Sentences with phrase «in state court»

For example, an urgent application may be heard in a state court in country locations where no other service is available.
He has argued dozens of cases in state courts involving a wide range of zoning and land use issues.
A lawsuit begins when an official complaint is filed in state court explaining the legal cause of action, or case, against the nursing home.
Though he is admitted to the federal bar, he focuses his appellate practice in the state courts.
For example, you may want to file a lawsuit in a state court just because it's much closer than the nearest federal courthouse.
Successfully represented three plaintiffs in separate cost recovery actions in state court for petroleum contamination.
With federal courts closed, reformers brought litigation in state courts, where they have had uneven degrees of legal success.
Other plaintiffs have filed their claims in state courts as individual claimants.
Or if you are in state court on a federal constitutional issue, only cite cases from courts within that state.
Will proponents of same - sex marriage continue to focus on challenges in state court, based on state constitution?
A district attorney in the state court system has standing to enforce any state crime arising in his district.
A state - law - only case can be brought only in state court.
Funding for task forces that bring charges in state courts rose this year from $ 16 million to $ 75 million.
Military courts can not grant divorces, so military couples must get divorced in state courts following the same basic process that civilians follow.
A similar argument is being made in state court by another group of teachers.
The Civil Practice Clinic offers students opportunities to work with clients in state court civil matters and in federal administrative agency matters.
File a petition in state court requesting the exemption.
The bill also allows any individual who is prevented or discouraged from filming such activities to sue the city in state court.
The county's circuit court clerk visits the class to teach students how to electronically file documents in state court.
However, your question is also wrong to assume that standing and injury - in - fact is a federal mandate; federal rules about standing are irrelevant in state court.
Many other substantive law issues arising under federal law are also considered in state court (e.g. the effect of a bankruptcy discharge in a state law debt collection action).
The matter involves two cases, one in federal court and the other in state court.
For example, a lawyer might suggest filing a lawsuit in a state court just because it's much closer than the nearest federal courthouse.
In these states the court does not have the burden of demonstrating why relocation should or should not be permitted.
Since those motions were denied, the case is set to be argued before a jury in state court later this summer.
While government - funded voucher laws have had a mixed record in state courts, educational - choice laws that are privately funded through tax credits have a perfect constitutional record thus far.
Thus it appears unlikely to face defeat in the state courts.
Many people wonder why some personal injury claims are filed in state court while others are filed in federal court.
Ask if you can watch someone else in state court or attend a discovery conference.
He then went straight into a false arrest case in state court resulting in a defense verdict for the firm's client.
In 2005 plaintiffs won in more than half (56 %) of all general civil trials concluded in state courts.
The Gender Violence Act allows the victims of gender - related violence (usually rape) to hold their attackers personally liable for damages in state court.
The article provides a detailed look at the major points and statistics surrounding retention elections in state courts.
Accordingly, even if you are currently negotiating with the daycare or its insurer, it is important to make sure that your complaint is properly filed in state court before the year ends.
Currently, trade secrets litigation is a state law matter, meaning that most trade secrets litigation takes place in state courts, with their different statutes and court procedures.
Civil actions in state court may be tried to either a judge (often referred to as a bench trial) or a jury.
We have extensive experience successfully representing schools and educational leaders in all phases of litigation in state courts, federal courts, and before numerous administrative agencies.
The high court agreed to decide whether officials facing such lawsuits in state courts have the right to immediately appeal a judge's decision denying them official immunity.
Keep an eye on low - liability defendants if their presence could defeat diversity jurisdiction and keep the case in state court.
When you violate a state law you will face charges in state court.
As a general rule, a claim arising under a federal law can be filed in federal court without first filing in state court.
If the parents don't agree to an updated custody and visitation arrangement, the parent who plans to move must file a petition in state court and obtain court approval.
White collar crimes also arise in the state courts, and the stakes are high there, too.
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