Sentences with phrase «in dual agency»

Dual agency must typically be disclosed, and it's up to buyers and sellers whether they want to engage in a dual agency transaction.
Many real estate agents don't know what they are able to do and not do in a dual agency relationship.
However, dual agency is extremely profitable for brokers because they collect double commissions in dual agency transactions.
Consider the fact that attorneys who are trained in conflict management can not legally engage in dual agency in most circumstances.
Another important fact about pocket listings is that they always result in dual agency.
Many clients today look for a specialized agent and pass by an agent who might work in dual agency.
Some states also have statutory language that must be included in all dual agency agreements.
Even with all the disclosures, most consumers do not understand how they are disadvantaged in a dual agency situation.
If I was in dual agency what would I be doing at this home?
Because of the potential for conflicts of interest in a dual agency relationship, it's vital that all parties to the dual agency relationship give their informed consent.
The result, hopefully, is that fewer buyers are trapped in a dual agency situation without their consent or knowledge.
TIP: In some states, it's explicitly set forth in the dual agency statute that the confidential information for the other side can not be disclosed.
Perhaps in a dual agency situation the amounts paid to the broker and agents should be reduced to reflect the reduction in level of service provided.
Find a small brokerage firm with highly qualified real estate agents and demand that they not engage in dual agency.
In a dual agency relationship, the broker is prohibited from negotiating price or terms for either party.
In a dual agency situation things get very complicated.
One Stop Shopping is most likely to occur in dual agency transactions.
When involved in a dual agency real estate transaction, full disclosure is made to both parties before entering into negotiatiions..
Mr. Wolf acted in a dual agency capacity in respect to the new buyer and the seller.
(A) the duties and responsibilities of the licensee to the clients of the licensee in a dual agency relationship;
DUAL AGENCY SITUATION — What if you are the listing agent in a dual agency situation and your sellers asks you for some feedback.
Therefore, the seller's rep breached a duty to protect the buyer client and is in a dual agency conflict of interest.
My greatest concern would be for the liability of the dual agent (in the same office as the listing agent) deemed to have the knowledge and, in dual agency jurisdictions, unable to act under the umbrella of a transaction brokerage as a designated agent.
According to the NAR State Issues Tracker, as of June 2013, «a great majority of the jurisdictions [surveyed](91 percent) * allow dual agency with appropriate disclosures and accompanying consents» and «Several states» rules require specific forms or language to be included in a dual agency agreement
Anyhow that is what I believe and if most buyers and sellers understood dual agency many would not allow themselves to be placed in a dual agency situation.
If one works in a large brokerage then you will be constantly in DUAL AGENCY situations and that definitely is not an advantage for the buyer.
In fact I am surprised that sellers have not complained more that their agents have not represented their best interests as promised and yet the brokers will not consider a reduced fee for a reduction in service in a dual agency situation.
The whole world functions in dual agency operations.
Rothgeb runs into a lot of claims where the buyer or seller in a dual agency deal is not properly represented in the transactional documents — a common omission in property flips.
You can continue to engage in dual agency if you are doing so pursuant to a dual agency agreement that was signed prior to June 15, 2018.
Some brokerages intentionally withhold listings from these sites in hopes of increasing their chances of collecting a double commission (happens in dual agency and designated agency transactions).
The term is a misnomer in that dual agency is really no agency at all.
Although «disclosure» of risks may be statutorily satisfied, conduct inconsistent with fiduciary duties is not exempted and presumptions of breach of duty still exist in a dual agency situation (brokers are still dual agents).
Dave as I stated in my previous post to you, it is of crucial importance that when an agent is involved in a dual agency role that the following be strictly applied:» The important thing in a dual transaction is that the property is sold at current market value.
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