Sentences with phrase «human hearing»

There's a lot of chatter outside the range of human hearing.
This is the meat of the frequency range where human hearing is most sensitive, and therefore it's easy for average listeners to pick up on anything that sounds unnatural.
Her specialty is the presence of sound waves that register below human hearing.
They do this by working with computer and machine speech recognition, which is modeled on human hearing.
The second two replay the sounds at higher frequencies that better fit human hearing.
Your dog's ears are delicate, sensitive, finely tuned instruments allowing her to pick up sounds far out of the range of human hearing.
«Fish use deafness gene to sense water motion: Researchers explore aquatic model for human hearing
For 2018, the flagship adds PRE ‑ SAFE Sound, «which prepares human hearing for the anticipated accident noise when there is a risk of a collision».
The transmitter emits an electronic ping every minute or two at a specific sonic frequency (69 kilohertz, far above human hearing) that allows observers to follow the fish's trail.
This is what the historicity of human hearing means.
20 Hz is considered pretty deep and the low end of normal human hearing.
A better understanding of echolocation may improve methods for teaching the technique to people who have lost their sight later in life, and yield additional insights into human hearing.
Another important difference between bird and human hearing occurs in the inner ear, and especially in the cochlea — the structure containing the vibration - sensitive «hearing» hairs.
The results have shown that humans hear lower sounds — namely from 8 hertz on — which, after all, is a whole octave than had previously been assumed: an excitation of the primary auditory cortex could be detected down to this frequency.
Although McAlpine cautions that further work and extensive testing would need to be done before the technology could be used on a patient, he said the ear in principle could be used to restore or enhance human hearing.
As Santa and his sleigh approach, the sound of bells and his deep «ho, ho, ho» would get higher and higher (like when an ambulance siren whizzes by) and then become completely silent, because he would move beyond human hearing range.
That was the 50 - kilohertz chirp [at a pitch far above the range of human hearing].
«The sound is at a level that's audible by human hearing at about a metre away.»
It is said that if ever a mortal human hears the mermaids singing they will eternally be drawn back to the sea.
By comparison, dogs can hear sounds up to 45,000 kHz, while humans hear sounds only up to 23,000 kHz.
Unlike human hearing tests, BAER testing only determines whether an ear can hear or not.
When cats or humans hear certain sounds, the brain instantly processes them to determine if they signal danger.
The audience was provided with bat detectors, mobiles and tablets to lower the high frequency calls to within human hearing and to see visuals of the bat sounds as they hunt insects and navigate around the Olympics perimeter.
(For reference, human hearing starts as low as about 20Hz and, in a healthy adult, goes up to around 20,000 Hz.)
Turtle Beach's patented Super Human Hearing emphasizes footsteps and some of those subtle audio cues, and the immersive 7.1 surround sound will alert you to enemy positions in an instant.
It's based on a number of acoustic cues and heat - related transfer functions, which essentially reverse engineer the way human hearing works to recreate sounds in what seems like a 3D space.
But using the new microphone array, researchers could identify each individual songster — and that's when they discovered that the females were singing, too (you can listen to a female singing in this recording, slowed for human hearing).
Dubbed Pre-Safe Sound by Mercedes, it utilises the noise - cancelling abilities of the sound system to «prepare human hearing for the anticipated accident noise when there is a risk of collision».
Mice can chatter in voices pitched above human hearing.
Another idea is to «shape» any background noise by taking it from the middle frequency bands, to which the ear is most sensitive, and redistributing it in higher or lower bands where human hearing is less acute.
Because this frequency is below human hearing, the first tuning fork is set at the first octave above the Schumann Resonance that can be heard.
Ultrasound consists of mechanical vibrations, like sound, but with frequencies far greater than the upper limit of human hearing, around 20 thousand to 20 million cycles per second (20 kilohertz to 20 megahertz).
View Our Range of Sound Machines for Tinnitus White noise is characterized as a constant sound that «contains every frequency within the range of human hearing
White noise is characterized as a constant sound that «contains every frequency within the range of human hearing
Although the basic outlines of human hearing have been known for years — sensory cells in the inner ear turn sound waves into the electrical signals that the brain understands as sound — the molecular details have remained elusive.
Identifying such players can eventually assist in isolating pathogenic variants or regulatory elements that can be at the root of human hearing and balance disorders.»
Frequency: The range of human hearing is 20 - 20,000 Hz.
When they speeded up the frequency of the volcano recordings to within the range of human hearing the distribution of frequencies closely resembled a Boeing 747 jet engine.
Among those he examined was MP3, the popular audio coding format launched in the 1990s, which uses sophisticated models of human hearing to compress audio data by removing sounds that are masked.
Bolton combined these human hearing models with model checking (an automated, computational approach for finding problems in complex systems) to assess masking in a common patient - monitoring device with six different alarms.
Each headphone plays a tone of a slightly differing frequency, which creates a pulsating beat that is felt but not heard (because it is below the range of human hearing).
This recording, with help from a bat detector, has captured a fuller range of caterpillar frequencies, including some normally beyond the range of human hearing.
Voice assistants can be controlled using sounds above the range of human hearing and used to download malware, make video calls and post on social media
Some companies watermark their audio files by encoding copyright information in frequencies outside the range of human hearing, which are normally discarded by compression algorithms.
However, instead of audible sound, sonic levitation utilizes higher ultrasonic frequencies that are beyond the range of human hearing.
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation, which watches out for nuclear weapons tests worldwide, looked at its data for the last few days to see if its infrasound — below the range of human hearing — recordings, normally used to seek out the muffled crump of underground tests, contained any signature of an aircraft explosion.

Phrases with «human hearing»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z