Sentences with phrase «in brain size»

It also suggests dominance drives differences in brain size in sweat bees.
«The reason we have more neurons than any other animal alive is that cooking allowed this qualitative change — this step increase in brain size,» she says.
The expensive brain: a framework for explaining evolutionary changes in brain size.
This genetic disorder causes a drastic reduction in brain size and stature.
And then like I mentioned before, it allows for that rapid expansion in their brain size postpartum as well.
There is some variation in brain size among different dog breeds, but that is mostly due to variation in body size.
The final third of our evolution saw nearly all the action in brain size.
Ultimately, we will test how differences in brain size contribute to the shape and development of the skull between species and the evolution of rapid skull expansion found in mammals.
As the participants only had brain scans at the end of the study it is impossible to rule out differences in brain size existing before the researchers measured levels of inflammation.
While the study points to diet having a small effect on changes in brain size, it didn't look at the effect on risk of dementia.
Other factors may also be important in birds, which show a greater difference in brain size than bats.
But even among the smartest bird species, there's still natural variation in brain size.
He showed that after the slow and gradual increases in brain size in the previous hominid groups over the previous three million years, there was a very sudden increase at the dawn of Homo Sapiens, by a factor of two relative to body weight.
«We've known other people who have looked at genes involved in brain size evolution, tested them out and done the same kinds of experiments we've done and come up dry.»
This very small change in brain size means there's less free room for the brain to move inside the skull, resulting in less damage from hits, where traditionally the brain would slosh around inside the skull.
Hardy proposes that after cooking became widespread, the co-evolution of cooking and higher copy number of the salivary amylase (and possibly pancreatic amylase) genes increased the availability of pre-formed dietary glucose to the brain and fetus, which in turn, permitted the acceleration in brain size increase which occurred from around 800,000 years ago onwards.
For example, did it really coincide with a jump in brain size, which would indicate it may have helped make us deep thinkers?
This suggested that the gut - shrinking phenomenon within the primate groups was probably too subtle to explain our increase in brain size completely.
«You may not want to hear this,» says cognitive scientist David Geary of the University of Missouri, «but I think the best explanation for the decline in our brain size is the idiocracy theory.»
Jeremy Pulvers, a molecular biologist at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, whose lab presented similar results in an earlier paper, says that the new study «provides further evidence that BRCA1... plays a specific role in brain size regulation.»
Homo habilis, the first of our genus Homo who appeared 1.9 million years ago, saw a modest hop in brain size, including an expansion of a language - connected part of the frontal lobe called Broca's area.
Differences in brain size within a species, such as humans, are relatively small, making it difficult to tease out the effects of brain size and the effects of other factors.
The major step-wise expansion in brain size around 1.9 Ma when Homo appeared was coeval with the occurrence of ephemeral deep lakes.
Homo erectus and H. ergaster were treated as a «super-species» referred to in the Figure key and text as «Homo erectus (sensu lato)», but distinct regional processes in brain size change were identified by separating the specimens by continent in the analyses.
Some see rudolfensis as the ancestor of habilis with a decrease in brain size occurring, and others see the two on completely different evolutionary lines.
The association between Mediterranean - type diet and change in brain size across a 3 - year period in older age (73 - 76 years) is assessed in new research publishing in the journal Neurology.
The absolute in brain size, however, caused changes in the brain case; for instance, the braincase is higher than in Homo habilis, but lower than in later hominin species.
Evidence from fossil hippopotamuses also shows such dramatic reductions in brain size in mammals are possible.
Wcislo and his colleagues conclude that the pressures of a social life, and particularly of having to maintain dominance over a subordinate, is what is driving the increase in brain size in these insects.
Discovering more about whales and dolphins could reveal that other factors — such as life span and the duration of the juvenile phase — might also be involved in brain size, he adds.
He hinted that gestural theory could clear up another mystery about this period as well: why the stone tools of these early hominids show little evolution for almost two million years, despite increases in brain size.
What's more, those twins with near - identical brain volumes in the uterus seem to do better in terms of their neurodevelopment once they are born than those with a larger difference in brain size.
The largest change in brain size, associated with the appearance of the Homo erectus super-species is associated with the period of maximal ephemeral lake coverage.
There are mountains of supporting data that show differences in brain size, skull shape, testosterone levels, crime rates, mating patterns, etc — and yet liberals retain the FANTASY that «all the races are equal» and that Blacks are just as likely as Whites to launch space shuttles, but somehow — they just haven't had the chance yet.
«We want to see whether this difference in brain size has an effect on any of those developmental milestones,» Rogers said.
«We want to see whether this difference in brain size has an effect on any of those developmental milestones,» Dr. Rogers said.
Only an increase in brain size could make throwing — especially over long distances — accurate, he says.
Obesity is associated with a constant, low - level inflammation, which Convit thinks explains the change in brain size.
Scientists are particularly curious about differences in brain size, since adult Neandertals tend to have a cranial capacity of about 1,500 cubic centimeters and modern day humans have a cranial capacity of about 1,350 cubic centimeters.
This study is complementary to another that found adults with anorexia and individuals who had recovered from this illness also had differences in brain size, previously published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 2013.
For example, it can tell us that race and gender differences in brain size are unrelated to intelligence.
Despite differences in brain size, the researchers found striking similarities between primate species of gene expression in 16 regions of the brain — even in the prefrontal cortex, the seat of higher order learning that most distinguishes humans from other apes.
Aiello and Wheeler noted that this dramatic increase in brain size would seem to have required a dramatic increase in metabolism — the same way that adding an air - conditioning system to a house would increase the electricity bill.
Researchers measured differences in brain size and in sulci shape and location — factors that have been shown to reflect the underlying cortical organization of the brain in previous studies.
Still others believe that the reduction in brain size is proof that we have tamed ourselves, just as we domesticated sheep, pigs, and cattle, all of which are smaller - brained than their wild ancestors.
«This new timeline has significant implications in helping us to understand this period of human evolution — cooked food provides greater energy, and cooking may be linked to the rapid increases in brain size that occurred from 800,000 years ago onwards.
«The unprecedented increase in brain size that hominids embarked on around 1.8 million years ago had to be paid for with added calories either taken in or diverted from some other function in the body,» Jerry Adler of Smithsonian magazine wrote last year.
William H. Calvin's marvelous A Brain for All Seasons argues that such cycles of cool, crash, and burn powered the pump for the enormous increase in brain size and complexity in human beings.
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