Sentences with phrase «hidden illness»

Dogs can be very good at hiding illnesses from their owners.
Regular physical examinations are important because exotic animals can often hide their illnesses until it is too late.
Cats are notorious for hiding illnesses for a time.
Most exotic pet species are masters at hiding illness from owners.
Plus, innate survival instincts make cats hide their illnesses so they don't appear weak and vulnerable to predators.
Cats are masters of hiding illness so they may just seem to sleep more and be less keen to play rather than crying or showing other signs of pain or discomfort.
It is important to note that birds hide illness very well.
Blood tests give your veterinarian a look at your pet's health from the inside, where they can not hide their illness.
It is normal for a cat to try to hide an illness because in the wild, ill cats are easy prey for predators.
However, discovering hidden illnesses can't happen unless they see their veterinarian for the needed care.
Because dogs are good at hiding their illness just by the nature of survival, you really have to watch out for signs of problems.
Some pets hide illnesses very well so performing annual exams and blood work play a key role in ensuring your pet lives a long, healthy, happy life.
That's right, yours could be hiding an illness right now and you'd never even know it.
This might be true, but cats are experts at hiding illnesses.
«Well cat» visits are critical for detecting subtle changes in your pet's physical health — especially important for a species likely to hide any illness until it becomes debilitating.
It's not fair for owners to blame themselves because cats are known for hiding their illnesses.
Therefore, they often hide an illness until it has progressed into a critical condition.
Instinctively, cats and dogs hide illness well, turning veterinarians into detectives.
They included ripped - up sick notes covering the day of the crash, which «support the current preliminary assessment that the deceased hid his illness from his employer and colleagues,» Herrenbrueck said in a statement.
They usually hide illness until they can no longer compensate.
This is especially true with cats, who hide their illness well.
This self - preserving instinct to hide illness lives on in domesticated rabbits, so it is critical to continually monitor your rabbit for any changes in behavior.
Felines are masters of disguise and are particularly adept at hiding illness.
Since cats are known for hiding their illnesses, it is especially important to notice changes in behavior.
If we allow free - feeding, it can takes sometimes days to figure out whether the kitty isn't eating enough — which is important, since cats hide their illness very well and you want to catch problems as early as they arise.
They are masters of hiding illness and pain.»
In fact, dogs often hide their illnesses as long as possible, acting like they feel fine when they really don't.
The behavior stems from an instinctive desire to hide their illnesses from predators that tend to prey on weak animals.
Rabbits in the wild the instinctively hide illnesses and injuries to avoid detection by animals of prey.
Exotics are very good at hiding their illnesses until they just can't cover it up any longer, therefore it is very important to catch diseases early on and before your pet starts showing symptoms.
It precludes every effort to hide our illness or to claim what is unreal for the cure.
Initially, Wield had also tried to hide her illness from her family, particularly the children.
Richard Ferre, a psychiatrist in the LDS Church's Missionary Department, is quoted as saying that «there are better ways to cope than to hide illness or to presume [those who come home early] lack faith.»
Wield often felt she needed to hide her illness.
Trump supporters, most notably former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, have gone further, accusing her of hiding an illness.
I thought I was very good at hiding my illness, but my eldest son (who was 6 years old at the time) started to notice and would worry when I was sick.
Being stringent about cleanliness greatly reduces the chance of passing along any hidden illness to your existing bird.
Some pets like cats, rabbits and birds have a remarkable capability of hiding their illness and usually do not manifest the tell - tale signs until it is too late.
Cats are really good at hiding illness, and checking for a decrease in weight can be an important indicator that something isn't right.
This is counter-productive, however, because cats are extremely good at hiding illness.
Cats are no more or less healthy than dogs and are notorious for hiding illness.
This can be particularly challenging in cats, since they are masters at hiding illness.
While cats and dogs are prone to hiding their illnesses, and regular checkups are a necessity, sometimes your pet can not keep his or her symptoms a secret.
While humans tend to seek out medical care for illness, cats and dogs will tend to hide illness.
Many medical conditions are detected on physical exam that the owner was unaware were present because pets can not always communicate how they feel and tend to hide their illnesses.
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