Sentences with phrase «huge amounts of carbon dioxide»

But activists want to stop this, in part because coal produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned.
Coal produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned, and federal climate policy is silent on this potentially large source of emissions.
In the face of mounting support for clean coal and the billions being invested in carbon capture and storage, or C.C.S., technology, a new assessment from the University of Toronto's Munk Center for International Studies has a stern warning for policy - makers: there could be dramatic unintended environmental consequences to sequestering huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth's mantle.
Like its cousins, common forms of algae, cyanobacteria suck in huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it into other materials, such as biomass.
Over the last few centuries, the ocean has absorbed huge amounts of the carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels.
Americans should be outraged that the Chinese are putting huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and changing our climate!
Humans are emitting huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere - 29 billion tonnes in 2009 (CDIAC).
Agrofuels are being perversely promoted as a solution to climate change while the draining of peat lands and cutting down of tropical forests for their cultivation is releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
This process is capable to sequester huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over longer time scales.
University of Washington research showed a decade ago that rivers exhale huge amounts of carbon dioxide — though left open the question of how that was possible, since bark and stems were thought to be too tough for river bacteria to digest.
At the end of this post, there's more on one facet of the climate question that Mr. Dyson did examine in some depth back in 1976 — the prospect of pulling huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air with specially bred trees.
Also, I'd like to point out (just so it's clear to members of the audience) that coal generates huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned as fuel, as a CENTRAL part of the process.
But some, like Eelco Rohling, professor of ocean and climate change at the Australian National University's research school of earth sciences, now argue that this target can not be achieved unless ways to remove huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are found, and emissions are slashed.
We also must remove from the atmosphere huge amounts of carbon dioxide that have already been emitted (see «Paris Climate Agreement Rests on Shaky Technological Foundations»).
For the first 40 million years that trees existed, there was no fungus to break the wood down and trees simply piled up (locking up huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the process and cooling the earth).
Tropical rainforests absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide, but because slash - and - burn deforestation releases so much of the greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, the tropics are a wash for carbon, according to a new study.
But additional buildup of coal - to - natural - gas projects could also create an environmental nightmare because producing the gas will emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide and worsen the water crisis in China's arid western regions.
Opponents of nuclear power have started a counteroffensive to Dr. Lovelock's call for a new nuclear age, arguing that mining uranium and building nuclear plants releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide, and that the danger from accidents or terrorism is too great.
Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are retained as carbonate ions, and calcium ions represent a major contribution to water hardness.
«By continuing to put these huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we're gambling with climate and the outcome is still uncertain,» Zeebe said.
«This homeostasis is now being disrupted by our brief binge of fossil fuel consumption, which has released a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
And that is a huge amount of carbon dioxide.
Building with hemp sequesters a huge amount of carbon dioxide from the environment.
Not only is the climate changing due to greenhouse gas emissions, but the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic because of the huge amounts of carbon dioxide they are dissolving.
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