Sentences with phrase «gentle discipline»

"Gentle discipline" refers to a kind and non-harmful way of teaching and guiding someone, usually used in parenting. It involves using patience, empathy, and respect to set boundaries and correct behavior, rather than using punishment or harsh methods. Full definition
Personal stories from a variety of mothers show creative adaptations of gentle discipline methods and provide parents with tools and encouragement to put theory into practice to be real parents, not perfect parents.
Obviously, parents who practice gentle discipline don't believe that hitting a child to teach them not to hit others is an appropriate or even logical option.
This is a must read for anyone who has an interest in gentle discipline.
Instead, parents using gentle discipline teach kids how to learn with those uncomfortable emotions.
His two younger brothers were more sensitive and responded with genuine fear to isolation, which helped us further in our search for gentle discipline methods.
I was just referring back to the worksheet that you sent when we did our amazing phone consult with you on gentle discipline with our son.
We have had great success with gentle discipline and our children are, by all accounts, full of empathy, aware of boundaries, and pleasant to take to public places.
And gentle discipline does include the use of consequences.
There are gentle discipline methods parents can employ to help their child learn socially appropriate behavior that will work throughout their life.
As with breastfeeding, the more gentle discipline becomes the norm the easier it will be for everyone to learn how to do it.
It was because I could see pain and sadness in his eyes during time - out that I eventually rejected traditional discipline tactics and chose gentle discipline instead.
That's great that gentle discipline worked out for your family.
It was because I could see pain and sadness in his eyes during time - out that I eventually rejected traditional discipline tactics and chose gentle discipline instead.
One of the biggest gentle discipline challenges for me is parenting during transitions.
Many parents who practice gentle discipline wonder where their little one picked up the behavior, not realizing that it is a normal and age - appropriate reaction, albeit an unacceptable one.
However, we learned some techniques to prevent her from doing so and I used gentle discipline when she did.
Provided within the book are a few examples of how gentle discipline might look within a home.
This post describes five gentle discipline tools for parenting toddlers.
It is wise to share your parenting challenges only with those who you know are supportive of an attachment parenting / gentle discipline lifestyle.
As our kids get older, attachment parenting also means gentle discipline.
Use cat doors or baby gates if practical, as well as gentle discipline and rewards to enforce the rules.
Given the differences of opinion in the other posts on gentle discipline, I think that everyone will agree that responding with compassion is always right.
It also features a lot of writing about gentle discipline and the challenges of raising gentle children in a violent world.
Many parents who practice gentle discipline wonder where their little one picked up the behavior, not realizing that it is a normal and age - appropriate reaction, albeit an undesirable one.
When parents use gentle discipline they don't try to force kids to do anything by sheer will and they avoid power struggles.
The basis for gentle discipline is that it focuses on using discipline and not punishment.
For example, children who have high levels of fearfulness are less likely to have internalizing and externalizing problems if their parents are high in warmth and in gentle discipline strategies.
So instead of losing it when your little one loses it, take an adult time - out, breathe deeply to gain control of your own emotions, and then grab the Three C's of gentle discipline from your parenting toolbox and work with your child, not against them.
I am so envious of mothers in playgroup; they sew, they're healthy, they have patience for cloth diapering and cloth wiping, great at gentle discipline, great at home - schooling (5 yo telling me all about the periodic chart!!!)
I was at a bit of a loss for discipline once I made a conscious decision to pursue gentle discipline (which avoids spanking).
Thank you for helping us realize our sleep challenges were really gentle discipline challenges and helping us have a clear plan for dealing with all of the fighting of every boundary that Z was doing.
I'm well past the early years of attachment parenting, but for all the intensity of breastfeeding, cosleeping, responding sensitively, and learning gentle discipline, attachment parenting has since become a lifestyle.
Parent educator, Elizabeth Pantley, writes a series of books, providing no - cry, gentle discipline solutions for families.
Ironically, as I watched this family, I'm at the library to write a post about gentle discipline [2] and how if we do not connect with ourselves as parents first, we can not hope to connect with our children.
My decisions to exclusively breastfeed, co-sleep, wear my baby and practice gentle discipline often set me apart from other parents.
Practicing gentle discipline promotes respectful, loving relationships between parents and their children.
It would be wonderful if there was a duel interview with a christian teacher who supports gentle discipline of children to contrast his dark, and abusive teachings.
In the space of two hours, you'll learn how to increase cooperation and reduce meltdowns as well as how effective gentle discipline can be and will create a solid foundation for gentle parenting practices.
Moorea Malatt CPD, CLEC is a Lactation Counselor - Educator, gentle sleep expert and creator of the Sleep Savvy method and the Potty Savvy method, parent educator & gentle discipline consultant.
Petrash, Jack COVERING HOME Robins Lane Press, 2000 This easy - to - read book targeted to fathers a d d resses gentle discipline for children through adulthood.
Even though you've read a lot of the books on gentle discipline and positive parenting, you still find yourself shouting, criticising, blaming, and all the other things you don't want to be doing.
For example, children who have high levels of fearfulness are less likely to have internalizing and externalizing problems if their parents are high in warmth and in gentle discipline strategies.
SO, I agree that if your child will respond to more gentle discipline, by ALL means use it, but in some circumstances a spanking may be called for.
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