Sentences with phrase «increase in students»

The results indicated a statistically significant increase in student achievement and a successful learning experience for all.
That effort generated a significant increase in student achievement that has met, and in many areas exceeded, the results of the state's public and charter schools.
A 10 percent increase in student loan debt decreases the home ownership rate by one to two percentage points 24 months out of school.
We regularly hear about significant increases in student debt and the negative effect this is having on many graduates.
Additionally, that 10 percent increase in student loan debt increases the probability that a borrower falls into the subprime category (a credit score of 620 or less) by 0.6 percent.
But only when data is tied to action do we see increases in student achievement and high school graduation rates, as well as more dollars and resources directed to low - performing schools.
Positive results are reflected in gradual but steady increases in student performance on various state exams.
Quality standards - driven curriculum in the hands of a skilled teacher results in measurable increases in student engagement and outcomes.
The schools are now collaborating in new ways to address challenges and share successes, which include increases in student attendance and graduation rates.
In my backwards planning process I describe that when planning for increases in student learning you arrive at the needed leadership behaviors as a last step.
In addition, a 10 percentage - point increase in the share of teachers that are covered by labor organizations is generally associated with a 1.1 - 1.4 point increase in student test scores.
These positive outcomes increase in students who are involved in social and emotional learning programming by an average of 11 percentile points over students who are not involved in such programming.
The result is you could find substantial growth in teacher expertise across the school district and, consequently, a substantial increase in student achievement.
Major Responsibilities Developed academic growth programs that led to increases in student grades and test scores; served as technology integration coordinator for building.
With a high increase in the student population in recent times, pedagogy is being compromised.
Specifically for maths learning, there was a reported increase in student engagement, confidence, independent learning skills, knowledge and understanding, as well as progress.
Simply put, teacher education programs are now required to document that they can produce students that are capable of demonstrating increases in student knowledge and skills.
The rapid increase in student loan debt has led some to wonder if younger generations will face more hurdles to retirement preparedness than their parents did.
A framework with strategies intended to tackle attendance head on has resulted in a measurable increase in student attendance levels at this school.
Has there been a corresponding increase in student outcomes?
The results suggest that using multiple measures of value - added to specialize teachers by subject could produce small average increases in student achievement, and larger increases for some students.
The district entered the national program last year due to a substantial increase in student poverty rates — from 16 percent in 2007 to 31 percent last year.
On average, these improving schools recorded increases in student learning of 8 percent in reading and 20 percent in mathematics in a five - year period.
At any rate, politicians and others are seeking ways to alleviate the alarming increase in student loan debt; for many politicians, these promises serve as helpful tools in the election process.
Over the first 12 - week change cycle, the school realized a 27 percent increase in students reaching benchmark.
As a result, they saw a 50 percent increase in students attending.
The school has seen a sharp increase in student attendance since making some environmental changes.
The district has exceeded the number of crisis assessments done by this time last year and is seeing a gradual yearly increase in students struggling with emotional issues.
Yet sustained increases in student achievement are problematic for underperforming schools.
In 2013, the site saw a 54 % increase in student sign - ups.
All research indicates that change may not result in immediate increases in student performance but rigorous, language rich curriculum will provide lasting results.
... little evidence of changes to student outcomes [and] no substantive increase in student achievement.
Solution yields some minimal increase in learning opportunities for students, resulting in a minimal increase in student achievement.
The project design, student summer camp program, and professional development model have led to successful increases in student performance.
Assessments of the program showed significant increases in student content knowledge and higher levels of engagement and interest in science among teachers and students.
There was a significant increase in student displays of respect such as the use of manners and common courtesy.
It remains to be seen whether the gains in student performance are long - lasting, and whether the same increases in student performance can be found in subjects other than math.
Remember to include any potential increases in your student loan payment during the term of your car loan.
For students, teachers noticed far better performance on assessments, a positive impact on exceptional students, a significant increase in student engagement, and improved behavior in the classroom.
The primary goals for professional learning are changes in educator practice and increases in student learning.
One is that programs without an academic component can nevertheless demonstrate increases in student achievement, whereas many programs focused on achievement fail to do so.
The ease of receiving approval for federally funded student loans has prompted a rapid increase in student loan applications.
Over the course of a 2 - year period on this alternative schedule, they reported up to a 20 % increase in student attendance.
Today's report shows a 120 percent increase in student loan complaints compared to last year.
[1] The university also reported a significant increase in student performance rates, with more students achieving passing grades.
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