Sentences with phrase «high impact activities»

I have 5 of their bras now and they are my favorite things to wear, especially for high impact activity!
Yoga is a relatively safe activity when practiced responsibly, especially when compared to higher impact activities such as running and contact sports.
With osteoporosis, avoid high impact activities like jumping, running or jogging.
At four months postpartum, I'm just getting back into high impact activity, but so far, so good.
Of course, the risk of certain high impact activities for adults has to be measured against the benefit.
Avoid repetitive high impact activities and very long exercise sessions.
If your adult dog is in poor shape, make sure to help them get into better shape gradually before offering more high impact activity.
The template broadly allows low impact activities to proceed, whilst high impact activities can only proceed with agreed compliance procedures.
The battle rope is a great alternative to high impact activities such as running or jumping.
«Based on these findings, we recommend a serum vitamin D level of at least 40 ng / mL to protect against stress fractures, especially for active individuals who enjoy participating in higher impact activities,» explained Dr. Miller.
If all is going well at the eight week recheck exercise restrictions are typically lifted with the exception of high impact activities involving ball and frisbee play, rough - housing with other dogs and off leash activities outside of the backyard.
While they may look small and fragile without the usual wire attached, the Elite Sport earbuds are designed to withstand even the most grueling run or swim if you're nursing an injury or giving your body a rest from high impact activity.
This will help a lot with comfort during your workout, especially for high impact activities like running or kickboxing.
As part of that process, we will involve STEM education experts in the agencies in the review of federal programs to determine which are working well, which could be improved [e.g., by adopting proven practices or better coordination], and which are low - performing that, if phased out, would free up resources that could be used more effectively by higher impact activities
Like many other tough» exercise regimes, PiYo, done correctly, can burn up to 1,000 calories a session but unlike some other boot camp style systems, PiYo is designed to be gentle enough for those who have joint issues or can't tackle high impact activity through injury or ill health.
It's therefore important to avoid jogging the puppy on hard asphalt or other high impact activities such as jumping to catch a Frisbee or sports like agility or fly ball, until the growth plates are closed.
Individuals with varicose veins or those at risk should look to avoid high impact activities such as jumping and running on concrete or treadmills.
Researchers report in the The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery that active individuals who engage in higher impact activities may need to maintain higher vitamin D levels.
Moderate daily exercise, avoiding high impact activities such as jumping, may help keep the patient mobile and strengthen surrounding support structures.
Long distance running, for example, is a high impact activity that won't exactly prepare your legs for squats, but increase your risk of shin splints and painfully swollen knees instead, and HIIT cardio is also a bad idea — you need your legs to be fresh and ready for the heavier part of the training.
Better yet, because running is a high impact activity, it sheds body fat to reveal lean muscle below.
Keep in mind, what you do today will have an everlasting impact on your body tomorrow — hence the reason that SOME athletes or fitness enthusiast suffer injuries in the future; they fail to realize that as the body ages, they must taper off the high impact activities, (heavy weight lifting, squatting, box jumps, basketball, tennis, heaving running, sprinting, etc).
Joints are the body's weakest point (along with ligaments and tendons) and can't keep up with the bones and muscles as far as high impact activity is concerned.
«In a low impact environment, you remove the risk of stress on muscles and joints that often results in muscle soreness, stress fractures and injury native to high impact activity,» says nutritionist, trainer and online coach Brooke Turner.
Higher impact activities will impose stress on the bones, and in return the bone responds by getting stronger.
The continence threshold is reached must faster if the muscles have not been sufficiently prepared for high impact activities.
Never force a joint through painful range of motion Avoid high impact activities (jumping, skiing, etc.).
The design includes all the must haves: seam - free cups, encapsulation and compression for high impact activities, an adjustable back closure, and front adjustable straps with velcro.
For high impact activities, the full coverage sports from Ennell uses encapsulation and compression to eliminate bounce and damage.
Avoid high impact activities that affect the elbow.
It is a good idea to avoid jumping and high impact activities but running should not be a big worry.
High impact activities and pretty much any hard play might cause the dog's bone to cease growing or even grow the wrong way.
The ILUA template provides that a notice must be given to the native title claim group of any high impact activity proposed (the same notice can be used for both native title and Aboriginal cultural heritage high impact activities).
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