Sentences with phrase «human faith»

Like the collectivization which accompanies it, this upsurge of human faith which we are witnessing is a life - bearing phenomenon, and therefore irresistible.
However much Stanglin and McCall want to protest that for Arminius it is grace that is necessary for human faith, he nonetheless left an irreducible space for human acts or beliefs that resist God's grace.
For Niebuhr, this is the problem of the transformation of our ordinary human faiths, and he addresses it by pointing to the pattern of Jesus Christ in our history.
If this fourth view is correct, Paul could simply be saying that the gift of God is the entire plan of salvation, which means that God decided before the foundation of the world to make salvation available by His grace and through human faith.
In this case, we once again see that the salvation - by - grace package originated with God in eternity past, is received by human faith (not by works), and is not something that we dreamed up, but is a gift of God to all people.
Her rationale for such a view seems to rest upon (1) a highly questionable interpretation of one text in Process an Reality and the claims (2) that only such a view is compatible with human freedom and (3) that only such a view is compatible with human faith.
Rosemary Ruether put it nicely in The Radical Kingdom (Harper & Row, 1970): «What matters is that human faith not mutilate any of the dimensions of [humanity] that have been won through faith in God, and that faith in the transcendent God not mutilate faith in the human task.»
Ordinary natural human faith is a mean between these extremes.
As Niebuhr observed in a manuscript posthumously published as Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith, «questions about faith arise in every area of life.»
Human faith is not mentioned anywhere, nor is the process of sanctification.
They presuppose that human faith can lay hold of the divine and claim to have an infallible bridge between heaven and earth.
Do we not recognize the tenuousness of all human faith?
This aspect of the Redeemer's relationship to the whole of humanity, independent of human faith, is seldom fully recognized by Christians and its implications worked out.
In the West, Niebuhr wrote, human faiths have taken three forms.
My answer is simply this, that it is because at present our magnificent Christian charity lacks what it needs to make it decisively effective, the sensitizing ingredient of Human faith and hope without which, in reason and in fact, no religion can henceforth appear to Man other than colorless, cold and inassimilable.
This article is excerpted from H. Richard Niebuhr's Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith, edited by the author's son Richard R. Niebuhr.
What would the consequences for our human faith have been?
For example, though Scripture includes proclaiming the gospel, human faith, Spiritual regeneration, and sanctification into the theological chain of events which contribute to the «salvation package,» Paul makes no mention of these.
This theme has deep affinities with H. Richard Niebuhr's Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith, as well as Michael Polanyi's description of tacit knowledge and similar writings.
It is shameful that human faith should be detoured to secondary and tertiary ends.
A fuller treatment of why the Reformed were unconvinced by Arminius» construal of grace, and the nature of human faith, would have been very helpful.
Neither is the idea that the body and soul are both part of human faith and wholeness.
Decisions finally have to be made that are critical to human faith and action, and life itself.
You say faith is not a work but then go on to say, «Human faith, then, is not the first step,» this admitting, at least to me, that it is a step, which is descriptive of an act, a work.
Human faith, then, is not the first step, or even the millionth step, in the process of coming to God or believing in Jesus for eternal life.
, which challenges our understanding of the proverbial mountain in relation to human faith, perseverance and ability to achieve a higher knowledge.»
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