Sentences with phrase «group status»

You can receive scholarships based on grades from your school, or you may qualify for specialty scholarships based on talent or special group status from a private entity.
In a meta - analysis, she identified low family income, low maternal education, young maternal age and minority group status as predictors.
Another helpful renters insurance feature you can let them know about is your consumer group status.
For example, if one were interested in whether the association between a parenting variable (e.g., father psychological control; Holmbeck, Shapera, & Hommeyer, in press) and an outcome (e.g., school grades) is moderated by group status (e.g., spina bifida vs. an able - bodied comparison sample), one would test the interaction of psychological control and group as a predictor of school grades after controlling for the parenting and group main effects.
The effect of intervention group status subsumed that of change in antidepressant strategy.
Associations between group status and parent - reported outcomes were assessed via regression analyses controlling for sociodemographic and health status variables.
We next examined group differences in intercepts (value at baseline) and slopes (linear change over time) of each marker by examining the interaction of time variables (i.e., linear, quadratic, cubic) with group status, controlling for sex.
HR for hospitalisation risk associated with birth year, preterm birth and case group status from stratified model.
It recently contacted Frontier community chief Zac Antonaci to ask how it should go about attaining Triple Elite group status and thus join an exclusive club of a few Elite Dangerous groups who have access to a private chat channel in which they're encouraged to organise community events.
- Identifying the characteristics of successful partners and leaders so that women (and men who are not «connected» to power sources within the firm) understand what it takes to be successful in the culture of their firm (i.e. books of business, managing teams, practice group status within the firm, management skills, who you know).
Mississippi is also one of a dozen or states that offer small group status to self - employed individuals, except those offered an alternate health plan by an employer.
Independent assessors who were blind to the patients» group status assessed patients at 6 - month intervals using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM - IV to determine relapse status.
In the meantime, I have searched for ways of estimating group status that are independent of preexisting personality characteristics and have come up with one; unfortunately, it works only for boys.
Parent - level factors (stress, depressive symptoms, parental efficacy, and parental attributions for child behavior) were assessed at baseline and post-treatment (parental perceived barriers to treatment) to determine if these factors were differentially related to dropout group status.
undergraduates» perceptions of parental relationship - oriented guilt induction versus harsh psychological control does cultural group status moderate their associations with self - esteem?.
Implications for understanding the complex patterns of association among different forms of peer victimization, self - injurious thoughts and behaviors, and peer group status are discussed.
Exploratory analyses were conducted to further define the effect of the interventions by relating group status to individual StimQ items.
To see your financing options, you'll need to fill out a questionnaire that asks about your business's location, planned use of the funds, special group status (e.g., veterans, women, minorities, etc.) and industry of your business.
This difference was statistically significant but further analysis indicated that, while change in antidepressant strategy on its own was a salient predictor of post-intervention CSDD, in combination with intervention group status, its effect was no longer significant.
Results indicated that (1) depressed patients and their spouses were less dyadically adjusted than nondepressed spouses, (2) causal and responsibility attributions about depressive behaviors predicted lower dyadic adjustment, and (3) attributions of causality mediated the relationship between group status (depressed or nondepressed) and dyadic adjustment among spouses who had higher expectations for their partner to change.
Regression lines for relations between father - reported psychological control and teacher - reported grades as moderated by group status (a 2 - way interaction).
The RA and rater of infants» sounds are blinded to group status.
Research assistants and raters of infants» sounds are blind to group status.
They're not aiming for the top but for the middle — to be the Center Jenny — reinforcing the group status quo, a common aim among young college - age women: don't stand out too much because it makes you vulnerable.
As a veteran journalist for several Washington, D.C. newspapers, I've interviewed more than 100 victims (by actual count) of ethically - challenged climate change believers protecting their income, in - group status, or warped personality maintenance innards who routinely attack dissenters with the same error - ridden stock accusations without the slightest idea what the dissenter actually did or said.
They've set up a petition to Congress, calling for, among other things, the proposed legal system to be one «in which all attorneys are salaried, and are required to provide legal services to all - comers, regardless of income or disparity - group status, at fair and stable reimbursement rates determined by a Department of Legal Services (DLS).»
The resulting 4D images were visually inspected for artefacts by an experienced rater who was blind to group status.
A second coder who was blind to group status, and the study hypotheses, conducted reliability coding across all three emotions for 20 % of the interviews.
Thirty - five - year pins were presented to Ralph Roberto, Coldwell Banker RMR; Charlie Reid, Royal LePage Frank Real Estate; Wayne Hancock, Century 21 Percy Fulton; Ron Barsi, Sutton Group Status Realty; and Harry Hayes, Sutton Group Status Realty.
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