Sentences with phrase «full movement»

Full movement of the arms and legs has been discovered and, believe me, your child will use them!
The procedure will release the tongue - tie allowing full movement then on.
To have full movement back in my hands and to be able to hold a needle and thread again is incredible.
This exercise will help restore full movement and function to the foot.
I had some complications and struggled to get full movement back, so my fitness started to fade.
Also ensure you use proper form and full movements when training, correct form produces the best results.
To have full movement back and to be able to hold a needle and thread again is incredible.
We are sure she's on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, cancer free with full movement of her jaw, chewing on some turkey jerky.
Our rehab team may begin range - of - motion exercises, with the goal of helping you swiftly regain full movement in your knee.
A FINDING that hand transplants are eventually «accepted» by the brain is raising hopes that amputees may be able to recover full movement in their new limbs.
But to really tap into your potential you need to take your body through itʼs full movement potential.
In this context Christianity is characterized as forward - looking — toward the eschatological consummation of God's full movement from transcendence into immanence.
They repair injured connections, replace damaged motor neurons and oligodendrocytes, enabling them to regain full movement within six weeks after injury.
Often the armpits and / or groins are tight and restrict full movement into this pose.
Unfortunately, there is not much exercise equipment for abs which supports full movements.
Fit very well without being tight or preventing full movement.
«In our school day, we build in two full movement classes during the day along with short movement bursts, what we call brain boosts, to break up classes and get kids active rather than having them sit for hours and hours straight.»
One of the new gameplay updates is the addition of full movement for playing with either the wands or the Aim controller; originally you could only move by warping to locations.
Using full movement with the wands works fine, but it is a bit clunky.
It is a great example of providing a full game experience, full movement options and spot on aiming that gives me hope for the future of first person shooters on VR.
Space dogfighting actually feels surprisingly great, with full movement of the ship being handed to the player, aside from select sections where your co-pilot will fly over ships while you shoot targets.
Withdrawing from his industry, his few friends and his on - again, off - again love interest, Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams), Strange becomes obsessed with restoring full movement to his hands — which drives him, however improbably, to Nepal, where he seeks as a last resort a mystical approach to healing.
This phase is all about getting the shoulder back to normal as quickly as possible by regaining full movement and strength.
At the very least a genuine correlation of Whitehead and Hegel would establish the possibility that the full movement of Western thinking is present in Whitehead's philosophy, and that his philosophy is just as much a fulfillment of that thinking as it is a challenge to it.
This full movement is called conversion, transformation, or growth in holiness.
Depending on numbers, small open spaces, mud based preferred for pigs to allow full movement, some running and easy flapping of wings.
Definitely a contender for one of the best team goals of the season, check out the full movement & the goal below --
It's 6 - axis gyro design give it full movements, including the ability to fly upside down and do stunt flips.
These reps will be structured similarly to the curls that you just did — 14 of them will be half movements and 7 will be full movements.
Do seven reps from the bottom of the movement, seven from the top and seven with the full movement.
Because of the position of your hands you may or may not be able to lift your chin level with the bar so just lift it as high as a full movement allows.
Does your squat provide maximum stability throughout the full movement?
This portion of the exercise is less difficult than the pulling phase and will help develop the muscles and skills necessary for progressing to the full movement.
With your hips flexed in this way you are in a strong position to engage the legs into the full movement of the squat.
While putting your feet on the box to do push - ups may make the exercise more challenging, putting your hands on the box to do the same move can actually act as a modification for those who can't so the full movement on their own.
Then as you become more comfortable, reach with just your leg before you graduate to the full movement.
• This forces you to pull your chest up to your hands in order to perform a full movement, which delivers a new form of leverage stress.
It is important to see the different phases as part of a whole and train the Power Snatch as a full movement rather than broken down into chunks.
Every phase moves seamlessly into the next phase and this is how the Power Clean needs to be trained as a full movement.
When an agonist muscle contracts (for example the quads, causing knee extension), the antagonist muscle is inhibited, causing it to relax (in this example the hamstrings), allowing the full movement of the antagonist muscle (knee extension).
Full movement will be allowed during this mode as well.
Bravo Team is using the Aim Controller to its maximum potential giving you full movement with your weapon — «Pinned down by enemy fire?
Each mode offers it's own gameplay style — 8 - bit has graphics reminiscent of the NES era with limited movement and slower enemies while 16 - bit plays a lot like some of the classic SNES action RPGs of which it was obviously inspired by with full movement and multiple hit combos.
Full movement, including jumping.
For those on the riskier side, «Free Mode» gives you full movement and camera control.
It means you rarely move your full movement unless you «know» it is safe.
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