Sentences with phrase «food in one's stomach»

Having lots of food in the stomach prior to sleep keeps your digestive system working when you are trying to relax.
Even before mom gets food in her stomach, this would get the baby up and moving, usually within thirty minutes or so.
Your body and mind function at a higher level without food in your stomach.
It's crucial to have food in your stomach before you drink, so as to slow down alcohol absorption.
You might want to try feeding three times a day, so your pet has food in their stomach more consistently and more evenly.
Also, having a little food in your stomach can lessen the effects of nausea.
The fiber can also work by binding with fatty foods in the stomach, thereby helping to release them from your system.
When this happens, the ingested food in the stomach and intestine becomes dry and difficult for the normal muscular motions to push through.
This excess of food in your stomach can cause acid reflux.
Since she can not hold very much food in her stomach, especially later in her pregnancy, by feeding her this way she gets to eat all she is comfortable with.
What we mean by this is your dog or cat is going to long of period without food in their stomach.
Compounding this problem is retention of food in the stomach for prolonged periods.
With less food in the stomach, there is less volume to spit up.
The gallbladder rests in the abdomen, firmly affixed to the liver and serving as a storage receptacle for bile, a fluid that is essential for digesting food in the stomach and intestines.
Because sphincters also help keep food in the stomach from rising up the esophagus, using a similar approach has additional implications in the lower esophageal sphincter where its localized stimulation could help prevent acid reflux in difficult - to - treat cases.
Finding the best formula for spit up is super important, especially if you're not sure that your baby is keeping enough food in their stomach to grow properly.
Your baby's tiny esophagus has trouble keeping food in the stomach because it isn't fully formed.
In a rather dramatic example of this, a study appearing in the Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology said that drinking pineapple juice led to the dissolution of undigested food in the stomach due to the enzyme in the juice.
This way, one, you have food in your stomach if you are going to consume alcohol, but also, if there is nothing for you to eat, you won't have to go hungry.
Also, eating too soon before any kind of activity can leave food in the stomach, making you feel full, bloated, crampy, and sick.
It happens when milk or solid food in the stomach comes back up into your baby's esophagus (the tube that joins the mouth and the stomach).
Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to gastroparesis, a condition where food in the stomach moves slowly to the small intestine or stops moving altogether.
Not only could they do the obvious of placing food directly on coals or over the fire on green wood, they boiled foods in the stomachs or other organs of butchered animals.
It makes sense to me that anything that would reduce stomach acid would only exacerbate the GERD (lower acid = more resident time for food in the stomach = more gas / bloating = leaking of stomach acid into esophagus).
The bacteria putrefy food in the stomach, which produces volatile gasses and fatty acids.
The bitter messengers continue to carry out their humble work, activating the smooth muscle of the stomach which increases the rate of gastric emptying (depending on the bitter compound in question), thereby preventing the accumulation and fermentation of foods in the stomach post-meal.
Papaya contains digestive enzymes, which help break down some of the more difficult foods in our stomach, such as beans, dairy, and even meat.
It is true that wild dogs receive most of their nutrition from animal sources, but they will occasionally eat plant foods if meat is not available — they also consume some plant foods in the stomach contents of their prey.
I wanted to make my 3 small furkids to have no problem to digestive foods in their stomachs.
Surgical intervention is almost always necessary to evacuate the gas and food in the stomach as well as to alleviate the pressure on the circulatory system.
They are naturally meant to have small amounts of food in their stomachs at frequent intervals.
However for a speedier effect, it is better to dose on an empty stomach because food in the stomach slows down the absorption of the drug into the blood stream.
Increased activity shortly after a meal can cause the stomach to twist, closing off the esophagus, and leaving them unable to expel gas or excess food in the stomach by vomiting or belching.
Pooling of food in the stomach creates a sensation of nausea and increases the potential for vomiting and / or stomach acid reflux.
Kate Liston's video work — part of «The Scientific Method» — melds the two in a bizarre YouTube tutorial that draws connections between processing food in the stomach and ideas in the mouth and mind.
Although most people suffer the post-lunch blahs, some people are much more efficient during the afternoon after putting food in their stomach.
How much youve eaten The less food in your stomach before you drink, the faster alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream, says Sam Zakhari, PhD, director of the Division of Metabolism and Health Effects for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Not overloading your stomach with food helps speed up recovery so the body can focus on muscle recovery versus digesting food in the stomach.
As this happens the stomach may rotate along its axis and prevent air and food in the stomach from being evacuated by vomiting.
«Even if there's not enough food in our stomachs, there's still enough love in our hearts.
Since hair is not easily digested, it can compact with undigested food in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
That means your feelings of satiety (fullness) will be triggered when the nutrients you need have been taken in, OR when there is so much food in your stomach that it can't take anymore.
The acid in your dog's stomach is more acidic than ours, and they also keep food in their stomachs for longer.
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