Sentences with phrase «hard bargaining»

"Hard bargaining" refers to the process of negotiating or haggling in a tough, determined, or firm manner in order to achieve a favorable outcome or to get the best deal possible. Full definition
When asked about expected starting salaries, students aren't driving hard bargains.
This will not come about by a European directive, but through hard bargaining among different economic and political actors working under pressure from internal and external shocks.
As negotiations progress, the parties give ground only gradually, while trying to wear down the other side with hard bargaining tactics, e.g., threatening to walk out.
Be aware that buying before selling is not always in your best interest as hard bargaining goes out the window once you've emotionally already left your home.
Prospective tenants are still driving hard bargains on rents, but at least they are finally showing an appetite for expansion, notes Robert McMillan, industry analyst with New York City - based Standard & Poor's Equity Research Services.
It's not the first time liberals have sought to drive hard bargain for companies seeking to do business New York — or at the least not have them come at all.
The Rubells, who drive hard bargains with dealers by buying six or eight pieces by an artist at a time, say they rarely spend over six figures for any Chinese work.
Negotiation can be the «traditional» model of hard bargaining where the interests of a group far outweigh the working relationships concerned.
«French presidential favourite Macron may drive hard bargain in Brexit talks,» said the left - leaning Guardian.
Not a day passes without a new story about hard bargaining at NAFTA renegotiations, which forces businesses to reconsider their investments and put off decisions until they know more about the future of cross-border trade.
Thanks to hard bargaining by community organizations and party staff, Cuomo sullenly promised to support a long list of progressive initiatives — raising the minimum wage, publicly financed elections, a state - level version of the DREAM act, decriminalization of marijuana, and a series of gender equality measures.
united are not in the position to go around playing hard bargain... if people still think they'll pay for lobsters with dust then they are misguided..
While Chevron's takeover and BC LNG's contract move Canada closer to having an LNG industry, their experience suggests not all proposed LNG plants will get built in the first place, those that do will likely take longer than expected, and there will be hard bargaining between the suppliers in Canada and the buyers in Asia.
Chelsea though have driven a seriously hard bargain and although no figures have been quoted at this stage we were told:» It's about 60 per cent on.
That reception reveals a tension within the labor movement, and another within the Democratic Party, whose members are often the ones pushing hard bargaining — or no bargaining — with teachers.
Because years of hard bargaining failed to produce a policy architecture that adequately addresses the complexities of climate change, the international community shifted its attention to the strategy REDD represents.
In an article entitled «Bracing for trouble on the picket line ``, Craig comments on this year's picket - line battles suggesting that employers are going to be using hard bargaining, including potential lockouts, to make gains.
Under such time pressures, miners can drive a very hard bargain on questions such as compensation, knowing that an arbitral body can not make a mining grant conditional on a royalty or similar payment.
Companies have been able to drive harder bargains with workers, particularly in unionised sectors, because of the threat they can outsource.
The DUP, which is targeting 10 seats this time, is pragmatic about its partnerships and famous for driving hard bargains: it propped John Major up against Conservative rebels in the 1990s but also saved Labour from defeat over anti-terrorism legislation two years ago.
A mixture of hard bargaining, poor judgement and a slight lack of faith, has led to many players walking through the prestigious Arsenal doors, only to leave without putting pen to paper.
Hard bargaining by countries such as China, India, and Brazil in the run - up to that decision translated into receiving a 47 percent share of the voting rights in the body.
Love or hate the new president, there's one characteristic of Donald Trump that just about everyone can agree on — the guy likes to drive a hard bargain.
This week, a federal appeals court came down on Yelp's side, ruling that the company's sales strategies do not extort businesses, but can instead be classified as perfectly legal «hard bargaining
The streamers thus have their pick of low - cost, high - grade projects and can drive a hard bargain, setting themselves up for strong earnings growth if and when commodity prices rise.
According to the verdict, Yelp has the right to charge for its ads, and thus review manipulation is «at most, hard bargaining
«The best operators have good real - estate attorneys and drive hard bargains.
Driving hard bargains and pondering the links between adornment and function with the founder of smart jewelry company Cuff.
Thanks to increased competition and the ease of comparison shopping online, buyers are driving ever - harder bargains.
Mattel's rebuttal indicates that Margaret Georgiadis, who took over as the company's chief executive in February, is seeking to drive a hard bargain in negotiations with Hasbro, even though Mattel's stock has significantly underperformed that of Hasbro in the last year.
Leech drove a hard bargain, but he did offer a three - month installment plan if we needed the extra time (so know that could be an option, if you ever find yourself dealing with your own Leech).
After eliciting an admission from the agent that Mammoth believed it had discovered a substantial shale oil deposit suitable for fracking, Farmer drove a hard bargain for the drilling rights.
This approach meant the executive couldn't always drive a hard bargain.
Now all that's left is the hard bargaining.
All this tells me is that Elway is never willing to overpay for someone and that he will drive a hard bargain.
They need a striker, they started the summer by needing a centre - half and why - oh - why every year, do Arsenal go into August, something of a mess, a bit of a shambles, trying to drive a hard bargain on August 31.
The Scotland striker cost Wolves # 7million from Burnley in 2010, but Sunderland will drive a hard bargain.
The Mirror claim the «asking price» for Lloris would be at least # 25m and Levy is well known for driving a hard bargain when it comes to securing big fees for high - profile exits.
Plus he'd cost far less than someone like Schneiderlin, as Southampton like to drive a hard bargain.
SEE ALSO: One of Tottenham's five striker targets available for # 9.2 m but potential deal has complications REVEALED: How much Newcastle offered for Andros Townsend — Spurs are driving hard bargain!
Wenger famously put that # 40 million and # 1 bid in for Luis Suarez whilst he was still at Liverpool and ever since then Wenger has been well recognised for trying drive a hard bargain, without much success.
SEE ALSO: REVEALED: How much Newcastle offered for Andros Townsend — Spurs are driving hard bargain!
Which is to drive a hard bargain and save some dough, since they know we want giroud off more than they want him, cos aubameyang deal hinges on michy heading to dotmund.
The # 8m price quoted by Thomas seems a bit steep for a talent who is only proven at Championship level, but we know Daniel Levy drives a hard bargain!
Liverpool will seek to drive a hard bargain this summer, when top clubs come calling for Mohamed Salah.
Trade partners will know what's up, and they might drive a hard bargain in exchange for facilitating the birth of a monster.
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