Sentences with phrase «high sun»

If you really need to use sunscreen, use one specially made for babies and with really high sun protection factor.
With more sunlight and warmer temperatures also comes more time spent outside and higher sun exposure.
Some ways to actually improve the performance include, installations with smaller amounts of infrastructure, installations which consume all the power locally, and installations in high sun areas.
These towels are lightweight, compact and breathable also offering high sun protection.
The height of the rainbow, however, will depend on how high the sun is above the horizon.
These golf courses feature large amounts of unused open land, few shade trees and high sun exposure — all of the things you need for a productive solar farm.
Also funny that the last 30 years of high sun spot activity also seems to be warming up Mars too, according to NASA.
She did offer the wonderful tip of using zinc oxide to help deflect the sun from highly sensitive areas when directly exposed to high sun for a long period of time - and also to consider the way relate to the sun - spending most of our lives indoors and than binging on sun on our one sunny day - off a week.
Powerful broad - spectrum SPF 50 + defends against daily exposure to UVA and UVB rays without the typical white cast left from high sun protection.
The lifeguards high sun exposure resulted in high vitamin D which increases calcium absorption, which in the absence of adequate vitamin K2 can contribute to calcium stones in the kidneys.
It may for a single dose for the first day in an unexposed person with light skin, but long - term studies suggest that people with very high sun exposure have levels closer to what someone would get from supplementing with something closer to 3,000 IU for the coldest six months of the year in a temperate area.
For many fair - skinned people, exposing arms and legs to sunlight for 20 - 30 minutes — more in northern climates and less as you get closer to the equator during high sun (between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.) throughout the week without sunscreen should be adequate to start the process of building adequate vitamin D levels.
That the oceans and their currents hold onto and redistribute those energies at high sun output, only to off» - load that energy at a convenient low sun output period down the line?
areas of higher sun exposure lead to humans having higher melonin levels as humans migrated following their food they moved into europe and asia where lower exposure to sun caused a lose in melonin content.
Dermatologists do agree with the EWG that people who use sunscreen — especially products with sky - high sun protection factor (SPF) ratings — shouldn't feel that they are immune from skin cancer.
Madonna, Shin Suwon Maryland, Anna Winocour The Fourth Direction, Gurvinder Singh Masaan (Fly Away Solo), Neeraj Ghaywan Hruter (Rams), Grimur Hakonarson Kishibe No Tabi (Journey to the Shore), Kiyoshi Je Suis Un Soldat (I Am a Soldier), Laurent Larivere Zvizdan (The High Sun), Dalibor Matanic The Other Side, Roberto Minervini One Floor Below, Radu Muntean Shameless, Oh Seung - Uk The Chosen Ones, David Pablos Nahid, Ida Panahandeh The Treasure, Corneliu Porumboiu
Quite off the mark, surface temperatures are mostly average because there is still some ice reflecting sunlight, but sunlight is very intense due to low cloud extent and high sun elevations, and does not show immediately above the ice, but further up.
However, nothing is quite as effective as sunlight exposure, and this is why you may find you need none or very little coffee in the summer or in times of high sun exposure, but you're a complete monster if you don't get your morning cup of coffee in the grey winter months.
It's a week before training camp starts on an impossibly beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest with a high sun overhead and gentle breezes blowing off the Willamette River caressing the city in a warm embrace.
In case you want to use sunscreen, we recommend you to choose some with the highest sun protection factor (SPF), with minimum SPF 30.
A light breeze provides relief from the high sun and cools my already moist face.
Because rural Americans tend to spend considerably more time outdoors than their urban counterparts do, they traditionally have had higher sun exposure and vitamin D blood concentrations.
[Hao Ou - Yang et al., Sun Protection by Beach Umbrella vs Sunscreen With a High Sun Protection Factor A Randomized Clinical Trial]
Keep reading to learn which herbal ingredients have the highest sun protection factor (SPF) to save you from spending on expensive and artificial sun - protection products.
The only thing was it was high sun, which is tough for photos to begin with, and then it was a hilarious trek around the house trying to find the right backdrop / lighting situation.
Motion Picture, International Film South Korea — The Throne Brazil — The Second Mother Croatia — The High Sun Belgium — The Brand New Testament Taiwan — The Assassin Hungary — Son of Saul France — Mustang Germany — Labyrinth of Lies Austria — Goodnight Mommy Sweden — A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
Choose one that has a high sun protection factor (30 or more), and apply it regularly, even in overcast conditions.
Prime sunbeam season is between June and August, since the higher the sun the more light comes in.
Weather wise it was hot and sunny with a high sun burn factor over on the East Coast while we were on the scene.
I find the dynamical meteorological explanations rather trivial when the Arctic is not commented about, describing winter without the Arctic is like describing summer without the higher sun at noon, the distances between regions often block meteorologists from seeing us.
Because of the high Sun, the intertropical convergence zone receives the greatest quantity of daily solar insolation in the tropics.
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