Sentences with phrase «from confinement»

He will escape from confinement whenever possible to satisfy his curiosity and indulge his need for activity.
In the case of the fetus, freedom is attained by being freed from the confinement of the womb, achieved through continued union with the womb and growth to fullness.
But at last, around 7:30 p.m., we were given the all clear and released from confinement.
Be sure to remove all things that your dog shouldn't chew from his confinement area, and give him a variety of appropriate toys and chew things to enjoy instead.
While this is not necessarily the wrong way to proceed, it is incredibly important to be aware that many dogs with separation anxiety also suffer from confinement anxiety.
This means that when you come to release the puppy from confinement, it must be taken directly to its elimination area.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of pork and bacon sold these days is from confinement factory conditions where the pigs get very little sunshine, if any at all.
They live in cramped, filthy cages, are denied proper veterinary care, and often go insane from confinement.
It sounds like a bad monster movie plot: A 10 - legged mutant creature that reproduces asexually, escapes from confinement in Germany, and quietly begins a global invasion.
I have found that many of my clients» dogs with separation anxiety also suffer from confinement anxiety.
The iOS game enables users to wage their own battle against Crow Foods by transporting animals from confinement to open pastures and replanting the fallow fields of Scarecrow Farms.
We decided to establish our own standards and hold our meat suppliers to them: no pork from confinement facilities or from animals fed non-therapeutic antibiotics.
Animals are given grains sprayed with unmonitored pesticides to fatten them up cheaply, hormones to boost milk production, and antibiotics to treat infection that develops from overproduction of milk and inability to be active from confinement.
The collisions free the quarks and gluons from their confinement within ordinary particles — the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus of atoms — so nuclear physicists can study their interactions and the force that holds them together in the universe today.
Once a dairy farm transitions from a confinement model to a pasture - based feeding system, a smaller further step (Heckman, 2015) is to convert the farm to organic following the required 3 - yr period for transition.
Henderson - Uloho's story is told in in beautiful black - and - white by cinematographer Isiah Donte Lee until the final moments when the film shifts into the world these women now inhabit, far from the confinement of a prison cell.
Much of the film plays out as a thriller as the three girls try to escape from their confinement while Dr. Fletcher attempts to suss out just how far Kevin has strayed from the path and exactly which personality she's dealing with.
Avoid using the crate as punishment, and avoid crating a dog who is experiencing anxiety, whether that anxiety stems from the confinement itself, separation from a loved one, or from environmental factors like a thunderstorm or other dogs.
The program involves a team of approximately 10 runners who schedule structured runs with the dogs on local trails providing them with much needed exercise and temporary freedom from confinement.
Liberated from the confinement of the mechanical loft, the noises become eerily serene and seem to resemble natural sounds from the environment.
Using a jigsaw, she releases familiar images from the confinement of the frame and thrusts them into real space to confront the contemporary viewer.
The abstract work depicts two tiny doll hands reaching outwards from a confinement of zippers.
But whether a being has the right to seek release from confinement through habeas corpus should not be treated as a simple either / or proposition, he said.
The crate training method is a good choice for dog and puppy owners who don't have an appropriate space for creating a confinement area, and for those whose dogs escape from their confinement areas.
It's about being free from the confinements of societal's expectations and the media's projections.
The crate training method is a good choice for owners who don't have an appropriate space for creating a confinement area and for those whose dogs escape from their confinement areas.
We see them fairly often but it isn't the same as walking out to the chicken house in the morning and watching them flee from their confinement — a spectacle of legs, wings, and squawks, leaving feathers floating in the air.
The judge ordered the rapist released from confinement and placed on strict parole, and expressed support for chemical castration.
Dr. McMillan's work has led him to conclude: «The psychological trauma to both the adult dogs and the puppies from their confinement in these commercial breeding establishments is extensive, severe, and long - lasting... [Today's] laws haven't come close to keeping pace with the advances in scientific knowledge about the nature of canine well - being.»
NISAmerica and the likes have likewise followed suit, offering up some excellent games (and some not so much) that still suffer from confinement.
ZAK is a very cool little action platforming adventure in which you escape from the confinements of a refugee camp in an attempt to discover what horrors its concrete walls are keeping out.
The 38 annihilation signals detected by ALPHA were well above the expected background of 1.4 occurrences, strongly indicating that antihydrogen atoms were indeed slamming into the trap walls after being released from confinement.
The first act is admittedly a bit messy as director Colin Trevorrow gets all of his pieces on the board, but the story really picks up once the Indominus Rex breaks free from confinement, turning into a full - fledged adventure film with no shortage of dinosaur - caused destruction.
Through various twists and turns in the story, the jinni is released from his confinement and eventually helps Aladdin obtain his greatest wishes: wealth, fame, and the love of a beautiful princess.
Also, he may scratch and claw at doorways and thresholds or attempt to escape from confinement.
Only release him from the confinement when he is quiet.
Many dogs with this challenging behavior also refuse to eat or drink when left alone, don't tolerate crating, pant and salivate excessively when distressed, and go to great lengths to try to escape from confinement, with apparent total disregard for injury to themselves or damage to their surroundings.
Just having intelligence without any desire to please will give you a PITA of a dog that won't listen when you give commands and will figure out how to get everything it wants, including stealing food and escaping from confinement (I'm looking at Siberian Huskies suspiciously here).
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