Sentences with phrase «important leadership»

Those are all incredibly important leadership skills, and you already have them.
The vast majority of pastors faithfully carry out the most important leadership post in the world for extremely low pay compared to what they could be making in some other field.
Communication is the single most important leadership quality and everything mentioned above depends on it.
The collapse of the latter renewed interest in the former, but this has not led to important leadership for the future.
This would be the most important leadership election in the party's history.
Among other things, the book reminded me how important leadership is in setting startup culture — both consciously and implicitly.
Setting the vision is one of the most important leadership functions.
Learn important leadership concepts and apply them to the practical challenges of leading and managing the contemporary academic library.
Members may regard election to office in a congregation as a reward for service in less important leadership capacities.
So we have put the broker in a very important leadership capacity and given them a voice in this conversation.
Through research of your prospective employer's products, services, competitors, and challenges, your networking resume should allow the reader to quickly scan and extract important leadership highlights.
Women excel in important leadership areas like cooperation, communication, taking initiative and driving for results.
In other words, the regression evidence is strong for a relatively important leadership effect.
Recruiters will appreciate you providing them with a well - crafted, modern resume that is easy to navigate and extract important leadership attributes.
We've continued to bold the most important leadership accomplishments in the list to help them stand out.
Being organised and aware of time constraints and remaining courteous and respectful in stressful situations are also important leadership qualities.
Those of you who were asked to play important leadership roles not only did the job, you overperformed.
Upon completion of their studies, more than 70 % of students supported by this scheme continue to work within the red meat and livestock industry and a significant proportion go on to play important leadership roles in agricultural and livestock industries.
He also provides important leadership for TGI to adapt its offerings to the quickly changing technology - based market.
Here are two important leadership lessons you can take from how Starbucks has handled this situation:
She has held important leadership roles in several organizations, including chair of the surgery study section of the American Heart Association, vice-chair of the ACGME residency review committee, and president of the Women in Thoracic Surgery.
A survey of leaders from private and public sectors found that creativity is viewed as the «single most important leadership competency for enterprises seeking a path through... complexity.»
But it is also — in an admittedly self - serving sense — the «best» of times, because Ford's abysmal leadership serves as an object lesson in how not to lead, and reminds everyone of just how important leadership really is.
While the head post of the Politburo Standing Committee is presumably going to be assigned to Xi Jinping, other important leadership positions are still open for fierce power struggles within the Chinese Communist Party.
Their commitment to manage their funds through sustainable investments and active ownership shows important leadership at a vital time for the transition to a low - carbon economy.»
Those are three of the most important leadership traits, according to the Education World Principal Files (P - Files) principals.
The market's most important leadership group - one which includes names like Amazon, Facebook, Time Warner, Alphabet and Microsoft - is on the verge of a right shoulder wipe out.
He asserts that he is focused on defining and describing ethical leadership, using his own experiences as support for the ideas of what he believes (and I agree) is a powerful and important leadership approach.
MaRS Discovery District is pleased to announce two important leadership changes, placing key staff members in strategic, new roles that align with the organization's growth strategy: Salim Teja takes on the role of EVP Ventures and Tim Jackson becomes the EVP, Corporate & Community Development.
At the federal level, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing important leadership with the first - ever National Summer Food Service Program Week: «Food That's In, When School Is Out.»
«Gary Ackerman is a solid progressive who is, if the Democrats take back the House, poised to assume important leadership roles in protecting the integrity of our financial system and strengthening the U.S. - Israel relationship as a senior member of the House Financial Services and Foreign Affairs committees.»
It is time to step up debate on the genuine choices that face those who will vote in this vitally important leadership election process.
Last night, Gianaris specifically called out two senators — Jim Alesi and Joe Robach — for supporting the change that would strip LG Bob Duffy of his ability to cast a tie - breaking vote on procedural matters, which includes the all - important leadership question.
«I had to make some very important leadership decisions,» she recalled about those first days on the job, «right then.»
In this article, I will share perspectives on some of most important leadership considerations from experts such as Michael Fullan, Ken Leithwood, Kathleen Cushman, and Kath Murdoch.
She was immediately tapped for several important leadership roles and ultimately ascended to the CAS Presidency in 2014.
Education Pioneers is a talent partner that helps to fill important leadership and management roles outside the classroom — in operations, finance, HR, marketing, and more.
The Partners for Possibility programme aims to assist school principals to acquire the skills & knowledge essential for their critically important leadership role.
Next month, two of the pet industry's most important leadership events will essentially be fused together to form the first - ever Pet Industry Leadership Conference (PILC).
Through our culture of creativity, curiosity, and caring, campers will be empowered to positively impact their communities and develop important leadership, team - building, communication and problem - solving skills.
While the set back in U.S. federal policy is very serious, important leadership initiatives are emerging at the state and city level that will create pressure, again, for that country as whole to act.
«This means that some judges who undertake important leadership roles that do not merit uplift to the next highest pay category are not currently rewarded.
Internally, when partners don't model and coach effective business development and conflict management skills, developing lawyers pick up bad habits, repress their thoughts and feelings, and don't acquire important leadership skills that they need for real communication with clients.
Take inventory of our own leadership qualities, identify what we as AEs consider important leadership skills, and reflect on what we need to improve.
Royal LePage president and CEO Phil Soper says that communication through active listening is one of the most important leadership tools.
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