Sentences with phrase «fossil fuel lobby»

The report also expressed concern about the impact of fossil fuel lobbying on climate change policy overall.
Is he a radical shill for powerful fossil fuel lobbies who will set the planet on fire to advance greedy capitalist profit agendas?
From the trustable and well known fossil fuel lobbying to something totally new and odd.
Governments in countries such as Australia and the USA have allowed themselves to be influenced by the strong fossil fuel lobbies.
The Australian Aluminium Council has without question been the most powerful and effective fossil fuel lobby group in Canberra.
The Minerals Council of Australia is by far the largest fossil fuel lobby group, with $ 35 million to spend each year on keeping the government friendly or scared.
Some of the difference between the oil company scenarios and those from green NGO's and academics is due to fossil fuel lobby assumptions about demand and the role of gas (including shale gas), with CCS also seen as coming on line in a big way.
We knew that behind the scenes the mighty fossil fuel lobby was organising.
This has been a remarkable achievement in just eleven years, and shows what can be done, even in a national environment that is not particularly favourable to renewable energy (there is a very strong and influential fossil fuel lobby).
Alone among the nations of the developed world, key members of fossil fuel lobby groups have actually been made members of Australia's official delegation that has negotiated − or more accurately, attempted to derail − international agreements on climate change, notably the Kyoto Protocol.
Instead, world leaders have pandered and caved to the powerful fossil fuel lobby: rubber stamping massive carbon - intensive infrastructure, unlocking billions of tonnes of new carbon in hard - to - reach places like the deep offshore ocean, the arctic, or hard - to - extract resources like tar sands, and proceeded to design energy policy around scenarios incompatible with a safe global climate.
Do we hand over our future to the fossil fuel lobby and 90 super-rich people, or will there be an Anthropocene democracy?
«The defection of the gas companies means that the fossil fuel lobby has split,» says Jeremy Leggett, scientific director of Greenpeace's climate campaign.
This is popular with the people, less so with politicians, who fear the fossil fuel lobbies.
Not only does it help erode the power of the fossil fuel lobby through efficiency, but in Phoenix, 500 of these beasts have been hacked by Waymo to be self - driving taxis that are open to the public.
Ross Gelbspan's «Snowed» article in the May / June 2005 issue of Mother Jones magazine described how a «misguided application of journalistic balance» and «a decade - long campaign of deception, disinformation, and, at times, intimidation by the fossil fuel lobby» was causing the media not to properly warn us about the perils of global warming.
The Liberal Party and the Abbott government are both very compliant with the desires of the fossil fuel lobby, presumably because of the very generous campaign donations involved.
It appears that the fossil fuel lobby is stronger than the Government's will to reduce greenhouse.
The Bush Administration remains in the grip of the more recalcitrant elements of the fossil fuel lobby and seems to have an ideological opposition to taking action.
After dismissing the article as «reactionary, evidence - free journalism which provides a small part of a whole picture, thereby giving the wrong view», she makes her argument that the fossil fuel lobby — the Black Fog — is far more extended into policymaking than the Green Blob is.
«The fossil fuel lobby's (villain) blaming renewable energy as the cause of the recent power spike is untrue and exaggerated.
Maybe it's the politics of the fossil fuel lobbies at play here?
As elections loom, and the fossil fuel lobby comes out in force, it's more important than ever that we celebrate our incredible successes so far, build that momentum, and keep organising to break the social and political license of the dirtiest industry on earth.
According to the notes, Michael Whatley, policy adviser of the fossil fuel lobby group Consumer Energy Alliance, which receives funding from Peabody Energy along with other coal, oil, and gas companies, underlined the industry's urgent need to mobilize state public officials, including legislators, attorneys general, environmental and public utility commissioners, and energy officials in many states.
Instead, world leaders have pandered and caved to the powerful fossil fuel lobby: rubber stamping massive carbon - intensive infrastructure, unlocking billions of tonnes of new carbon in hard - to - reach places like the deep offshore ocean,
Let's just assume for the sake of argument that you're right, that the denialists, the fossil fuel lobby are trying to gin up uncertainty in order to paralyze the legislative process and to stop anything from happening in this regard.
Antoine Simon, extractive industries campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe said: «Europe desperately needs to kick its fossil fuel addiction, but the fossil fuel lobby has embedded itself deep in the heart of European decision making.
(I should not forget to point out that Labor's policies on renewables look good only when compared to those of the LNP; Labor too gives far to much to the fossil fuel lobby.)
As an illustration of how news values now take second place to ideology, The Australian in January ran an anonymous anti-greenhouse news story − note, not an opinion piece − by someone identified as a «special correspondent» employed by the fossil fuel lobby.
But the play's «questioning» is not about why our politicians won't provide leadership, why much of the public is so apathetic, or why the fossil fuel lobby has been so successful.
MacFarlane has worked hand - in - glove with the fossil fuel lobby to sideline climate change.
The allowance giveaways in the climate bill reflect the power of the fossil fuel lobby.
Guy Pearse, a member of the Liberal Party and a former adviser to Senator Robert Hill when he was environment minister, has managed to coax the leading members of the fossil fuel lobby into frank admissions about how they go about their business.
Broomhead led the charge against emissions trading (which was supported by Treasury) on behalf of the fossil fuel lobby.
The Prime Minister has consistently taken the side of the fossil fuel lobby and dismissed the interests of other industries.
The policy isn't the problem; the power of the fossil fuel lobby is.
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