Sentences with phrase «immunity to something»

Because the viruses are so common, about a third of the population have developed immunity to them by adulthood.
Therefore, almost all dogs lack immunity to it.
Therefore, dogs at risk should be vaccinated against both strains.2 This is because the viruses are relatively new, and dogs have no natural immunity to it.
Although most dogs contract worms at some point in their lives, they can receive treatment, build immunity to them, and live long, happy lives.
One of the «jobs» of toddlers and preschoolers is to catch infectious diseases in order to build up lifetime immunity to them.
More than 200 viruses can cause the common cold, and she develops immunity to them at a time.
That should mean that many people have been exposed to the virus and thus would have some partial immunity to it.
Because this is an emerging disease, few dogs will have immunity to it unless they have received one of the new vaccines.
Also, more than 200 different viruses can cause the common cold, and your child develops immunity to them one at a time.
This is because the virus is relatively new, and dogs have no natural immunity to it.
For one, Zika has been in Brazil long enough that the population has begun to form immunity to it.
no excuses, we» v had these injuries for long that wev got stronger immunity to it than any other club... a plan B is available with us already considering the squad that is fit.
Parliamentarians promoting and granting immunity to themselves can only serve to launder the rule of the powerful rather than the rule of law.
H7 subtypes in general can become more transmissible to humans, but the N9 element of H7N9 is newly evolved, and, if it became more transmissible, humans would have no pre-existing immunity to it.
Once he's had kennel cough, he'll have an elevated immunity to it.
According to the AVMA, the dog flu is highly contagious and all dogs are at risk of contracting the virus because it «is still an emerging disease» in the United States and dogs lack immunity to it.
Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and your body certainly will contract the virus if it doesn't recognize it (if you've never had it before) and build immunity to it.
«They don't have any natural immunity to it.
After all, more than 200 different viruses can cause the common cold, and your child develops immunity to them one at a time.
The mother is used to the bacteria in her own environment and has built up immunities to it.
There are many strains of norovirus, so it's hard to develop immunity to them.
Every time I get sick, I am happy to be passing on my immunities to them.
Since I breastfeed my 6 month old, does he get my immunity to it or is this wishful thinking?
Ants can't build an immunity to it because it's not a chemical.
Epidemiologists have worried that the avian flu virus, formally known as H5N1, could mutate enough to sicken and pass among humans, who would not have an immunity to it.
People born before 1889, who have been exposed to H1 flu, have some immunity to it.
The 2009 H1N1 strain is expected to remain in worldwide circulation; because it is no longer a novel strain, however, many individuals will have some immunity to it.
One participant reported, «If children are given antibiotics when it is not necessary, they can build up an immunity to them
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says this strain is so different from existing human flu viruses that most people have no immunity to it.
Such people are vulnerable because they move into areas where a disease is endemic but they may lack immunity to it.
Flu virus is potentially deadly to isolated tribespeople because they have no immunity to it, and such transmission is exactly what anthropologists and medical experts hope to avoid during contact.
«It certainly doesn't take much for a virus that is perfectly adapted to infect humans to spread provided the conditions are ideal — and in the case of Zika it found a population that had never seen the virus before and so had no immunity to it, and also a bountiful supply of the insect that it needs to spread.
«Expose yourself to this «stress» enough and your body builds up immunity to it.
The tumors often disappear spontaneously because the animal slowly develops immunity to them.
A: Because this is still an emerging disease and dogs in the U.S. have not been exposed to it before, almost all dogs, regardless of breed or age, lack immunity to it and are susceptible to infection if exposed to the active virus.
Because this is still an emerging disease and dogs in the United States have not been exposed to it before, almost all dogs, regardless of breed or age, lack immunity to it and are susceptible to infection if exposed to the active virus.
Because the strain is relatively new, dogs have not yet developed an immunity to it.
Because canine influenza is caused by a relatively new virus, dogs have no natural immunity to it.
I was expecting a yes / bring his recent vaccination record which is SOP but what I got instead was a five minute tale of how the H3N8 virus had caused a death in a nearby dog kennel and that unless my dog was vaccinated he WOULD get this virus because NO DOG had any immunity to it.
Admittedly, these tricks amount to simple jump - scares, but the device is used sparingly and unpredictably so you don't develop an immunity to them.
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