Sentences with phrase «human risk»

This fact also makes such firms more vulnerable to many kinds of human risk failures.
With this baseline, you can plan how to mitigate human risks through your employment screening program.
The compliance requirements also affect the risk mitigation tactics you can use to manage human risks (e.g., training, monitoring, reporting).
All of the risks you are trying to mitigate with the program are human risks associated with employment.
The rationale for background screening is strong and when used properly, it is a very cost - effective way to improve hiring and reduce human risks a bad hire often entails.
Within the overall risk management strategy dictated by organizational function, the goal of human risk management is to identify and analyze potential sources of risks related to each job role.
The fact is, temporary workers carry the same sorts of human risks as regular full time employees, and perhaps even more.
In an uncertain world, we provide you security by enabling organizations of all sizes to accurately and responsibly assess human risk and improve decision making.
At its core, the background screening program is part of your risk management strategy, intended to identify and mitigate human risks.
A thorough background search can help to mitigate many kinds of human risk.
Investment in relationships is, in effect, an investment in mitigating the ecological, economic and human risks associated with climate change.
One researcher who signed the report downplayed the results by saying that «these tumor findings are not considered relevant for human risk assessment.»
(Also, if findings in rats are not considered relevant for human risk assessment, why in the world are we torturing the poor things?)
The paper was a result of combined efforts of the joint Working Group on Human Risk Perception and Climate Change at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the National Socio - Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) at the University of Maryland.
The video, featuring the science writer Joe Hanson, explores a vital body of empirical studies on human risk misperception, showing how a rational view of long - term or diffuse threats is obscured by «status quo bias,» our «finite pool of worry,» our tendency to value tribal connections over reality through what researchers call «cultural cognition,» and other characteristics of what I call our «inconvenient mind.»
But I go on to say that my reporting on behavioral research explaining human risk reactions and responses (or the lack thereof) has been the most unnerving experience of all:
But I go on to say that my reporting on behavioral research explaining human risk reactions and responses (or the lack thereof) has been the most unnerving experience of all: Read more...
Such experiments increase our knowledge of human risks in spaceflight today, and especially help to prepare for future long - duration exploration missions.
Anyone who operates a motor vehicle on behalf of your organization presents risks: human risks inherent in the driver, him or herself, and the risks rooted in the purpose or cargo of the transport vehicle.
The group investigate also how is the collaboration and coordination between veterinary and human healthcare sectors in a One Health approach; policy actions effectiveness and specificity, according to different animal and human risk groups, were also addressed.
Funded through NASA's In Situ Resource Utilization program, Scarab is part of a generation of autonomous robots meant to take human risk out of prospecting for resources in increasingly hostile, remote locales.
Surprisingly, the investigators also found a Neanderthal genetic variant that significantly increased the modern human risk for nicotine addiction, the researchers said.
The methodology of speculative corpse counting Human risk assessments for asteroid impacts are confusing in part because there has never been an asteroid impact in historic times that has caused even a local disaster (setting aside the 1908 flattening of more than 2,000 square kilometers of sparsely populated taiga near the Tunguska River in Siberia), let alone a global catastrophe.
«Humans risked limb ischemia in exchange for bipedal walking: A detailed comparison of mouse and human blood vessels with three - dimensional imaging.»
Topic: Integrating human risk perception of global climate change into dynamic earth system models
An overall objective, aside from the desire to assess alternative means to combine human social system models with climate models, is to provide a rational basis to determine whether human risk perception and associated changes in behaviors can significantly affect climate projections.
The Working Group of about a dozen scientists from a variety of disciplines, including biology, psychology, geography, and mathematics, has been researching the questions surrounding human risk perception and climate change since 2013.
There is no known human risk from H3N2 canine influenza virus; however, the risk of reassortment (or mixing together) between the canine H3N2 virus and human seasonal influenza viruses is a potential concern.
Human Risk Insurance: cases can often hinge on the appearance of key individuals.
Let's take a look at some of the primary motivations of companies via the results of this SHRM, Society for Human Risk Managers, Survey.
You keep doing them because you know you need to manage human risks, but in fact, due to cost pressures or changes in your environment, your routine background check process can become outdated or fail to address the real threats you face.
Since the whole point of doing background screening is to mitigate human risks, it is imperative that your background check be tailored to address all the risks inherent in the role in question.
With a new focus on human risks, the March 2015 release of the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) brings a broadly improved, wide - ranging analysis to the international global warming round - table.
The Working Group has focused its efforts at several levels of modeling to account for human risk perception and how this might be incorporated in climate models.
I'm going to focus on financial risks here, but clever people can generalize to other classes of human risk, like war and terrori...
And, in a world where our consumer needs are exquisitely matched by markets, in which bourgeois comfort can almost anesthetize a sense of human risk and adventure, sex remains one of the few realms left where we can explore our deepest longings, where we can travel to destinations whose meaning and dimensions we can not fully know.
Environmental groups have cautioned that pipelines come with ecological and human risks.
But with access to modern dangers like illegal drugs and fast cars, the human risks have increased.
Human risks were framed, instead, in terms of workers in the disabled nuclear plant.
For reasons researchers are still trying to sort out, four degrees appears to be a tipping point beyond which the human risks increase dramatically.
How might this relate to human risk?
The human risk assessment looked at five incidents that involved humans and Burmese pythons over a 10 - year period in Everglades National Park.
This human risk assessment concluded that although the risk of an unprovoked attack by a Burmese python in Everglades National Park is low, it is not non-existent.
«We link nutrition in a personalized manner to human risk to develop elevated blood sugar levels and their many complications.»
This may equally minimise the human risk via exposure to infected birds.
In other words, evolution has increased the human risk for lower limb ischemia.
I'm going to focus on financial risks here, but clever people can generalize to other classes of human risk, like war and terrorism.
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