Sentences with phrase «in character development»

Unfortunately, it's severely lacking in character development.
While I was fully invested in the character development of the two main protagonists, the same could not be said for the overall story of this game.
There's a difference in pacing, a difference in character development, a difference in stakes.
Here's a lesson in character development for any writers who disagree: Everyone makes the decision they feel is right.
This narration is truly effective in character development which the author handles very well.
They are really trying to give the players a sense of freedom in the character development.
At 85 minutes, it is as slick and efficient as they get, engaging in its character development at the beginning of the film, which pays off with a riveting popcorn finale.
It does very much feel like historic fiction - well researched and strong in character development.
I wouldn't give it 4 stars because it lacked something in the character development.
What the movie lacks in character development, it makes up for in sheer entertainment.
Miller's not interested in character development, plot twists or social commentary, with one possible exception.
Character Education: ARS 15 - 719 (no date available) allows each school district to provide instruction in character development in grades K - 12.
Most of the performances are over the top and the inconsistencies in character development make the story hard to follow and the characters difficult to connect to, sadly this film boasts itself as a fable, indicating a moral lesson, but there are no such lessons to be had at the end of this film, if you can make it there.
Character Education: Standard 2.2 of the CCCS for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (2009) requires that all students receive instruction in character development by the end of grades 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12.
With just a little fine tuning in the character development department, Abrams actually allows us to care about each character and mission, using every tool in his arsenal to put us in the center of the action, forcing us to marvel at the awesome spectacle of each set piece with solid intrigue, and even a touch of nervous anticipation.
Yes, there are flaws in the character development but it's proof that given the right role, Butler can certainly deliver the goods.
Character Development Center Part of the University of San Diego, the CDC serves a variety of stakeholders who participate in the character development of youth and it helps to promote the development of life skills necessary for a productive personal and social life.
Mary Doria Russell's novel, Epitaph, which tells of the famous event at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, AZ does not disappoint in its recount of honor, justice, jealously, pride and vengeance... While the story is a familiar one, the writing is unique in its character development and illustrative language.
But, like Friends With Benefits, it doesn't want to deviate so far from Hollywood's comedic norm that we don't root for the protagonists, so at a certain point the film grows serious in its character development and even becomes sentimental.
Physical compulsion has an essential place in character development.
Volunteer coaches at The First Tee walk alongside young people in their character development.
The Last Post trades too heavily on cliches in character development, but benefits from strong performances, especially by Raine, Buckley, Elma and Neumark Jones.
It's well - acted in every scene, realistic in its character development, set in a place that feels like a town down the street, and always level in a way that so many directors find it hard to control.
The suppression of darker, more animalistic desires is an intriguing tableau, except several of the jumps in character development, or debasement, happen while Justine is unconscious.
It may sound ridiculous to call a movie called «Hot Tub Time Machine» cerebral, but there are subtleties in the character development that most modern - day R - rated comedies can not be bothered with.
Another twist in the plot, another element in the narrative, and a bit more oomph in the character development, and this one had the talent in front and behind the camera to deliver success.
Ultimately, a film in dire need of better editing, and sorely lacking in the character development sector, this film feels about 40 minutes too long and is probably best just skipping altogether.
Bolstered by a terrific performance by Pierce Brosnan (After the Sunset, Laws of Attraction), perhaps his best in a feature film to date, this is a wholly likeable dark comedy full of quirky but well - rounded characters and little touches in the character development that sets it apart from other films of a similar nature.
But compare that to the numerous moments across both Guardians films where the Walkman and music play key roles in character development and Baby Groot's dance sequences, and it's clear that Gunn was right and Feige was wrong.
Gameplay wise, FFX receives major overhauls in character developments and customizationsand the revamped battle system.
Given how the movie starts slow, with a stereotypical, borderline flat - out generic score by Nathan Furst (Act of Valor), as framed photographs of father Marshall and son fill the screen, there's hope maybe Need for Speed is investing time in character development.
If you've seen one disaster flick, you really have seen them all, and The Day After Tomorrow's redundancy in the character development stage makes the non-disaster scenes intrinsically monotonous.
What it excelled in character development it lacked in plot substance.
Couple that with the subplot of all the other dead people who want Pincus to help them with something as well and it makes for a story that is steeped in character development that has a natural flow to it yet never really loses its comedy aspect along the way.
The only character to rival Cruise Control in both character development and screen time is Russell Crowe, and he technically played two characters (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).
Positive youth development is foundational in character development, and it focuses on the strengths of the student while engaging them in experiences that interest them.
Organizations that help parents and community members who want to get more involved in the character development of their children and the youth of the community.
The bill also requires DPI to count professional development training in character development towards any professional development requirements for teacher or administrator licensure.
The characters are excellent, the descriptions of magic are brilliant and original, and the story is action - packed from start to finish, yet the author manages to fit in character development and to engage the reader's emotions as they follow Agnieszka's journey from ordinary village girl to wizard's assistant to... read it and find out.
In many ways, though, Cogar has surpassed a mere comical exploration in character development.
«In my «During the Dead Rising 2» presentation at GDC this past Friday, while I was describing how Blue Castle is using mental mill technology in character development, I mistakenly referred to the game as multiplayer instead of multiplatform.
By the end of this game, each character is a completely different person from where they started, and their progression as a group from borderline killing each other to the cohesive unit they become shows a complexity in character development that is rarely seen in games.
It's a film that is honest, full of great competition and absolutely knocks it out of the park in character development.
Even Kidman and Sebastian, who are both mysterious and bland as main characters, got serious upgrades in character development.
Each protagonist lives an interesting and diverse lifestyle that's chock - full of problems and each one has their selfish motivations, making for some compelling missions and storylines that are rich in character development.
I truly feel as if Vesperia is a masterclass in character development, not to mention it had a stellar localisation in the West.
Where the game thrives in character development, it stumbles in world building.
The friendship between Komaru and Toko, which forms the crux of the story is especially thoughtful, considering that in the original game Toko kind of got the short end of the stick in the character development department.
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