Sentences with phrase «idea of something»

She would love the entire idea of it as well.
I've also made some of the other energy bars / balls and am loving the whole idea of them with the dates and everything.
Ten years ago, I would have turned my nose up at the very idea of it.
We knew that this baby carrier idea of ours wouldn't go away and had huge potential.
The team read each and every document they received and got an overall idea of them.
It was a very good idea of you to put a towel over the cage at the time when he / she was in distress.
This page explains what PD is, the limits of its uses and why some parents might be resistant to the very idea of it - for their own reasons.
When the hubs had like cholesterol through the roof (the hereditary kind thank you) I thought it would be a good idea of we cut back on all the meat we eat.
The very idea of it sounds like something a group of kids from a college dorm would make on a lark, yet the Chiodo Brothers managed to make it palatable for genre fans.
The artists interpreted their experiences around the idea of
I've always been nervous about cooking for other people, and this blog has amplified the pressure a little bit — our friends and family see me posting all these recipes, so the whole idea of me cooking dinner has become a little more exciting than it used to be.
It's not necessarily in keeping with my current personal style, but the dreamy lighting and general idea of it really pulls me in and for some reason any ART film that includes roller blades seems to attract people's attention.
Or any of classy bars with a view over paris at sunset which includes the Tour Eiffel Thank you for giving me this idea
Rather than the general idea of him dithering, however, our manager suggested that he had a very clear idea of what he wanted and it seems like he may have finally got it as he was quick to accept the comparison between Vardy and Lucas Perez.
When I started out with cloth though, I thought the whole idea of them was silly.
There isn't a team in the world that he wouldn't improve, even if the very idea of him pulling on a Barcelona shirt is simultaneously very funny and deeply disturbing.
CF from The Outlier Model presents Getting pre-approved for a mortgage, and says, «Getting pre-approval is actually a really good idea of you're considering a home purchase because it really forces you to consider what is within your budget.
It leverages just how easy it is for a virtual world to make you feel small, which in turn hammers home the idea of you facing a near - impossible task.
Longshoremen hated the very idea of them.
That little idea of hers ballooned into a multi-million dollar business, making her the youngest self - made female billionaire on the planet in 2012!
The underlying motive might be to boost their own ego, but because their self - worth is so wrapped up in their idea of themselves as saint - like this actually produces helpful rather than harmful behavior.
LearnStorm came from the idea of we can create these great experiences online that are aligned with standards that are really good for students and they correlate with success metrics, but you need the the students to engage with them.
You have to plant the seed really, really early, first by introducing the idea of it, and then really making them imagine themselves being a CEO one day.
And we like the idea of them being somehow computer - generated rather than simply «digital copies,» which feels like a cheap imitation of physical collectibles.»
Uber was probably tiny and the idea of it going into Uber, all that craziness that now you see, none of that existed at the time we were making that decision.
China has gotten by with claiming it's a poor, backward country, but such excuses no longer suit its own idea of itself.
I like the idea of it functioning more as an assistant than completely automated.
As for the Russian company - insurance firms did not like the idea of us launching from there.
Some people beleive in bigfoot, does that mean he is real or someone invented the idea of him?
Real life military leaders who hold my life in their hands at times, yeah, the idea of them operating via the christian military plan instead of the US military plan scares the crap out of me.
As I said, I am no fan of Tatchell, but the idea of him being racist is about as plausible as a claim that Adolf Hitler is alive and well and working as a community organizer on the south side of Chicago.
Maybe there are people, like myself, who are open to the idea of something existing beyond our scope of understanding.
I can't say that I've ever had the impulse or clarity to deliver a written message directly from my Higher Power but the idea of it moved me and I've taken the liberty of adapting Palin's letter (quite minimally, as you can see) to explore the possibility.
People who have a hard time seeing themselves as individuals with individual thoughts and beliefs rather than as a part of the whole who must parrot the thoughts and ideas of those they look up to.
The kind of reasonable, sound THINKING theology and religious / faith ideas those of us as are here talking about, simply doesn't lend itself to a pop culture.
yo the thing is not about believing or not, is the fact that if we don't believe then we are worthless living garbage who occupy a space in the universe only to create crap and pollution, in that kind of case we would better be recycled into some industrial material for a better use than eating and living like cattle, but if there is a god we acquire a divine status and a purpose to continue to exist beyond afterlife or at least the idea of it, which would give life a sense right?
As long as she is ok with the idea of me going to hell, why would I want to tamper with her contentment.
Dwight clearly has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to «blood rituals,» but the sight of blood on fruit stirs an idea of something ancient and powerful in him.
I like the idea of it being strengthening just as a mother stops feeding a child on milk, being ready for something else.
I know my idea of it — but I am just guessing, your and my idea of produce it quite different.
So I'd say that Grand Dragon Mohler did indeed mourn at the idea of them - thur Mud Peeple (tm) got legal equality...

Phrases with «idea of something»

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