Sentences with phrase «hip height»

You should start with the progression at hip height and once you reach 3 × 8, you should increase the height of your feet.
Find an elevated surface (like about hip height).
When your leg reaches hip height, hold for a count, and then lower back down to the ground over another count of four.
Lift right leg up to hip height until thigh is parallel with the ground.
Allow your upper leg to rest on your lower leg then raise your upper leg until just above hip height and lower.
However, on me — the length is a perfect hip height.
When you can do this, you can move on to the harder progression until your reach the progression at hip height.
Lean forward slightly, lifting your left foot behind you to about hip height.
Do the move: Lift one leg off the ground and elevate it until your knee reaches hip height.
Athlete holds both ends of a band at hip height with the elbows straight and palms facing inwards.
Inhaling, lift left knee to about hip height while bringing right hand behind you to grasp inside of left foot.
The QL is responsible for setting hip height and can deeply influence the curvature of the lower spine — in a negative way when it's overly contracted or unbalanced.
Begin with a slight pelvic tilt (pubic bone moves toward navel), press feet into the floor, lift hips up to knee height (or as high as your flexibility allows), contract (squeeze) your glutes (butt), hands and arms press into the floor for additional hip height and thoracic / spinal extension.
Lift one arm directly out to the side and up to shoulder height, as you straighten and lift the opposite leg to hip height behind you (b).
The deadlift is where you have a barbell on the floor from a dead stop (hence the name) and you pick it up and lift it to hip height so that your knees, hips, and shoulders are locked out.
Bulgarian Split Stance Stretch: This is a very similar stretch like the standing lunge stretch except you will have the back foot elevated on something approximately hip height or slightly below.
Also, when kickboxing raise your knee to hip height first then extend your leg out for a kick (in one quick, swift movement).
Beginning in the side - lying position with the forearm used to support the body on the ground, the upper leg is held in at hip height by the partner.
Balancing your weight on your left leg, hinge forward with a flat back as you lower the barbell down towards the floor, then lift it back up to about hip height as you squeeze your left glute while bringing your right leg back down (b).
-- Keep the chest tall and hold the bar at hip height against your mid-thigh.
The soil spreads out onto the gallery floor and the height of the lamp sits below hip height, positioning the work awkwardly.
«So, whether that's just like hip turns and opening up and running or whether it's like hip height, keeping my hips low on my backpedal and things like that.
Grab the uprights at hip height with each hand.
B. Return to standing, and lift your left leg out to the side to hip height while raising the ball overhead.
Place your right foot on the wall at about hip height, with the toes pointing down.
From all fours (A), simultaneously extend left leg at hip height and right arm at shoulder level (B).
Based on analysis of the footsteps she has concludes that the two animals measured respectively 1.6 meters and 1.1 meters at hip height, and that they are probably carnivorous dinosaurs of the species Megalosauripus.
Slowly lift your left leg to hip height with foot flexed and extend your left arm along your left leg.
Raise your right leg to hip height, then lower it back toward the ground 12 times.
From here, keep your right leg bent and raise it to hip height to the side of your body, then lower it back down to the mat.
With good pace and control, kick your left leg to the side (hip height).
Whether you see your hoop as a health aid and spring for one studded with therapeutic magnets or stick with a basic ring, your hoop should be about hip height, according to Melbourne's The Singing Whale, which sells metallic, weighted and personalised hand made Coola Hoops and supplies Circus Oz.
Here's how to do it: Place your right hand on the back of a chair that's about hip height.
Lift right leg up to hip height, then swing it through bringing right ankle behind left wrist.
Come back into plank position, this time lifting your right leg straight back to hip height.
Raise left leg to hip height, exhale to kick left leg forward and pulse, inhale, lengthen leg to back x 10 reps.
Shift your weight to your right leg and extend your left leg behind you to hip height, toes pointed down.
Tilt forward at your hips so the weights hang toward the floor, with your back parallel to the floor and left foot raised to hip height; return to starting position.
Straighten your left leg and use your outer - thigh muscles to lift it to hip height.
When the bell gets to about hip height, bend the elbows, pulling them up towards the ceiling and bringing the kettlebell under your chin, keeping it close to your body.
Lift your left leg up to hip height, then bend the knee and crunch the leg in toward your torso, keeping it at hip height.
Bring your right knee up and out to hip height and kick it out.
If you can stay centered and keep your rib cage lifted, then slowly lift your back leg to hip height.
Using a chair that's about hip height, do 10 - 15 reps of each of the six moves below.
Added challenge (advanced fitness levels): bottom hand or elbow on the floor, elevate feet on a bench, stool, chair, or 2 yoga blocks — feet stacked and at hip height.
Feet elevated or on floor, reach top arm over head (arm in line with ear) and lift the center of your body into an «arc», lift top leg up to hip height (leg straight, foot parallel to the floor), drop your top arm to your hip as you lower your leg, then dip your hips toward the floor without losing good form.
To do this, you should see if you can complete 5 consecutive reps of horizontal pull ups at hip height.
Here you are going to train with the same pulling exercise all of the 3 days with the goal of reaching the hip height progression.
If you can complete 3 × 8 at core height but still you can't complete 5 reps at hip height, you should also train at the level between core and hip height.
Only lift your legs to hip height.
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