Sentences with phrase «to increase belly fat»

Did you know that many of the «diet foods» at your grocery store that are marketed to you as «health foods» can actually increase belly fat storage?
Simply put, sugar increases belly fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems.
A look into some of the possible dangers and negative effects on your health of eating too much soy — Can soy even increase belly fat?
In a recent research it was found that consuming more than five cups of coffee a day can lead to increased belly fat storage.
One of the greatest health concerns in developed countries is the increase in obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of high blood pressure (hypertension), blood sugar (hyperglycaemia), and cholesterol (dyslipidemia) along with increased belly fat.
When you hear that alcohol increases belly fat, you also have to look at what else is going on in the life of the drinker, particularly what the rest of a person's diet looks like, and how alcohol intake affects appetite and eating habits.
Soft drinks also increases belly fat accumulation drastically.
Increased belly fat mass has also been linked to increased aromatase levels, which precipitates a vicious cycle of abdominal fat exacerbating the increased aromatase activity.
More than just an un-appealing physical appearance, the ever increasing belly fat and tummy fat is also a serious health threat.
Trans fats have been implicated in inflammation, heart disease and obesity, including increased belly fat storage (11, 12, 13, 14).
A study at the University of Minnesota shows that drinking just one diet soda a day increases belly fat and cholesterol.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Increases Belly Fat in Women Women's health issues can affect the abs and cause increases in stomach fat.
And that IS important... I mean, I know I don't want to be ingesting pesticide residues that are potentially carginogenic or even estrogenic and can possibly increase belly fat (due to the chemical xenoestrogens)... and I'm sure you don't either!
While there are many exercises which can eliminate the seemingly increasing belly fat bulge, yoga is actually very effective and any healthy person can practice it.
A number of studies in humans have shown that phthalates levels in the body are associated with increased belly fat, waist circumference, and insulin resistance.
... continue If that's not enough to convince you, consider that alcohol increases belly fat.7 Bergmann MM, et al. «The association of lifetime alcohol use with measures of abdominal and general adiposity in a large - scale European cohort.»
According to Rush University Medical Center, «sugar increases belly fat» and fiber reduces belly fat (12).
When you're stressed, your adrenal glands release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that flood your system... increasing belly fat storage and generally wreaking havoc on your body.»
«Dieting increases stress and generates the fight - or - flight hormone cortisol which can increase belly fat.
Among the gene variants modern humans inherited from Neandertals are ones associated with higher cholesterol, increased belly fat, rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia, researchers learned from analysis of the new Neandertal DNA.
In fact, elevated cortisol levels (the stress hormone) have been linked to increased belly fat, especially in women.
This results is increased belly fat and rise in the cholesterol levels.
For example, one of the foods that kill testosterone and increase belly fat is refined grains.
It increases belly fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems (6).
Signs of chronically high cortisol, or cortisol rhythm problems include... chronic anxiety, sugar cravings, fatigue from exhaustion — but, you can't sleep well, brain fog, low libido, loss of bone density, increased belly fat, and having chronic colds, flus, or other viruses and infections.
However, beginning in your 30s, your hormone production slows down and the consequences are evident — increased belly fat, lost of body tone, lack of...
A commonly prescribed drug that increases your belly fat (if you want to have a flat stomach, beware of this prescription drug)
They also lead to increased belly fat and reduced blood sugar control.
The bottom line is: fructose leads to increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome — not to mention the long list of chronic diseases that directly result.
PCOS (also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a women's health issue that causes weight gain and increases belly fat.
Cortisol is a hormone that is actually quite finicky, and it really loves to increase belly fat and visceral fat when you ignore its need for balance.
One study actually shows that overweight adults who consumed a quarter of their total calories in the form of fructose - sweetened beverages while on a weight - maintenance diet had reduced insulin sensitivity, worsened cardiovascular health markers, and increased belly fat.
In one study, overweight and obese adults who consumed 25 % of calories as fructose - sweetened beverages on a weight - maintenance diet experienced reduced insulin sensitivity, increased belly fat and worsening of heart health markers (33).
Over time, high cortisol, when sustained, is linking to high blood pressure, diabetes, increased belly fat, brain changes such as atrophy of the hippocampus (where memory is synthesized), depression, insomnia, and poor wound healing.
Now it's been transformed into a harmful food that increases belly fat!
I've gotten quite a few emails from people wanting to know my take on a rat study showing that intermittent fasting may lead to increased belly fat.
Looking forward to the next post about your eating pattern as I have increased belly fat and also don't do well with fasting.
Over time, consistently high cortisol is linked high blood pressure, prediabetes and diabetes, increased belly fat, brain changes such as atrophy of the hippocampus (where memory is synthesized), depression, suicide, insomnia, and poor wound healing.
So even if you don't agree with the phytoestrogen argument against soy, you need to factor in the xenoestrogens from pesticides and herbicides that you might be exposed to as well, which can increase belly fat.
In addition to increased belly fat, metabolic syndrome also causes high triglycerides (fats circulating in the bloodstream), high blood pressure, lower HDL (the good cholesterol) and higher LDL (bad) cholesterol, high inflammation, and a long list of other chronic health conditions.
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