Sentences with phrase «generation sources»

As we have said repeatedly, nuclear power is the only stand - alone power generation source which is capable of delivering power on demand, without CO2 emissions being generated in the process.
Since wind power is unreliable it requires additional backup power from other generation sources, such as gas - fired generation, which — you guessed it — increases air emissions.
There is a significant lack of publicly available information about how much electricity and what types of generation sources are used by water and wastewater utilities.
This is becoming more challenging due to the growing range of renewable generation sources making the electricity system more prone to changes in frequency.
In the absence of this project, the tendency shows that fossil fuel - intensive energy generation sources would be used instead.
Critics question whether offshore wind will ever become competitive with traditional generation sources, but some independent projections support the industry's optimism.
As the amount of wind generation increases, electric power system operators have faced challenges with integrating increasing amounts of this intermittent generation source into their systems.
Unlike most generation sources, wind has a fatal flaw: it is both intermittent and unpredictable.
In the utility - scale and distributed cases, solar is almost the entire daytime generation source and much would either be stored or unused, he said.
Solar and wind are highly predictable, and when spread across a large enough geographic area — and paired with complementary generation sources — become highly reliable.
With all these merchant generation sources fighting for a share of the competitive power markets, prices are falling.
Not understanding the connection between power generation sources and climate change indicates a very low level of knowledge on the topic.
Even the best lead generation sources and sites can be a negative if you neglect to build your own Internet presence and realtor brand image.
Thus, wind needs constant «shadow capacity» from our reliable, conventional generation sources.
Solar is the fastest - growing renewable generation source, but wind accounts for the largest absolute increase in generation.
Solar electricity floods the grid in the afternoon and then creates a huge problem in the evening when the traditional generation sources have to ramp up way faster than they're currently capable.
The new generation sources require new transmission lines as the sources of power are dramatically reconfigured based on «good wind» and similar locational characteristics that have not mattered before.
Virtually all of the electricity generation sources in New England are from North America.
Dubai's clean energy targets also include achieving CO2 - free generation sources of 25 % of its installed capacity in 2030 and 75 % in 2050.
Second, many states actively favor renewables in electricity generation, and even in places that don't, the word has gotten out that coal combustion is far deadlier to humans than any other electric generation source — including natural gas.
Part of their perverse, human - hating ideology centres around demonizing electricity; and the only meaningful generation sources capable of providing it; ie, coal, gas, nuclear and hydro — yes, hydro — even though -LSB-...]
Lichtblick, a retailer of «green electricity and green gas» headquartered in Germany, is looking to take its concept for integrating multiple distributed generation sources into a single network into international markets.
With solar becoming cost competitive with wind, towards 2020, wind and solar together are expected to become the largest generation source of new renewable energy installs going forward.
The case centers on an order from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that essentially put DR on par with traditional generation sources in wholesale energy markets.
To ensure electric reliability in the densely populated Los Angeles and San Diego regions, Southern California needs to use local generation sources and can not solely rely on imported electricity to replace generation from SONGS.
Pinterest is my top traffic generation source, and it's also been the place where I've connected with travel brands, influencers, and publications such as Lonely Planet.
Tier 1 RECs are derived from the energy production of megawatt - hour (MWh) by RES - eligible electric generation sources which first entered commercial operation on or after January 1, 2015.
The present generation of nuclear is a perfectly adequate electrical generation source.
Utilities plan out their power mix changes decades in advance, so it's not surprising to see expectations for generation sourcing change little over five years of surveying.
He starts with the EIA estimates of costs of different generation sources, realizes that with those numbers the GEA mix is cheaper than what it replaces according, declares that «it is likely to be the case that the new estimate has been shaped by political pressures within the Obama administration» and therefore dismisses them, and then shops around for a prediction more in keeping with his desired conclusion.
With a «performance» like that — totally powering down, just as households and businesses were powering up — anyone suggesting that wind power is a meaningful generation source needs urgent assistance from a mental health professional.
But the construction of this plant in a region that has traditionally relied on, what used to be, less expensive diesel and natural gas generation sources could well be a sign of things to come.
It's a grand vision for essentially being carbon - free by 2050, Producing electricity from clean generation sources including nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, and with any remaining fossil fuel plants hooked up to carbon capture and storage systems.
The growing role of variable generation sources is changing the landscape, and creating opportunities for wind turbines to provide untapped grid services that increase reliability and add value for consumers.
Would you please state, for the record, that Nuclear is the safest generation source, and then demonstrate said belief by entering into the following legally binding contract:
Large price spikes immediately before and after mid-day periods when both utility - scale and distributed solar generation reaches its peak level suggest a need for dispatchable generation sources to help cover ramping periods, when the need for power from the grid to meet load is rapidly changing.
Shrinking the grid means that losing smaller generation sources has a larger impact on reliability.
Nuclear energy is New York state's only clear - air generation source that can produce large amounts of electricity around the clock.
«CSP adds significant additional value when compared to less flexible generation sources,» NREL CSP Group Manager Mark Mehos, co-author with Jennie Jorgenson and Paul Denholm of the study, said.
Since beamtime at XFELs is precious and limited, preliminary studies will be done in the already existing fs laser lab and at third generation sources.
This story also, I think, reveals something about the nature and potential of wind power in an age of ever smarter computer modeling, namely that experts are able to predict a spike in power and adjust the output of other generation sources accordingly.
Distributed generation, also called on - site generation or decentralized generation, is the term for generation of electricity from sources that are near the point of consumption, as opposed to centralized generation sources such as large utility -...
Longer duration energy storage solutions are expected to become more important as more intermittent generation sources, such as wind and solar power, come onto the grid.
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