Sentences with word «flus»

"Flus" is the plural form of the word "flu," which refers to a contagious illness caused by a virus. It is often characterized by symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue. Full definition
This medicinal combination of vitamin C - rich lemon juice and antibacterial, carminative basil is an effective means of preventing stomach flus and similar infections, as well as enhancing internal health.
Webby says nobody knows how many mutations it would take to permit H5N1 to pass among humans as easily as other flus do.
Drenched in vitamins A and C, Carrot and Ginger Orange Soup might be perfectly suited to keep colds and flus at bay and just a few sips warms me throughout to cut through the chill.
Pau d'arco is a controversial herb that is widely used outside of the US for cancer, as well as viral, bacterial and fungal conditions, such as flus, herpes and candida.
My sister was staying with me for the past three weeks and while having such a great time with her, I've been really sick, fighting all sorts of flus and trying to heal, but it's not going so well.
My speciality is colds and flus in exotic locales.
Most well known for its ability to soothe an upset stomach and quell nausea, ginger can also treat and prevent flus and colds.
I feel like the funk that has been hovering over our house with flus and whatnot is disappearing along with all those clouds.
While our friends in the Northern Hemisphere are revelling in the warmer weather, for us down under, the cooler months have begun to take their toll (unless we have been smart and decided to escape — Hello Europe) which has also meant an increase in colds and flus floating around!
Avian flus prefer to bind to cells that have hairlike appendages called cilia.
I went through university and beyond like this and battled more flus and colds than I cared to.
It can be used as a daily tonic to prevent cold and flus during the winter or if someone has already become sick, you can use it to nourish them back to health.
I'm constantly sick with colds and flus because you know it's another way to keep me tied to you.
Additionally, it has been shown to have antiviral properties showing proven effect over virulent flus.
It seems like every fall when the weather cools, the fog rolls in and brings with it colds and flus for our fur babies.
She's had back to back flus and has been under the weather for at least a month now... To her frustration, but the doctor seemed to suggest this has been happening quite a bit in Melbourne this season!
This helps to move colds and flus out of the body and leads to overall detoxification, which is necessary to maintain good health.
It seems flus that have been detected in the US originsted in China.
In recent years research has shown that the mélange of strains in each year's flu shot and exposure to previous flus can provide some immunity decades later to people exposed to closely related influenza iterations.
The severity of the colds and flus also differed between the two groups.
«New insight in quest for single vaccine against multiple flus
The three companies that make flu shots are capable of producing only about 150 million doses a year, enough to meet demand for a vaccine against typical yearly flus.
So are many strains of influenza, including the highly lethal bird flus that — should they acquire mutations that make them more infectious to humans — could kill millions.
A review of treatments for colds and flus found that Echinacea purpurea was consistently an effective choice for stimulating the immune system.
Begin the day with a mug of hot water, lemon, ginger, raw honey, and elderberry extract (an antiviral herb that helps fight off colds and flus before they start).
And so are the stuffy noses, hacking coughs, and hide - under - the - covers flus that cold weather notoriously brings.
It settles the stomach and reduces nausea, making it an optimal food to consume when colds and flus leave you feeling nauseated.
Some of the symptoms of a bacterial imbalance in our colon include: - Recurrent sugar cravings - Fatigue, and constipation - Acid reflux and digestive issues - Acne and skin problems - Bad breath - Frequent flus and cols
Maybe not technically, but between the Christmas / Holiday frenzy, the assorted coughs, colds and flus going around and the layer of ice on my car this morning, it's pretty much a done deal.
I don't know what was going on but March was like hey colds and flus come get the Roberts» family.
Viruses that cause cats and dogs to have colds have no effect on us, just as our colds and flus steer clear of pets.
Bird flu, if it ever jumps into direct human to human spreading is more of a global risk because of the rapid mechanism by which flus propagate.
Also a great home - made remedy, it helped through stomach flus and gluten exposure several times.
It is extremely contagious as other flus, and babies must usually stay away from other members of the family not to infect them, just as they would if they had the flu, a bad cold or anything else.
If the seasonal flus and colds, plus weather, hadn't gotten in the way, the horizon was the limit.
Boys in white sweaters with big ketchup splashes, Oatmeal encrusted in ears and eyelashes, Colds every winter and flus in the springs, Nobody told me that there'd be these things!
While our friends in the Northern Hemisphere are revelling in the warmer weather, for us down under, the cooler months have begun to take their toll (unless we have been smart and decided to escape — Hello Europe) which has also meant an increase in colds and flus floating around!
Why are avian and swine flus the only ones we hear about as global concerns?
Exposure to large doses of some virulent avian flus, including the H5N1 strain now circulating among poultry in Asia, can kill people.
In addition, it helps reduce colds or flus during the winter, provides better bone integrity and fewer breaks or micro-cracks, faster healing of injuries, and reduced muscle fatigue during and post-workout.
You'll catch fewer colds and flus because your immunity will improve, it will be easier to drop excess fat, and your skin will clear up.
They are usually used for short - term ailments like headaches, fevers connected with colds as well as flus, menstruation durations as well as strained or sprained muscles.
Sun exposure also lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system to prevent flus, colds and cancer.
You'd spend time with people with colds and flus.
There will be other flus, and worse.
Yes, Tom, but that's also true for cancer, heart disease, viagra, bacterial infections, colds and flus, parasites, head lice, heart valves, and hemorrhoids.
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