Sentences with phrase «idea of man»

The question is, do we have the faithfully remembered ideas of this man who made such an impression on those who heard him?
And I guess that the whole idea of a man being stuck on a time loop after he wakes up naked in an elevator is a, visually, interesting concept.
In 2016 Als curated Forces in Nature at Victoria Miro, a group exhibition exploring ideas of man in nature, featuring works by Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Alice Neel, Chris Ofili, Celia Paul and Kara Walker, among others.
In a wry and humorous take on dating army pen pals, the author focuses on the stereotypical idea of men as hunters.
Already in discussing the meaning of prayer and the Christian idea of man, we have said some things about God.
They rejected, as Paine wrote, «the savage idea of man considering his species as his enemy, because the accident of birth gave the individuals existence in countries distinguished by different names.»
The development of the Old Testament's idea of man involves two main matters: first, the relationship of the individual to his social group, and second, the nature of the individual within himself.
The two lines of development in the Biblical idea of man, which we have been considering, may be combined and summarized thus:
The Old Testament's early idea of man in his social relationships could be inferred on a priori grounds from the early Biblical idea of God.
As for the modern scene with its contemporary problems, the New Testament's idea of man faces immense difficulties in maintaining itself.
The author therefore analyses the main ideas of these men in a chapter entitled «Where psychiatry and Catholicism conflict».
Don't compare God or God's will to the high minded flawed ideas of men.
Such a view presupposes a strange picture of God and a strange idea of man and of the right way for man to live.
Where one or more of these are absent, you will find a church that is either struggling to survive or is built on the power and ideas of man rather than God.
While it is absolutely true that it is good to be educated about the laws, the very idea of this man, who has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women at various times in his life, should be a voice of wisdom and guidance for a crowd of young people seems like a sick joke.
Now that you have a pretty good idea of the man you are hoping to attract, it should be much easier to come up with some great bait in the «about yourself» section.
In this version, however, Mel Brooks adds his own personal touch, parodying traditional adventure films, romance films, and the whole idea of men running around the woods in tights Read the rest of this entry»
Any historical crimes took place because of the misreading of the bible or ideas of men in power.
The Christian idea of man can be stated in the form of five paradoxes, each uniting an apparent contradiction.
In some cases we're even led to believe that the whole idea of man - made climate change has been put about by a bunch of self - promoting scientists in flapping white coats in some vast conspiracy.
Sadly, we know that the Bible was written with the idea of men being of higher station than women, so we see the book used against women (and by extension transgender men and women and non-heterosexuals).
The idea of a man jumping over the moon seems to be logically possible but it is forbidden by actual laws of nature, so it is really impossible.
Nevertheless, the Christian faith in immortality has an important connection with the idea of man's dignity and worth, for according to the Christian outlook every human soul has a value great enough to be appropriately thought imperishable.
The idea of man worshipping a higher power started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.
Neuhaus goes on to ridicule the idea of this man telling «the congregation about his temptations, seeking their understanding and acceptance.»
I think the idea of man invading another country enforcing his will on the people goes against the new testament teachings that reserve that power for God the father only.
His idea of man was not at variance with either of these concepts, but it is not the way in which he thought.
In Buber's essay on Jacob Boehme (1900) this feeling of unity is used to illustrate the idea of man as the microcosm, or little world which contains the whole.
In addition, process theology generally tends to follow Hartshorne in neglecting or minimizing the ideas of man's sin and guilt and consequent need for atonement and repentance, ideas that have been central in many theological perspectives.
Behind the idea of ransom is the idea of men in captivity or, as we would say today, kidnapped by sin.
This series tries to answer that question by providing a reliable guide to the ideas of the men who have significantly charted the theological seas of our century.
Man's sonship to God is thus a universal truth which holds for man as such, which is essential to the idea of man.
This formulation expresses Humboldt's double interest in the appearance and the idea of man, a distinction which the philosophy of Kant and Fichte had suggested.
Jesus existed before all religions, concepts and ideas of men.
Real authority, not just some made up idea of man to claim some kind of leadership...
Bellany said that when he teaches Guy Fawkes, all of his students come to class with an idea of the man and his ideology.
If your image or idea of a man of God is someone of lives in a mansion, globe hops on private jets, and pulls up to a church in a mercedes or stretch limo, then will you really recognize Jesus if he comes back as anything different?
For him there was no longer any generic man, and hence no longer any use for the idea of man's self - alienation.
According to the Daily Mail Mario Balotelli was dumped by fiancee Fanny Neguesha as he didn't want to see her in revealing photo - shoots with the Liverpool striker hating the idea of men ogling over her.
While I don't disagree with Karen — and she has a healthy, open outlook — if you are not interested in her option, I would simply say this, knowing I don't always follow my own advice well: You are young (and vivacious, as you say)-- pursue your passions and put the idea of men aside for a year or two.
As much as we love the idea of men being an equal partner in a marriage, we don't necessarily embrace the idea of men being an equal partner in a divorce.
The idea of a man having sexual thoughts prompted by the sight of my breasts performing their sole function makes me nauseated.
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