Sentences with phrase «high fibre diet»

High fibre diets reduce our risk of disease and help us stop at one or two slices of bread instead of seven, so that's awesome.
A high protein high fibre diet improves weight loss in obese dogs.
Nothing has cured it as yet but the best I've felt with high fibre diet with a lot of flax seeds and kale, beans and wholegrains, less dairy and caffeine and more fatty fish.
i am confused as to why i have this condition after eating a plant - based high fibre diet for over 30 years, and have always had regular bowel movements?
High fibre diets also contain various fatty acids such as the short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the understanding of synergistic effects of SCFA and phytosterols in glucose regulation and cholesterol homeostasisis important to our understanding of diet, lifestyle and drugs in relation to peripheral amyloidosis and gene expression
Intervention pseudo-crossover study: 30 healthy Finnish men in their 40's were studied on their habitual high fat diet (40 % fat), then put on a low - fat (25 %) high fibre diet for 6 weeks, then switched back to high fat.
High fibre diets also contain various fatty acids such as the short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the understanding of synergistic effects of SCFA and phytosterols in glucose regulation and cholesterol homeostasisis important to our understanding of diet, lifestyle and drugs in relation to peripheral amyloidosis and gene expression that play an early role in the development of AD.
Certified organic foods and drinks and high fibre diets all have an important role to play to maintaining good gut health.
By eating a high fibre diet, you can prevent constipation.
«Now we can explain why a high fibre diet does not always lead to weight loss.
Aim to eat a high fibre diet to maintain digestive health and keep you full on fewer calories.
Fibre and weight loss Research shows that women who have a high fibre diet tend to have lower body weight.
Nonetheless, I learned a great deal about how to deal with digestive issues attributable to a high fibre diet.
So, the Diet and Reinfarction trial was undertaken with the goal of answering the question whether a low fat or a high fibre diet would be beneficial for heart disease.
Perhaps Dr. Agatston would benefit from a high fibre diet, not the reverse.
A high fibre diet means more chromium, which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.
A high fibre diet can cause bloating in some people, but in others may relieve bloating.
It refers to a low carb - high protein, high fibre diet that enables ketosis in the body (fat oxidation) that ultimately helps with weight loss and maintenance.
This helps tremendously with daily energy levels and a high fibre diet reduces the risk of colonic and intestinal disease from developing.
High fibre diets that contain phytosterols have been shown to lower LDL and increase HDL cholesterol and are implicated in membrane cholesterol and amyloid beta (Aβ) homeostasis.
A high fibre diet consisting of hay and fresh vegetables will stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
Prevention of stone formation involves a high fibre diet with little grain.
If he is prone to hairballs, a higher fibre diet, non-digestible fat / oil (liquid paraffin, petroleum jelly) or mild laxative (Katalax or a hairball paste) may be needed in future.
Wild rabbits mainly eat grass, which naturally contains 20 - 25 % fibre and rabbits» teeth and digestive systems have evolved to need a high fibre diet.
Rabbits require a high fibre diet that is high in coarse, abrasive fibrous foods including hay, grass, wild leaves and herbs, to ensure the teeth are evenly worn and to prevent overgrowth.
Rabbits make great pets and you should carefully consider their needs — plenty of space, exercise and companionship, as well as a good quality, high fibre diet and as much hay as they can chew!
Guinea pigs require a high fibre diet to ensure the teeth are evenly worn and to prevent overgrowth.
However, if a rabbit is not eating a high fibre diet or is supplied with fresh water to drink at all times, the fur that is ingested can become dry and block the intestinal tract.
Feeding a high fibre diet and keeping your rabbit indoors in a clean environment will reduce risk of pinworm infection for the rabbit.
Using only the very finest ingredients, Fibafirst ® is a high fibre diet that satisfies the natural nutritional and physiological needs of your rabbits.
I use the high fibre diets for the cats who get anal gland problems because despite the fact anal gland evacuation / abscess problems should be rare in cats, in my practice (mainly indoor cats), it is not all that rare and a diet reasonably high in fibre has resolved the problems.
In a subsequent study in collaboration with the University of Liverpool and Royal Canin, the effect of a high fibre diet on weight loss was investigated.
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