Sentences with phrase «humidity increases»

The observed regional changes are consistent in pattern and amount with the changes in SST and the assumption of a near - constant relative humidity increase in water vapour mixing ratio.
Low humidity increases water loss; if enough water is lost the cell fails.
Step 5: Keep the humidity and temperature in the home low (high humidity increases the number of allergens able to stay in the air).
My argument is that a warming earth suggests humidity increases.
The relative humidity increases as the surface temperature goes down, so it is directly related to the window staying warm.
In the central United States, for example, observational data indicate that rainfall increased, surface air temperature decreased, and surface humidity increased during the summer over the course of the 20th century concurrently with increases in both agricultural production and global GHG emissions.
Warmer air can hold more water vapor, so specific humidity increases with temperature.
If humidity increases, water managers may be faced with the challenge of storing water for longer periods while mitigating mid-winter flooding.
Chemist Satish Nune was inspecting the solid, carbon - rich nanorods with a vapor analysis instrument when he noticed the nanorods mysteriously lost weight as humidity increased.
As the relative humidity increases, the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body decreases.
Poor ventilation and high humidity increases the risks of Pneumonia.
28 Estimated Strength of Water Vapor Feedback Earliest studies suggest that if the absolute humidity increases in proportion to the saturation vapor pressure (constant relative humidity), this will give rise to a water vapor feedback that will double the sensitivity of climate compared to an assumption of fixed absolute humidity.
That chart doesn't agree with IPCC's figures in which it claimed that specific humidity increased with surface temperature between 1976 and 2004.
As heat and humidity increase, and as additional exertional heat - illness risks are present, the need to take steps to prevent heat illness becomes more urgent.
As the relative humidity increases, the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body also decreases.
The researchers tested Cr - soc - MOF - 1's water adsorption properties and found that as the relative humidity increases up to 55 %, the adsorbed amount of water gradually increases, followed by a steep water uptake between 60 and 75 % relative humidity.
However, the team found a different behavior as temperature and humidity increase in the cold Arctic.
But as the heat and humidity increase, so too does the intake of abandoned animals.
What the study showed was that upper tropospheric relative humidity decreased slightly as the atmopshere warmed (and while specific humidity increased)-- and this was compared with a rule of thumb that says relative humidity should stay roughly constant.
In fact, the evidence suggests part of the humidity increase is driven by enhanced surface moisture fluxes associated with sea ice reductions.
Bigterguy wrote: When earth warms, humidity increases.
«Outdoors in open conditions, as the relative humidity increases, first haze and ultimately a thicker cloud cover develops, reducing the amount of direct sunlight reaching the surface.
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