Sentences with phrase «impact on the planet»

A streamlined set of goals for reducing carbon emissions could simplify the way nations approach the quest to reduce human impact on the planet.
You care about the world we live in and contribute your time and resources towards making a positive impact on the planet.
We seek socially conscious packaging and materials with the least amount of impact on the planet.
Animal agriculture is known to have a significant impact on the planet.
A company doesn't have to be especially big to have a big impact on the planet.
Simply in offering an alternative to a stay in a hotel, we've created an opportunity to travel with less impact on the planet.
Find out how meat and dairy are connected to huge negative impacts on the planet.
We humans seem to believe that our needs are the only ones to be considered, but we should try to have as little impact on our planet as we can.
Want to live in a healthy, comfortable building that doesn't create a massive impact on our planet's resources?
We choose to purchase our coffee from the highest quality sources while helping them achieve greater profitability with less environmental impact on our planet.
So many decisions we make in our everyday lives have a major impact on the planet.
All factors combined are expected to have large scale impacts on the planets environment, and its inhabitants.
And if action is not taken soon, climate change will cause irreversible impacts on our planet.
Larger shipments help reduce fuel costs and create a smaller impact on the planet.
The astronomers concluded there were no excess infrared emissions and therefore no sign of an asteroid belt collision, a giant impact on a planet or a dusty cloud of rock and debris.
There are many ways to produce cotton if impact on the planet is ignored.
Visitors will come away with a lasting sense not only of humanity's collective impact on the planet, but also their individual impact.
Instead of open and healthy debate, dysfunctional public conversations have become the norm, preventing us from confronting the reality of our destructive impact on the planet.
It is the overall strategic plan of the global organic movement for further growth and sustainability in order to increase the positive impact on the planet and the people.
Even if everyone on the planet suddenly changes for the good, the effects already in the system will have a significant impact on the planet.
Though it may seem like a pedestrian chore, doing the laundry has a bigger impact on the planet than you might think.
In a world where consumer choices are having such a massively negative impact on our planet, understanding and leveraging those consumer choices is going to be crucial.
This active ingredient is used in conjunction with energy rings to produce a long - lasting battery that has less impact on the planet.
«We have already taken important steps to reduce our carbon footprint and leave a positive impact on the planet by reducing the packaging size, by introducing FSC certified packaging and through our investment in an offshore wind farm.
I wish race organizers would pay more attention to the waste created at running events, but as far as a personal discipline, I'm not sure I can think of an exercise that has a lower impact on the planet.
Ever - expanding understanding of the planet's distant and recent geophysical and biological past has helped put the human impact on the planet in context, and opened our eyes to natural perils that have only been hinted at in the blink of an eye we call history.
Writing in the journal Weather, Climate and Society, the University of Manchester researchers argue that cutting greenhouse gas emissions, while crucial to reducing humanity's longer - term impact on the planet, will not eliminate violent storms, tornadoes or flooding and the damage they cause.
Dr. Kaza applauds Dr. Paul O. Ingram's enthusiasm for Buddhist - Christian dialogue on the critical topic concerning the terrible cumulative impacts on the planet's air and water, landforms and ecosystems and their devastation as an outcome of human activity over the recent past.
These include respect for all life, an understanding of and appreciation for difference and diversity, empathy, responsibility, and an awareness of our role as the species that has the greatest impact on the planet» explains Ball.
At the cutting edge of the wellness revolution, Wellness Nova is your go - to hub for healthy living, bringing together the most powerful natural therapies and remedies, the latest in nutrition and fitness, and DIY tips for living your best life, with minimal impact on our planet.
As more and more people become environmentally conscious, small sects are coming together to reduce their own impact on the planet.
Given that the cosmic ray effect described by Svensmark would be more than sufficient to account for the net estimated temperature change since the Industrial Revolution, the key question becomes: Has human activity actually warmed, cooled or had no net impact on the planet?
This anti-environmentalist tactic of countering critiques of industrial impacts on the planet with lies, obfuscation and defamation has a long history.
The problem is that right now, though humans have a large unintentional impact on the planet, they don't consciously control that impact, he said.
Perception among consumers who care about the environment is that kits available at a pre-existing retail markets have less added impact on the planet.
It's a brilliant way to discover a whole new world of taste and flavour and enjoy a healthy start to the year, while also having a kinder impact on the planet!
Much of our ballooning impact on the planet is down to the first factor, population.
This metamorphosis will have a dramatic impact on the planets of our Solar System.
Choosing the right approach is vital as the scale of human impact on the planet becomes so large that scientists are calling this new epoch in Earth's history the Anthropocene (when human activity alters global climate and ecosystems).
The study suggests that plastics have such a long - lasting impact on the planet's geology because they are inert and hard to degrade.
Ponyo The revered Hayao Miyazaki returns with another animated fable that deals with man's ecological impact on the planet couched within a love story at its most innocent.
The study explains that these synthetic polymers have such a woefully enduring impact on the planet's geology because they are inert and durable to a fault.
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