Sentences with phrase «in cancer biology»

The last few decades of basic research in cancer biology have created a broad base of knowledge that has been critical to progress against the disease.
An award to recognise the company with the most citations achieved in the cancer biology market during 2017.
«I aim to extend the scope of current modeling schemes to large systems, and to take advantage of current available big data in the cancer biology community,» he says.
Basic research in cancer biology is often viewed as «high risk,» in part because the clinical applications of a given research project might not be clear at the outset.
One of the key questions in cancer biology is to understand the mechanisms that control tumor heterogeneity and to determine to which extend tumor heterogeneity influences clinical outcome.
During this period, Rubins earned her PhD in cancer biology from Stanford University and worked with the U.S. Army and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop the first model of smallpox infection.
«It's only recently that cancer researchers have regarded immunology and the immune system as just as important in cancer biology as mutations,» said Charlotte Kuperwasser, who leads the Raymond & Beverly Sackler Convergence Lab at Tufts University.
Because the region of chromosome 5p15 is of interest in cancer biology, the deCODE team then tested this SNP for association with 16 different types of cancer in a total of nearly 80,000 cancer patients and healthy control subjects from Iceland, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Romania, Slovakia and the United States.
On top of their positive effect on pathogens, macrophages can also play a negative role in cancer biology.
Students in the cancer biology program participate in courses at the University of Sciences and The Wistar Institute and engage in hands - on training at Wistar's Molecular Screening and Protein Expression Facility.
Successful candidates will be granted a Ph.D. in cancer biology from University of the Sciences.
I first heard of Gladstone when I crossed over the pond from London, England, to take up postdoctoral research in cancer biology at the University of California, San Francisco.
She holds a degree in clinical dentistry and a PhD in cancer biology from the University of Michigan.
«I think it's one of the most exciting advances in cancer biology because it's a relatively easy thing to try,» says Carlo Maley, a biologist at Arizona State University in Tempe who has collaborated with Gatenby.
The company leverages its unique insights in cancer biology and the immune system to discover and develop novel oral small molecules that activate immune responses to eliminate cancer cells.
Kandar went on to college, completed a master's degree in cancer biology and now works as a researcher at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Yet metastasis is the most poorly understood process in cancer biology.
While their results shed light on the unclear role of telomeres in cancer biology, Pierce and his colleagues warn that Mendelian randomization produces estimates of causal relationships, but the estimates could be biased if the genetic variants measured in the study affect cancer risk and telomere length independently.
These results not only show promise on a new targeted therapy to treat this malignancy, as PI3K inhibitors are already used in the clinical practice, but also unravel a new function of the PI3K kinase in cancer biology through its role in promoting metastasis.
«There is increased interest in enhancers and eRNAs in the cancer biology world because defective enhancers can cause too much or too little of a protein to be made, or can cause the coding region to be turned off or on, or can make a protein at the wrong time,» Berger said.
Graduate school was a natural next step after an undergraduate degree with research training in cancer biology.
«The findings advance our understanding of the role of lncRNAs in cancer biology and, importantly, broaden the opportunity to use lncRNAs as biomarkers to detect prostate cancer.»
The first results of a high - profile effort to replicate influential papers in cancer biology are roiling the biomedical community.
U-M experts in cancer biology, emergency heart care, bone biology and chronic disease care are among the new members of the National Academy of Medicine of the National Academies, one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
Dr Andrew Chalmers, Founder of CiteAb, said: «The winner for this award was established based on CiteAb data for the most citations achieved in the cancer biology market between January 2017 and December 2017.
Having earned a Ph.D. in cancer biology in 2007, she was intrigued by a paper that appeared the following year in Nature.
Considered by some a bold move, because the university had no medical school, Dr. Kang saw it as an «ideal opportunity,» believing he could «make a difference and contribute to the lofty goal of conquering cancer through innovative research and teaching in cancer biology
The Institute has integrated capabilities in cancer biology, medicinal chemistry, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology, structural biology and computational chemistry, animal modeling, computational and systems biology, as well as translational medicine.
Dr. Verma is one of the world's leading authorities in cancer biology.
Her prominence in the United States cancer research community is embodied in the Dana - Farber Cancer Institute - based Physical Science - Oncology Center, a collaborative, interdisciplinary endeavor that she has led since 2009, thanks to a competitive $ 11 million grant she received from the National Cancer Institute; at the center, researchers apply physical sciences to solve problems in cancer biology.
At Berkeley, she developed computationally intensive statistical methods for the analysis of microarray data with applications in cancer biology.
Beyond the clinic, jamming could help resolve a growing conceptual debate in cancer biology, proponents say.
«This was important to me in particular because I am interested in a dual degree with a concentration in cancer biology,» Vargas said.
Pooja joined Strand in 2013 with 14 years of research experience in cancer biology, stem cell biology and aging and is now part of the team that oversees the Strand clinical diagnostic operations.
Hu received his M.S. in cancer biology at National Sun Yat - Sen University in Taiwan and his M.S. and Ph.D. at New York University School of Medicine.
The cancer biology graduate degree program — jointly administered by The Wistar Institute and University of the Sciences (USciences)-- trains individuals with outstanding potential for a successful academic or industrial career in cancer biology and drug development.
He also enjoys the company of two rescued adult male cats, Smithers and Tom C. Bryan's interest in oncology was first stimulated during an elective course in cancer biology while completing his bachelor's degree.
We use cell and molecular biology, mouse models of cancer, and organotypic model systems to address questions in cancer biology, immunology, and hemostasis.
«Some unexpected phenotypes in animal models can actually lead to something very important in cancer biology that we didn't expect.
Her work in protein research at Hunter and her grandmother's recent diagnosis of ovarian cancer sparked an interest in cancer biology and immunology, but Rezende is eager to sample other fields.
Though additional work is needed to gain a more complete understanding of these genetic mutations and their roles in cancer biology, the scientists findings open the door to pursuing specific therapies that may prove useful for the treatment of melanoma with ERBB4 mutations.
Alessandra Salgueiro, a graduate student in cancer biology, asked Price about the most effective ways to contact members of Congress on policy issues.
Pollard earned a PhD in biostatistics from the University of California, Berkeley, where she developed statistical methods to analyze microarray data in cancer biology.
Nonetheless, because of the uncertainty about the outcomes of basic research in cancer biology, this area of research receives relatively little funding from sources that are driven by profit.
Said Mei, «In cancer biology, neuregulin 3 stimulates another risk gene of schizophrenia called ErbB4.
In 2000, Dr. Varmus became President of Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), where he enlarged its research and patient - care programs, constructed a major new research tower, initiated MSKCC's first independent doctoral program (in cancer biology) and helped to establish the Starr Cancer Consortium with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Rockefeller University, Weill - Cornell Medical College, and the Broad Institute.
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