Sentences with phrase «good report card»

In my opinion, that's a pretty good report card for both films.
I am not sure poor parents need better report cards to know that their school is not serving their child well.
With regard to face validity, good report card items should capture things that are by general consensus in the school and community important and foundational in their own right.
He gets new games for his Gameboy after good report cards and jaunts to the bookstore after a week's worth of saxophone practice.
Kids love pizza and Pizza Hut loves good report cards.
Those Happy Meals were a rare treat, and I worked hard to get a good report card or an honor at school just for a visit to the Golden Arches as a reward.
You might also want to use a good report card as a prerequisite for other privileges.
«Firms give the Government a good report card on infrastructure and are pleased with its commitment in recent years to put infrastructure at the heart of its long term economic agenda,» said the CBI's director general Carolyn Fairburn.
«Because there are big conservation issues with sharks, it was important for us to get a good report card or health chart started for the healthiest «patients» as well as the sickest,» McCauley noted.
Production in the fashion industry used to be a secretive affair, but today brands with a good report card proudly display their processes.
Better food, better report card.
Tonya, thank you very much for the good report card on Tray and the dealership experience.
The 2006 model remains exceptional in that aspect — not a good report card for the progress of DVD - Audio in cars, but that's another issue.
About 94 % of the market value of the debt is rated investment grade, a good report card for this group of companies.
One of ur biggest fans sonicteam / sega and I will be able to buy sonic generations becuz i got a good report card and my mom said she will buy it on the exact date also i have a half day next friday which is when u know when sonic generations come out!
In other words, a good report card from college can compensate a student's lack of a driving history.
Companies offer loads of opportunities for you to cut your premiums through discounts that can be based on a wide range of things, including your driving habits, your occupation, the fancy features on your vehicle and whether your kid gets a good report card.
Not only will you be paying a lower insurance premium, but parents will be impressed with a good report card.
Recognition like this is meaningful for us — to have a good report card.
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