Sentences with word «frankenfood»

Many of them end up bingeing or consuming low - calorie frankenfoods in an attempt to fill an ever - expanding ravenous black hole.
If we begin to demand this type of food and stop buying the processed frankenfood, food companies will wake up and smell the profits.
U.S. regulators have approved a potato genetically engineered to resist bruising and that could lead to a lower risk of cancer, marking an interesting twist in the ongoing debate over so - called Frankenfoods.
Both of these ingredients are almost always GMO frankenfoods at least in North America!
After a successful market test, Burger King's (bkw) latest frankenfood is about to launch all over the U.S.
This cheesy frankenfood will be available for a limited time at participating locations starting June 27.
It was tasty, but I still felt like I was eating frankenfood.
Remember — the less processed your diet, the less you have to worry about scavenging the supermarket aisles for sugar - free, vitamin fortified, and low sugar Frankenfoods.
Except while manufacturers touted their «healthy» fat - free and low - fat Frankenfoods, added sugar was slipping in through the back door, and the consequences have wreaked havoc on our health and our waistlines.
Fruit - on - the - bottom yogurt, fat - free anything, and other so - called healthy Frankenfoods often come loaded with agave, honey, and other sweeteners that create a similar effect as real sugar and sabotage your waistline and overall health.
Of course, the key to these cookies is using butter instead of some nasty frankenfood spread or rancid margarine.
This creates frankenfoods like high fructose corn syrup and other additives included in supermarket foods.
It is exciting to see this life transforming information continue to ripple out from its humble beginnings early in the Millenium as the cookbook of choice for critical thinking parents seeking to raise healthy children in a world dominated by industrialized frankenfoods and an increasingly overweight, immuno - compromised, pharmaceutically challenged populace.
Arguing why and how a toxic / frankenfood diet is harmful seems counterproductive.
I eat all sorts of unnatural frankenfoods, and a ton of dairy.
I'm also shocked that I got so much airtime saying that «refined grains, cereals, and breads» are fat - storing frankenfoods and we should be eating more bone marrow instead.
Have these readers — many who are predisposed to believe that GMO = Frankenfoods — been moved to rethink their own assumptions and biases?
Processed frankenfoods are usually much easier to track because they have decisive nutrition facts, but they're also typically less satiating and lower in nutrition.
Live in the Now consulted Dr. Michael Wald, Director of Nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco in Westchester, New York and author of Frankenfoods — Controversy, Lies & Your Health.
Frankenfoods have become more popular as fast food restaurants lose customers to options that are perceived as more upscale and healthier, such as Chipotle and Panera.
Aside from the fact that many of us have, pre - «Frankenfoods» hype, been eating GM food for years, use of GM technology stretches far beyond the supermarket shelf.
Whether these are «Frankenfoods» that further remove us from real food - without actually diminishing our unsustainable taste for meat and dairy or nudging the conventional agfood sector to more responsible practices - is a whole other debate, but the plant - based food sector is here and it's growing globally.
The result is a People's Food Plan Working Paper which prioritises decent livelihoods for farmers, and population health and environmental regeneration over chemically - grown, additive laden, «Frankenfoods».
They were the Hudson Valley contingent of March Against Monsanto, fighting for genetically modified organism (GMO) labeling of so - called artificially engineered «frankenfood
«If you think genetically modified crops are dangerous «frankenfoods» and / or that crop disease is best controlled with chemicals — if you suspect federal regulators care more about Big Ag's interests than your family's, thus the whole game is rigged — plaintive tales of historical famines won't change your mind about genetic modification for disease resistance,» McComas said.
The next wave of genetically modified crops is making its way to market — and might just ease concerns over «Frankenfoods»
Opponents now refer to the new crops as «frankenfood
Environmental groups labeled the new crops «Frankenfoods,» tying the technology to corporate behemoths like Monsanto and emphasizing the risks of biotech.
CRISPR can't create so - called «Frankenfoods,» because it is limited to editing existing genetic material by shutting off specific genes.
The biggest problem about demonizing a food substance is when the food industry manipulates «Frankenfoods» by removing ingredients and adding other bad stuff instead.
And don't get me started about the ever - expanding array of vegan - and vegetarian - friendly «Frankenfoods,» like corn or soy - based vegan «hamburgers,» as well as the dangers of genetically modified (GMO) corn, soy, and the growing list of other GMO veggies and fruit.
Thus began the era of «frankenfoods
Indeed, Esselstyn's diet categorically eliminates most «fat - free» Frankenfoods — many of which were wildly popular when he conducted his study in the»80s and»90s.
Go figure, a food we as a species have eaten for millennia may actually be good for us and a frankenfood created in a lab may cause health problems...
Again, going back to the principle that we are most adapted to eating what our ancesters ate for almost 2 million years, that list of foods obviously did NOT include genetically modified foods, since these «frankenfoods» weren't included in the human food supply until the 1990's.
Don't let yourself be a guinea pig as part of a giant uncontrolled experiment on GM «frankenfoods»... only you can control what you choose to eat and to avoid GM foods fully.
Hi Maria, Personally, I think it is completely irresponsible on so many levels that you are actually recommending «I can't believe it's not butter» — an ADULTERED, toxic, frankenfood — that was literally just created in 1986 by Unilever, over butter — a food nearly as old as time and vital to our health.
No frankenfoods, no weird concoctions, just simplicity at its finest.
Normalization of the role of genetic modification in agriculture — and a fadeout for «frankenfood» campaigns — is most likely to come as consumers realize the varied applications of this versatile, and increasingly vital, technology.
If people decry genetically modified corn as «Frankenfoods», then purely synthesized meat should fare much worse.
The Daily Mail runs all kinds of nonsense, from baseless gossip about the famous, to anti-science on all kinds of topics, from antivaxerism to «Frankenfoods» nonsense about GM crops [2], to climate denialism.
The following is a hypertext transcript of David Suzuki, first speaker of Saturday's panel on «The Last Invasion: Biotechnology, Patents on Life, Frankenfoods — The Role of the WTO in the Corporate Takeover of the Structures of Life».
The green movement was, in these cases, able to move public opinion with fears about «frankenfood», and the effects of invisible, radioactive substances also finding their way into our bodies.
The people who successfully sold the horror of «Frankenfoods» are doing a good job convincing people that earthquakes, poisoned aquifers and explosive tapwater are inevitable if fracking is allowed....
These and other groups have worked together to conduct a mis and disinformation campaign against golden rice and other GMO foods labeling them dangerous «frankenfoods
They'll stop worrying about «frankenfoods» and embrace genetic engineering.
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