While I agree that in the long run it's more important that intellectual justice be done, in the short run I'll be very happy to start a little bush fire in the great flame war, and would appreciate some help.
And Joe Pesci's head just exploded (also, it's a real shame Joe Flom didn't live long enough to get in a twitter flame war with Martin Lipton in the middle of a hostile deal)
It has everything — action, comedy, suspense — and Peters» portrayal of the character is so much fun that his absence is felt for the rest of the movie, which is pretty ironic considering that the mutant speedster's inclusion was the subject of an internet flame war last year.
Also, be sure to check out Interactive panel ideas from Julie Germany, Lynn Stinson, Amanda Marcotte (note flame war in the comments), Julie Blitzer, Sarah Granger, Kyle McLellan, Mary McClelland and Meghan Warby, all of which look really interesting.
Also, be sure to check out Interactive panel ideas from Julie Germany, Lynn Stinson, Amanda Marcotte (note interesting flame war in the comments), Julie Blitzer, Sarah Granger, Kyle McLellan, Mary McClelland and Meghan Warby, all of which look really interesting.
We don't want flame wars on this site!]
Such flame wars tend to get out of hand on message boards or via e-mail simply because the parties involved are online, where they can see no visual cues (such as a red face) indicating anger or other emotions.
I invented Chad as my alter - ego with whom to have flame wars because it's fun.
Tom easily won that small and strangely unfocused flame war (phlegm war?).
So I guess if I spoke troll like you and just wanted to start a racial flame war cause I had nothing else to do in my life I would say that:
Every time I read one of these articles I find chat room flame wars circa 1995.
But the funny thing is, after a second - place finish in 2015 and a months - long internet flame war during last year's race, I'm not sure winning the MVP will really change anything for Harden at this point.
«The whole thing coalesced into a multi-faceted flame war that boiled down, at heart, to «yeah, well, we didn't even fancy him anyway.»
Squabbles and full - on flame wars erupted over matters trivial to outsiders, just as in any online discussion group, and members came and went according to their level of interest.
Christie sparked the high - profile Republican - on - Republican flame war on Monday when he pointedly dismissed Astorino's underdog campaign against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
She appreciated that he didn?t get defensive and a cyber flame war was not initiated.
If we're determined to use e-mail against their advice, though, the pair walks us through a number of scenarios designed to help us avoid the most common mistakes before they escalate into a full - fledged flame war.
(and there have been enough flame wars to know that there are sensitivities on all sides when it comes to online reviews and their authenticity / validity.)
The general sense of the panel is that flame wars suck, and that there are lots of things you can do to make them worse and precious few things you can to do make them better.
Looks like a failed attempt to start another useless and boring flame war!!
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