Sentences with phrase «food security issues»

Now, they think that they might be able to use it to solve food security issues as well.
The influential paper identified insects as playing a key role in solving global food security issues and urged for the diversification of human diets.
«It is an important responsibility, both for health and for food security issues that Northerner's face, that we monitor traditional food sources,» Morris said.
Joseph Mason uses his voice to be a public problem solver by leading the discussion about food security issues facing his fellow classmates at Tulsa Community College.
Prior to attending the Waste Not, Want Not: The Circular Economy to Food Security conference, I thought we, the human race, were not making any palpable efforts to deal with the scourge of food security issues affecting peoples in developing countries.
By attracting the world's best speakers, providing extended question and answer sessions and opportunities for informal networking, the Fund's annual conferences enabled participants to contribute and to place food security issues into a context relevant to their lives and work.
Now an academic research fellow at the Research Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology at the University of Leeds, Biesmeijer says he likes «the interdisciplinary approach to food security issues because I enjoy how different disciplines tackle the same problem.
Taya Brown is a Ph.D. student in the Horticulture Department at Texas A&M University focused on food security issues, specifically related to small - scale farming in rural areas, and monitoring and evaluation of international agricultural development projects.
Fraley and Van Eenennaam argued that genetically modified food has not shown any acute health issues, is resulting in less pesticide use and could be a useful tool in solving food security issues.
One of the questions on everyone's mind is whether genetically modified food will help the world's food security issue.
«Discovering new uses for different types of natural food grade microbes in waste - to - nutrient technology is the latest breakthrough by NTU chemical and bioengineers, which can help to address the food security issues faced by the world presently,» Assoc Prof Xu said.
Sweet potatoes outcompete wheat Climate change isn't a food security issue for the country, Eckard said, despite the fact that 93 percent of all food Australians consume are being produced in the country.
At the summit he suggested reframing the food security issue from, «We need to feed 9 billion people,» to «nine billion people need to feed themselves and each other, and have viable enjoyable lives.»
Our hope is that authorities working with environmental, health and food security issues are interested in testing and implementing these methods further in cooperation with us,» he says.
However, volcanic eruptions before 1900, like the Tambora 1815 event, have the possibility to cause massive death tolls and also cause lower temperatures around the world leading to food security issues.
«These food security issues will only be overcome by a shift in food consumption habits, particularly when we are talking about meat consumption.
«The need to make these connections is urgent because the commercial demands, food security issues, and government mandates driving agriculture's expansion into forested areas will only increase.»
In a warming world, it's going to be harder and harder to grow enough food to sustain our growing population, so addressing climate change is absolutely a food security issue.
While this isn't the first shipping container farm we've seen, it is yet another thought - provoking example of how our food security issues might be addressed by a bit of unconventional thinking that will change the conventional image of what farming entails.
The region will be affected by rising temperatures, water security, sea - level rises, storm surges, extreme weather events, inland and coastal flooding, and food security issues.
Vulnerabilities include intergenerational disadvantage or unemployment or chronic health, families experiencing domestic violence, financial stress, housing instability, food security issues, mental health or emotional functioning issues, substance or alcohol abuse or family involvement with the child protection system.
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