Sentences with phrase «high intensity sprint»

60 seconds of high intensity sprint training a day or every second day.
Now compare that to the totally ripped, muscular, strong and healthy looking body of a world class sprinter, wide receiver, or other athlete that does mostly high intensity sprint work... which would you rather resemble?
An average workout program with these elements would consist of two days of high intensity kettlebell training per week, two to three days of weight related exercises, and one day of high intensity sprints if weather allowed.
seven or eight 30 second high intensity sprints with 1 minute jogging between them to cool down.
That translates into couple extra repetitions when you lift weights or few seconds longer high intensity sprints.
A low intake of caffeine (~ 200 mg) has been shown to improve vigilance, alertness and mood, and improve cognitive processes during and following strenuous exercise, however there is a lack of research on its potential effects on high intensity sprint and burst activities.
We know that short, high intensity sprints can help you lose weight VERY fast, but there's something special about squats that I really think makes them superior.
If you are the type that goes to a gym to do treadmill work or likes to walk, I encourage you to add some higher intensity sprints of 30 seconds or less to your workout.
You will find that you get a killer pump and will be breathing like you just finished 10 high intensity sprints.
UK coach Greg Potter has told me that the power clean maxes of his athletes tend to go up during the competitive track season due to the high intensity sprint work they are getting by sprinting in states of maximal arousal.
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