Sentences with phrase «identification practices»

We need to work towards better identification practices in special education.
Few if any experts would argue that existing identification practices are ideal, or that identification rates reflect true prevalence of need.
Special education identification practices vary widely across and within states and districts — we do not know a «right» level.
However, many of these students are denied the opportunity to maximize their potential because of the way in which programs and services are funded, and / or flawed identification practices.
The best identification practices rely on multiple criteria to look for students with gifts and talents.
Ford actually recommends that black students be identified as having a second language and another checklist be developed for their use in identification practices.
This digest discusses the identification of students who are gifted, the difficulties in the identification process, appropriate identification practices, and procedures that can help with identification.
«We've created identification practices, which we have taken into use in March, and they comply fully with anti-money laundering laws and regulations, even though authorities do not even require this from us as our business is not under regulatory obligations» - Prasos's Chief Executive Officer Henry Brade commented to Bloomberg.
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