Sentences with phrase «heat value»

We therefore need the constant - volume specific heat values for each of air, water vapor, and liquid water.
For a fuller discussion of higher and lower heating values see heat content.
The carbon - reducing impact of the pellets burned is based on the assumed displacement of the amount of baseline fossil fuel use having an equivalent heating value to that of the pellets consumed.
When we talk about natural gas as a heating fuel, it has two different heating values.
Efficiencies approaching 50 % (higher heating value basis) are envisaged within the next 10 to 15 years, as development of very high temperature steam conditions are continued.
Also known as «upper heating value
Shale gas companies, in fact, try to illustrate how they've benefited consumers by pointing to how the price of natural gas on the New York commodities market began to take a sharply divergent path from the price of oil in 2005 if the prices are compared by heating value.
Knowing the sub / super heat values can tell you if your system is overcharged, undercharged or you have problems in txv etc..
High - quality materials and a precise heat value guarantee maximum ignition reliability in cold starts, when accelerating, as well as in demanding tailback situations.
While every fiat currency eventually reverts to its intrinsic value of zero, or the value of a used piece of paper with negligible heat value in BTUs, Gold remains.
The coefficients represent the approximate heating values of the respective components in Btu per pound.
«The coal - based pilot plant will be used as the basis for scaling up to a commercial offering that is highly efficient (40 percent or greater higher heating value), modular (unit sizes of approximately 50 to 350 [MW]-RRB-, and economical for both international and domestic power generation,» the request said.
Technologies need not be limited to 100 % coal fuel; however, coal must be the predominant fuel (i.e., > 50 % by heating value) for the economic analysis of the plant.
These table top «greenhouse effect in a bottle» experiments demonstrate that the atmosphere would have to be 50 - 100 % CO2 (500,000 — 1,000,000 ppm) to get that much warming but even then the extra warming would not be from a «greenhouse effect», but rather would be a result of CO2's lower specific heat value.
For example, coal has no heating value to you merely by existing.
«The heat values will be high for months — high enough to cause an exothermic reaction.
«China is the largest coal consumer in the world, but it burns much lower quality coal, such as brown coal, which has a lower heat value and carbon content compared to the coal burned in the US and Europe,» said Prof Guan.
Key to the new estimate are so - called emissions factors, which are derived from the carbon content, heating value, oxidation rate, and other variables that allow carbon emissions to be calculated for the amount of a given fuel consumed.
Higher Heating Value: A measure of heat content based on the gross energy content of a combustible fuel.
Heating value: Heating value: A measure of the energy content of the physical unit of any combustible fuel.
Note: Heat content of combustible energy forms can be expressed in terms of either gross heat content (higher or upper heating value) or net heat content (lower heating value), depending upon whether or not the available heat energy includes or excludes the energy used to vaporize water (contained in the original energy form or created during the combustion process).
Heating value (natural gas): The average number of British thermal units per cubic foot of natural gas as determined from tests of fuel samples.
U.S. coal peaked a few years ago in terms of BTU (heat value) per pound — meaning that we need to burn more coal for the same amount of heat / electricity.
Relying entirely on public and peer - reviewed data sources for the period from 1970 to 2010 (inclusive), the team found that industry - average full - fuel cycle (well - to - wheels, WTW) CI declined about 36 % from 165 gCO2e MJ - 1 higher heating value (HHV) of reformulated gasoline (RFG) to 105 -LRB--12, +9) gCO2e MJ - 1 HHV RFG.
Lignite, brown coal used mainly at electricity generating plants, has the lowest carboncontent and heating value and is high in ash and moisture.
The conversion may make sense economically, because per unit of heating value, natural gas is more expensive than coal.
From «For example, coal with a carbon content of 78 percent and a heating value of 14,000 Btu per pound emits about 204.3 pounds of carbon dioxide per million Btu when completely burned.
The ultra-supercritical technology to be deployed will aim for 50 % high heating value (HHV) efficiency compared to only 35 % efficiency in the current pulverized coal - fired plants.
I understand the difference between lower and higher heating value and that by condensing the water vapor product of combustion a condensing gas furnace may transfer ~ 5 % more sensible heat to the home.
The Lower Heating Value (LHV) is the amount of heat you get from the combustion and from bringing all the combustion products back to the original temperature without condensing the water vapor.
Coal Classification: In the United States, coals are classified by rank progressively from lignite (least carbonaceous) to anthracite (most carbonaceous) based on the proximate analyses of various properties (fixed carbon, volatile matter, heating value, and agglomerating character), following methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials.
4The relationships of the various heat - producing components of coal are given in Dulong's formula, which provides a method for calculating the heating value of solid fuels.
The four ranks used in most coal statistics are, in decreasing order of heating value: anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous and lignite.
The high carbon dioxide emission factor for anthracite reflects the coal's relatively small hydrogen content, which lowers its heating value.
Differences among ranks are substantial; for example, the heating value of lignite is approximately half that of bituminous coal.
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