Sentences with phrase «in custody»

They are still being held in custody of animal control.
This report presents information on deaths in custody in Australian states and territories for the 2006 calendar year, including comparisons by jurisdiction and Indigenous status.
It also correctly notes that all states permit custody evaluations of children in custody cases.
An 18 - month change in custody at the end of which time primary custody would return to the other parent is not valid.
I tried to prove this in court in the custody battle for my son.
His lawyer said that he would be held in custody for seven days pending further investigations.
(16) A prospective adoptive parent, approved by an adoption agency, when considering adopting an abused child in the custody of a county agency.
Keeping a person in custody while awaiting trial is only justified where it is necessary: • To make sure the person shows up to court to deal with the charges.
At least 17 arrested officials were reportedly hospitalized for physical abuse, and one later died while in custody.
Meanwhile, the user alone remains in custody of his private keys.
The notion that an innocent person remains in custody for any period of time is offensive.
He was one of 16 children to die in custody since 2000.
Call us to talk about coaching for parents involved in custody disputes.
You will then either be kept in custody or released on a promise to appear in court.
Not every person suspected of a criminal offence will be arrested and held in custody at the beginning, but many will.
The parties can agree to participate in custody evaluations with an expert but they can not be required to do so.
But a more fundamental reform also is needed: The establishment of equal shared parenting as the default in custody after marriage breakdown.
The law starts with the premise that, absent misconduct, the rights of each parent in a custody case are equal.
Both dogs are now in the custody of animal control.
The prospect of spending 50 % more time in custody when all is said and done, is not insignificant.
They sometimes remain in custody until they appear in court to determine what happens next.
This is a government - sponsored and government - overseen program and is particularly suited for a person who's been in custody on a regular basis.
To give back; to bring back; to place in the custody of.
As in custody decisions, the best interest of the child is the standard in determining how visitation should be arranged.
To obtain a modification, he has the burden to prove why there should be a change in the custody order.
Learn what you should include in a custody agreement to avoid conflict, stop harassment, and get the most time with your children.
While you and the other parent are negotiating, you can track parenting time and keep a custody journal so you know what works and what doesn't in your custody arrangements.
With this as an controlling assumption, state statutes provide for a number of considerations that are factors in custody law.
If the child is currently in the custody of a state agency, you may submit the petition to the state agency instead.
The natural parents may seek visitation when it does not affect the health and safety of the child, and the natural parents may later seek a change in the custody arrangement.
If the court determines that the child is mature enough to understand the proceedings, usually 14 or older, the court may consider the child's wishes in the custody determination..
However, she ended up in solitary confinement for what corrections officers determined to be disruptive behaviour on her part on her first day in custody.
A woman in a custody battle buys a cat for her offspring because her divorcing husband is highly allergic to cats.
Gather as much information as you can and provide witnesses showing your relationship with your child; this will ultimately help in a custody matter.
The suspects are still in the custody while investigation is ongoing.
Answer: Yes, obesity is increasingly being raised as an issue in custody fights.
That raises the prospect that defendants could be released without charge after years in custody.
Domestic violence and child abuse are common issues judges deal with in custody proceedings.
He said his budget amendment builds upon the legislation in the state legislature to explicitly state that cops can not have sex with individuals in their custody.
In cases where an accused is held in custody without bail, they will be given an opportunity to go in front of a judge and have a bail hearing.
Section 42 (1) provides that «An institution shall not disclose personal information in its custody or under its control».
Child abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, even allegations of attempted murder have been used in custody cases.
He then showed me scars on his body from his encounters with the police over the years — some of which had occurred after he was already in custody.
Nevertheless, I believe the research supports a role in custody cases for mental health professionals if the present harmful practices are stopped.
Again, one of the factors that courts consider in custody battles is whether both parents are encouraging the kids to have a relationship with their other parent.
Furthermore, if used in court, character attacks can result in a custody decision that may not be in your child's best interests.
These terms may be different from the ones found in your custody order or agreement.
One parent actively seeking to turn the children against the other in a custody fight is called parental alienation.

Phrases with «in custody»

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